仿滴滴/Uber 的启动之后再控制器上面弹出多个广告,带删除按钮的动画绘制.广告显示部分 是解耦合的,可以完全自定义 显示的广告的大小 可以安装原始的比例显示 或者设置比例
some fork from SID-AD-View-iOS and modify projects An advertisement View for developers that cooperated with SuperID.
pod 'DesktopADView'
## Usage
There is a demo project included that shows how to use the SID-AD-View.
- draw the file "DesktopADView.h","DesktopADView.m" into your project./ pod 'DesktopADView' from
- import `DesktopADView.h` in your class
- create a new instance of `DesktopADView`
- using the following API to show the view:
- 支持横竖屏切换
- 关闭按钮动画实现,颜色大小,间距自定义, 删除的 x 不会超出圆圈的位置
///默认 UIIMAGEVIEW 做为 adview,
- (void)showInView:(UIView *)view image: (UIImage *)image;
///自定义 view 做 adview,我拓展为 SDCycleScrollView,实现支付宝 芝麻信用那里的那个效果 DesktopADView *adView = [[DesktopADView alloc]init]; ///自定义的 adview, 我拓展为 SDCycleScrollView adView.adView = [SDCycleScrollView cycleScrollViewWithFrame:CGRectZero imageNamesGroup:@[@"adImage" , @"adImage" ]];
[adView showInView:self.view image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"adImage"]];
##Give Feedback
**Contact:** [email protected]
1. 自定义 xx 的位置和方向
2. 支持 xx 的图片显示
3. 优化 ad 的宽高比例的使用方法