a more compact version of sherpa mini
Open Air or Fully Enclosed, Small Format, Moving Bed, CartesianXY, FDM 3D Printer with Direct Drive Extrusion System
Tested and Working DLP Printer Firmware w/Shutter Support
Skylight is a simple control program for DLP 3D printers
A simple tool for pre-processing 3d models and controlling 3d DLP printers
Tiny slicer for DLP-based printers
MKS DLP is a powerful photocuring 3D Printer Controller Board With MKS Robin TFT35 Display, 2K Sharp screen. Open source hardware schematic and software . MKS DHOST is a photocuring slicing softwar…
Lighter version of yolov3-spp with some new enhancement.
jekhor / darknet
Forked from pjreddie/darknetConvolutional Neural Networks, fork with trained NN for aerial car detection
Models and examples built with TensorFlow
PyTorch pre-trained model for real-time interest point detection, description, and sparse tracking (
karolmajek / Mask_RCNN
Forked from matterport/Mask_RCNNMask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
L3G4200D Triple Axis Gyroscope Arduino Library.
Using deep learning to predict the genre of a song.
[REPO] Music Genre classification on GTZAN dataset using CNNs
Music genre classification with LSTM Recurrent Neural Nets in Keras & PyTorch
Real-time audio visualizations (spectrum, spectrogram, etc.)
Specifications and tools for 360º video and spatial audio.
Python Audio Analysis Library: Feature Extraction, Classification, Segmentation and Applications
Finding the genre of a song with Deep Learning
an audio effector which has functions of denoising, speech separation, equalizer and etc.