Haystack provides a fuzzy matching algorithm for use by other Vim plugins. It's based on flx for Emacs but adapted to my own real world experience. The algorithm gives priority to runs of consecutive letters and letters after punctuation marks.
Haystack defines g:completion_filter
with a reference to a function for
filtering a list of items based on a user provided query. Plugins can check
for this variable and use it if it exists. This level of indirection allows
for alternative matching algorithms without the need for plugins to be aware
of each one.
So far, out of the box support is included with projectionist.vim, including dependent plugins like rails.vim.
Here's a proof of concept for ctrlp.vim.
function! CtrlPMatch(items, str, limit, mmode, ispath, crfile, regex) abort
let items = copy(a:items)
if a:ispath
call filter(items, 'v:val !=# a:crfile')
return haystack#filter(items, a:str)
let g:ctrlp_match_func = {'match': function('CtrlPMatch')}
Note that the algorithm is slow enough to feel sluggish with larger data sets. You might consider a hybrid approach that uses a different algorithm above a certain number of items.
Copyright © Tim Pope. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself.
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