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Stairlight is a data lineage tool, detects table dependencies from rendered SQL statements.


Supported Data Sources

Data Source Remarks
Local file system Python Pathlib module
Amazon S3 Available for Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA)
Google Cloud Storage Available for Google Cloud Composer
dbt - Google BigQuery Using dbt compile command internally


This package is distributed on PyPI.

# The base package is for local file system only.
$ pip install stairlight

# Set extras when detecting from other data sources.
# e.g. Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage
$ pip install "stairlight[s3, gcs]"
Data Source TemplateSourceType Extra
Local file system File -
Amazon S3 S3 s3
Google Cloud Storage GCS gcs
dbt - Google Bigquery dbt dbt-bigquery
Redash Redash redash

Getting Started

There are 3 steps to use.

# 1: Initialize and set your data source settings
$ stairlight init

# 2: Map your SQL statements and tables
$ stairlight map

# 3: Get table dependencies
$ stairlight



  • SQL statements
  • Configuration YAML files
    • stairlight.yaml: SQL statements locations and include/exclude conditions.
    • mapping.yaml: For mapping SQL statements and tables.


Stairlight outputs table dependencies as JSON format.

Top-level keys are table names, and values represents tables that are the data source for each key's table.

  "test_project.beam_streaming.taxirides_aggregation": {
    "test_project.beam_streaming.taxirides_realtime": {
      "TemplateSourceType": "File",
      "Key": "tests/sql/union_same_table.sql",
      "Uri": "/foo/bar/stairlight/tests/sql/union_same_table.sql",
      "Lines": [
          "LineNumber": 6,
          "LineString": "    test_project.beam_streaming.taxirides_realtime"
          "LineNumber": 15,
          "LineString": "    test_project.beam_streaming.taxirides_realtime"
      "TemplateSourceType": "GCS",
      "Key": "sql/one_line/one_line.sql",
      "Uri": "gs:https://stairlight/sql/one_line/one_line.sql",
      "Lines": [
          "LineNumber": 1,
          "LineString": "SELECT * FROM PROJECT_A.DATASET_A.TABLE_A WHERE 1 = 1"
      "BucketName": "stairlight",
      "Labels": {
        "Source": null,
        "Test": "a"
  "AggregateSales": {
      "TemplateSourceType": "Redash",
      "Key": 5,
      "Uri": "AggregateSales",
      "Lines": [
          "LineNumber": 1,
          "LineString": "SELECT service, SUM(total_amount) FROM PROJECT_e.DATASET_e.TABLE_e GROUP BY service"
      "DataSourceName": "BigQuery",
      "Labels": {
        "Category": "Sales"
  "dummy.dummy.example_b": {
      "TemplateSourceType": "dbt",
      "Key": "tests/dbt/project_01/target/compiled/project_01/models/b/example_b.sql",
      "Uri": "/foo/bar/stairlight/tests/dbt/project_01/target/compiled/project_01/models/b/example_b.sql",
      "Lines": [
          "LineNumber": 1,
          "LineString": "select * from PROJECT_t.DATASET_t.TABLE_t where value_a = 0 and value_b = 0"
      "TemplateSourceType": "S3",
      "Key": "sql/one_line/one_line.sql",
      "Uri": "s3:https://stairlight/sql/one_line/one_line.sql",
      "Lines": [
          "LineNumber": 1,
          "LineString": "SELECT * FROM PROJECT_A.DATASET_A.TABLE_A WHERE 1 = 1"
      "BucketName": "stairlight",
      "Labels": {
        "Source": null,
        "Test": "a"

Collecting patterns






Examples can be found here, used for unit testing in CI.


'stairlight.yaml' is for setting up Stairlight itself. It is responsible for specifying SQL statements to be read.

stairlight init creates a template of stairlight.yaml.

  - TemplateSourceType: File
    FileSystemPath: ./tests/sql
    Regex: .*/*\.sql$
    DefaultTablePrefix: "PROJECT_A"
  - TemplateSourceType: GCS
    ProjectId: null
    BucketName: stairlight
    Regex: ^sql/.*/*\.sql$
    DefaultTablePrefix: "PROJECT_A"
  - TemplateSourceType: Redash
    DatabaseUrlEnvironmentVariable: REDASH_DATABASE_URL
    DataSourceName: BigQuery
      - 1
      - 3
      - 5
  - TemplateSourceType: dbt
    ProjectDir: tests/dbt/project_01
    ProfilesDir: tests/dbt
      key_a: value_a
      key_b: value_b
  - TemplateSourceType: S3
    BucketName: stairlight
    Regex: ^sql/.*/*\.sql$
    DefaultTablePrefix: "PROJECT_A"
  - TemplateSourceType: File
    Regex: main/exclude\.sql$
    - .*/mapping\_file\.yaml$
    - .*/mapping\_gcs\.yaml$
    - .*/mapping\_dbt\.yaml$
    - .*/mapping\_s3\.yaml$
  # Deprecated from v0.7.2
  MappingPrefix: "mapping"


'mapping.yaml' is used to define relationships between input SELECT statements and tables.

stairlight map creates a template of mapping.yaml and attempts to read from data sources specified in stairlight.yaml. If successfully read, it outputs settings that have not yet configured in an existing 'mapping.yaml' file.

