Very rough tool that takes an Atom XML feed like the one produced by exporting your Blogger blog,
and turns it into a series of markdown files. This tool assumes the content
tag is HTML, and will create markdown files that are HTML,
not pure markdown. The markdown includes very basic meta data for use with Hugo
You can call the functionality from a Groovy script or a Java class, using the following:
com.mechanitis.atomtohugo.Migration.migrateToMarkdown(<path to input XML>, <output directory>)
For example:
com.mechanitis.atomtohugo.Migration.migrateToMarkdown('resources/blog-03-14-2014.xml', 'resources/output')
This will create in the output directory a *.md
file for every entry in the Atom XML file that is not a comment or settings. In
addition, if any of the entries are drafts, these will be placed in a drafts
subdirectory in the output folder.
The metadata will include:
- a heading, based on the original entry's title
- a disqus URL and title
- the original tags from the entry will be used for both Keywords and Tags
- a slug / path generated from the title (removing all special characters and replacing spaces with underscores).
See MigrationSpecification
for more details.
- Any script tags embedded in the original content will not be correctly migrated, as per [this issue] (gohugoio/hugo#174). You will need to fix or remove these manually.