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A Spring+Hibernate project

Instructions on how to build project

Make sure MySQL is installed and running and a database called 'test' exists and can be accessed. (There is a string property under /resources/properties/, jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql:https://localhost:3306/test?useSSL=false . Changed the port and name of the database 'test' if needed.

Login name and password for now :

  • Tor : password
  • Foo : password


  1. Download or clone
  2. Import the project in your favorite IDE, OR - build the project from the command line using gradle - In Notes folder, run command : gradlew build
  3. After building the project you will find a war-file (/build/libs/notes.war). Deploy this to your application server. I used Tomcat 7


  1. Download or clone
  2. Import the project in your favorite IDE, OR - build the project from the command line using gradle - In Notes folder, run command : ./gradlew build
  3. After building the project you will find a war-file (/build/libs/notes.war). Deploy this to your application server. I used Tomcat 7


The Notes webapp aims to

  • store information about each user
  • let the user create persistence notes
  • offer a RESTful api

Technologies used

It uses Spring MVC, Hibernate, MySQL, Spring ORM, JSPs, Servlets, JSTL and Gradle...
