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  • My Stat/CS SYE involving Clash Royale...
    • The CS part is all about data collection and warehousing.
    • The Stat component concerns data analysis.


  • The CS portion of the SYE deals with data collection/warehousing/migration.
  • Make sure you're in directory CS/ (run cd CS)

DB Creation

  • Refer to er_diagram.pdf for ER diagram of the PostgreSQL database.
  • create_tables.sql creates all tables involved (should be already created on host
    • If not yet created, run psql -U clashuser -h -d clash -f create_tables.sql
  • Inspect the database with psql -U clashuser -h -d clash

Data Migration

  • The goal is to migrate our original table (with less columns) to this new database.
  • The original table Clash resides in database Hotlogs (on host I made a copy of it to database Clash.
  • cd data_migration
    • data_migration_batch.sql is the migration script.
    • It commits by batches of size 1 million rows.
    • Run it with psql -U clashuser -h -d clash -f data_migration_batch.sql

Data Collection (Crawling)

  • Open
    • In function email_admin, set variables sender_email and receiver_email to the email you want to use to be notified of any bugs.
    • Preferably Gmail, created specifically for development.
    • Turn on "allow less secure apps" in account settings.
  • cd credentials
    • Create file psql-pass.txt
      • Contains the password for clashuser.
      • Just the password, no empty line.
    • Create file dev-gmail-pass.txt
      • Contains the password for the email used to notify admin of any bugs.
      • Just the password, no empty line.
  • cd .. (back to directory CS/)
    • Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Run collection script with python
    • If it is the first time you run this, it is expected to fail - in which case:
      • You will receive an email in your dev gmail you provided in a previou step.
      • It should include the following message: API key does not allow access from IP x.x.x.x
      • Log into Clash Royale API (
      • Create a new API key using the appropriate IP address x.x.x.x; copy the token.
      • Go to directory credentials cd credentials
      • Open api_keys.json
      • Add in the new token you just created; make sure it is the first one in the JSON file.
      • cd .. and python again. It should work now.