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ENG 03 setup

Hien TRAN-QUANG edited this page May 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

RpiRoadbook Setup

Wifi Connection

The RpiRoadbook hosts its own wifi access point. The default SSID is "RpiRoadbook" et the password is "rpiroadbook". Connect to the wifi network and open your browser to that site : http: You should get what follows.


From top to bottom, you will find :

  1. Switch from operating mode : Rallye, Zoom, Road
  2. List of roadbooks already in the RpiRoadbook memory
  3. MenuBar for adding et deleting roadbooks
  4. A link to the customization of screens
  5. and access to the main setup

Main setup

Click on the setup button on the bottom right of the main page. You will get the next page :


You can set the wheelsize (in mm), how many magnets are installed on the wheel, orientation of the screen (landscape or portrait), if you prefer reading waypoints from bottom to top or in the natural way, the button mode and the language of the interface.

On the first prototype, with the chinese remote control, the buttons were ordered left/right/ok/up/down and now, as I use a separate trip/rb one, I ordered the buttons as left/ok/right and up/down. That's why I introduce a way to choose the layout of the remote control.

When everything is set, just click on OK to save. Powercycle to apply new settings.

Others settings are available from the menubar on the bottom of the page : customizing the screens, date setting, wifi network setting, firmware update and factory reset.

Screen customization

From the "screen customization" link on the setup page, you can customize 4 rallye screens. You can choose the layout and the type of information (what I call a widget). For example, in lanscape mode, you can choose from 3 to 6 widgets. In portrait mode, 3 or 4 waypoints are shown with from 1 to 4 widgets.

Screen customization

Widgets can be choosen in the following list:

  • Time
  • Total distance
  • Speed
  • Trip 1
  • Trip 2
  • Average Speed 1
  • Average Speed 2
  • Max Speed 1
  • Max Speed 2
  • Chrono Watch 1
  • Chrono Watch 2
  • Countdown
  • Empty Line

Select the screen you want to customize. You can select day/night background : white background for daylight and black background for nighttime The choose your layout. A preview is shown on the side. Finally select the widgets you want.

You can customize all 4 screens before saving. They will be usable after powercycle.

Date/Time setting

You can adjust date and time from corresponding page. Select the date from the calendar.

Date and Time

Set the time accordingly and press OK to apply.

Warning, due to the delay as the Raspberry Pi is not very powerful, there is about 5 seconds between validation and setting of the time. So please take that time into consideration when setting the clock so you can get the RpiRoadbook time well adjusted to the offical race time.

Wifi network setting

After clicking on the Wifi link on the main setup page, you will get a page where you can set the Wifi SSID and its password :

Wifi settings

Set both values, then save. Then powercycle to apply new SSID/password

Firmware update

The RpiRoadbook can be updated with a so-called firmware update. Caution : if a bad file is used, your RpiRoadbook may be bricked. You will have to extract the SD card to reflash it with the original disc image. You may lose all data stored on the SD card.

Click on the firmware update link. Once the warning acknowledged, you will get a page asking you to choose a file :

Firmware Update

Once uploaded powercycle the RpiRoadbook. On starting up, the RpiRoadbook will detect the new firmware and will show this splashscreen :

Firmware detected

Please don't power off while it is updating ! You may brick your RpiRoadbook, resulting in extracting the SD card for reflashing.

Once done, the screen shows this message :

Firmware update done

Powercycle again. Newest firmware is on !

Factory reset

Clicking on this link, custom settings will be erased and default values are set back : 1864mm wheelsize, 1 magnet par whell, landscape mode, L/OK/R & Up/Down buttons, French language and wifi network (rpiroadbook/rpiroadbook). Roadbooks and notes are kept. If that's ok for you, confirm in the asking box.