      PROJECT: 1234567890
      DATASET: public
      TABLE: taxirides
  - TemplateSourceType: File
    FileSuffix: "tests/sql/union_same_table.sql"
      - TableName: "test_project.beam_streaming.taxirides_aggregation"
            source_table: source
            destination_table: destination
          - execution_date.add(days=1).isoformat()
  - TemplateSourceType: GCS
    Uri: "gs:https://stairlight/sql/one_line/one_line.sql"
      - TableName: "PROJECT_a.DATASET_b.TABLE_c"
  - TemplateSourceType: Redash
    QueryId: 5
    DataSourceName: metadata
      - TableName: New Query
          table: dashboards
          Category: Redash test
  - TemplateSourceType: dbt
    ProjectName: project_01
    FileSuffix: tests/dbt/project_01/target/compiled/project_01/models/example/my_first_dbt_model.sql
      - TableName: dummy.dummy.my_first_dbt_model
  - TemplateSourceType: S3
    Uri: "s3:https://stairlight/sql/one_line/one_line.sql"
      - TableName: "PROJECT_as.DATASET_bs.TABLE_cs"
      Source: Null
      Test: a

Global Section

This section is for global configurations.

Parameters is used to set common parameters. If conflicts has occurred with Parameters in mapping section, mapping section's parameters will be used in preference to global.

Mapping Section

Mapping section is used to define relationships between input SELECT statements and tables that created as a result of query execution.

Parameters allows you to reflect settings in jinja template variables embedded in statements. If multiple settings are applied to a statement using jinja template, the statement will be read as if there were the same number of queries as the number of settings.

In contrast, IgnoreParameters handles a list to ignore when rendering queries.

Extra labels Section

This section sets labels to tables that appears only in queries.

Arguments and Options

$ stairlight --help
usage: stairlight [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--save SAVE] [--load LOAD] {init,check,up,down} ...

An end-to-end data lineage tool, detects table dependencies by SQL SELECT statements.
Without positional arguments, return a table dependency map as JSON format.

positional arguments:
    init                create a new Stairlight configuration file
    map (check)         create a new configuration file about undefined mappings
    list                return all ( tables | URIs )
    up                  return upstairs ( tables | URIs )
    down                return downstairs ( tables | URIs )

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        set a Stairlight configuration directory
  -q, --quiet           keep silence
  --save SAVE           A file path where map results will be saved.
                        You can choose from local file system, GCS, S3.
  --load LOAD           A file path where map results are saved.
                        You can choose from local file system, GCS, S3.
                        It can be specified multiple times.


stairlight init creates a new Stairlight configuration file.

$ stairlight init --help
usage: stairlight init [-h] [-c CONFIG]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        set a Stairlight configuration directory
  -q, --quiet           keep silence


stairlight map creates a new configuration file about undefined settings. stairlight check is an alias. Options are the same as stairlight init.


stairlight list outputs all of tables or SQL URIs.

  • Output option(-o, --output) determines the output type, tables or URIs.


stairlight up outputs tables or SQL URIs located upstream(upstairs) from the specified table.

  • Use table(-t, --table) or label(-l, --label) option to specify tables to search.
  • Output option(-o, --output) is same as stairlight list.
  • Recursive option(-r, --recursive) is set, Stairlight will find dependencies recursively and output as a list.
  • Verbose option(-v, --verbose) is set, Stairlight will add detailed information and output it as a dict.
$ stairlight up --help
usage: stairlight up [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--save SAVE] [--load LOAD] (-t TABLE | -l LABEL) [-o {table,uri}]
                     [-v] [-r]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        set a Stairlight configuration directory
  -q, --quiet           keep silence
  --save SAVE           A file path where mapped results will be saved.
                        You can choose from local file system, GCS, S3.
  --load LOAD           A file path where mapped results are saved.
                        You can choose from local file system, GCS, S3.
                        It can be specified multiple times.
  -t TABLE, --table TABLE
                        table names that Stairlight searches for, can be specified
                        multiple times. e.g. -t PROJECT_a.DATASET_b.TABLE_c -t
  -l LABEL, --label LABEL
                        labels set for the table in mapping configuration, can be specified multiple times.
                        The separator between key and value should be a colon(:).
                        e.g. -l key_1:value_1 -l key_2:value_2
  -o {table,uri}, --output {table,uri}
                        output type
  -v, --verbose         return verbose results
  -r, --recursive       search recursively


stairlight down outputs tables or SQL URIs located downstream(downstairs) from the specified table. Options are the same as stairlight up.

Use as a library

Stairlight can also be used as a library.

tosh2230/stairlight-app is a sample web application rendering table dependency graph with Stairlight, using Graphviz, Streamlit and Google Cloud Run.