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Dynamic TensorFlow Datasets with Pytorch Support


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TensorFlow Datasets IO (tfdsio)

Dynamic TensorFlow Datasets with Pytorch Support + More


tfdsio allows for creation of tensorflow_datasets dynamically defined by a config (json/dict) without requiring writing custom python classes, which can lead to library bloat. Additionally, you can also define a preprocessor to handle the data transformation prior to being written as a tfrecord.

tfdsio enables you to create multiple version-controlled dataset variations, so that the final tfrecords contain only what you need to train your models, ensuring a more efficient data pipeline.

  • Single function call to return a custom tensorflow_dataset/ object (or as numpy iterator/pandas dataframe)
  • Efficiently read text, csv, jsonl files.
  • Support for loading tfdsio datasets in other formats through Custom Adapters
    • text-to-text-transformers
    • torch (WIP)


tfdsio is available on pypi and can be installed by running:

# Install from command line
$ pip install tfdsio

# Install from source
$ pip install --upgrade

TFDSIO Dataset Configuration

The full config spec is shown below. The values below will be overwritten after loading the dataset configuration passed.

name: Optional[str] = None # Dataset Name i.e. 'my_dataset'
classifier: Optional[str] = None # Dataset variation, such as 'lm' or 'qa' 
version: Optional[VersionOrStr] = '1.0.0' # Dataset version, i.e. '0.0.1'
release_notes: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None # Release notes included in the dataset metadata
supported_versions: List[str] = None # Optional list of versions ['0.0.1', '0.0.2']
description: Optional[str] = None # Description of dataset included in dataset metadata
dataset_urls: Optional[Any] = None # Defines your dataset urls, expected to be a dict
dataset_format: Optional[str] = 'jsonlines' # ['jsonlines', 'text', 'csv']
features: Optional[Any] = None # Maps the dataset output dict keys to tf.features, supports ['text', 'audio', 'image']
datamap: Optional[Any] = None # Maps your dataset input dict keys to the dataset output keys
supervised_keys: Optional[Any] = None # Optional
homepage: Optional[str] = '' # homepage for dataset 
citation: Optional[Any] = None # citation for dataset
metadata: Optional[Any] = None # metadata for dataset
redistribution_info: Optional[Any] = None # redistribution info for dataset
data_dir: Optional[str] = None # [IMPORTANT]: This should be your GCS Directory or local drive that stores your dataset.
process_args: Optional[Any] = None # Args passed to your preprocessor function


tfdsio aims to make it simple to turn your custom dataset into a training ready data pipeline. Built into tfdsio include useful utilities to allow working with GCS storage/Files much easier

Minimal Example

from tfdsio import tfds_dataset, tfds_sample, set_adc
from tfdsio import tfds # import tensorflow_datasets already initialized

# Remember if you are reading from a private bucket to ensure ADC is set
dataset_config = {
    'name': 'my_dataset',
    'classifier': 'qa',
    'version': '1.0.0',
    'features': {
        'input_text': 'text',
        'target_text': 'text'
    'datamap': {
        'question': 'input_text',
        'text': 'target_text',
    'dataset_urls': {
        'train': 'gs:https://your-storage-bucket/datasets/custom_dataset.jsonl'
    'dataset_format': 'jsonlines',
    'homepage': '',
    'data_dir': 'gs:https://your-storage-bucket/datasets/cached',
    'description': 'My Custom Question Answering Dataset'
# As long as the above configuration matches, the next time it's called, it will load from pre-built dataset
dataset = tfds_dataset(dataset_config, preprocessor=None, build=True, as_tfdataset=True, as_numpy=False, as_df=False)

# If it wasn't already created with as_numpy=True
samples = tfds_sample(dataset, num_samples=5, return_samples=True)

# or the standard method
for ex in tfds.as_numpy(dataset.take(5)):

Create Dataset Variations Easily

Using the same config as above, you can modify your config and define a different feature/datamap and have a different dataset variation.

A dataset's identifier is comprised of (<dataset_name>/<dataset_classifier>/<dataset_version>), correlating to name, classifier, and version.

dataset_config_2 = dataset_config.copy()
dataset_config_2['classifier'] = 'lm'
dataset_config_2['datamap'] = {
    'context': 'input_text',
    'answer': 'target_text'

dataset2 = tfds_dataset(dataset_config_2, preprocessor=None, build=True, as_tfdataset=True, as_numpy=False, as_df=False)

# Your new dataset variation
samples = tfds_sample(dataset2, num_samples=5, return_samples=True)

Remove a Dataset

If you something messed up during the dataset creation process, you can use tfds_remove to remove the directory

from tfdsio import tfds_remove

tfds_remove(dataset_config, prompt=True) # prompt = False will delete without asking

Using Preprocessors

Preprocessors can be any function, but should expect the minimum of the following args kwargs will contain any args that were passed from config.process_args set in the original config

def preprocessor(idx: int, data: dict, extra: Optional[Filepath] = None, **kwargs):
    # if return_data is a list, will create an example per item in list
    return_data = []
    # do stuff
    return return_data

    # if return_data is a dict, only one example will be created
    return_data = {}
    # do stuff
    return return_data

dataset = tfds_dataset(dataset_config, preprocessor=preprocessor)

Using Adapters

Currently, tfdsio has support for text-to-text-transformers or t5.

import tensorflow as tf
import t5
from t5 import seqio
from tfdsio import tfds, tfds_sample
from tfdsio.adapter import T5DataSource

vocab = '/path/to/vocab/sentencepiece.model'
          "train": "train[:90%]",
          "validation": "train[90%:]",
          "test": "validation"
        "inputs": seqio.Feature(
           add_eos=False, dtype=tf.int32
        "targets": seqio.Feature(
           add_eos=True, dtype=tf.int32

my_task ="my_dataset")
ds = my_task.get_dataset(split="validation", sequence_length={"inputs": 128, "targets": 128})
print("A few preprocessed validation examples...")
samples = tfds_sample(ds, num_samples=5, return_samples=True)


While tfdsio has many useful utilities that allows extending tensorflow_datasets beyond the base library, there are still challenges, including not being able to simply use tfds.load() for any custom dataset, which can be limiting when working with many datasets in a single run. However, taking from t5, you can develop your own adapters to get around this limitation.

Contributions are welcome!

Motivation & About

I have worked extensively with all dataset formats and came to really like tfds when working with TPUs in TensorFlow. However, I found that continually expanding the dataset came with lots of bloat and time to dig into each dataset to fix a bug, rather than having a change that affected all the datasets to be updated.

The long term roadmap is to expand tfdsio to enable cross-compatibility with any framework, supporting all major data types, backed with the high-performant backend.

I lead the ML Team at Growth Engine AI working with large scale NLP models in EdTech. If you find working on NLP and MLOps challenges exciting, and would want to join our team, shoot me an email: ts at


Development of tfdsio relied on contributions made from the following projects, and I recommend checking them out as well!


Dynamic TensorFlow Datasets with Pytorch Support







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