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Chapter Numbers By Edition

Tom White edited this page Mar 22, 2015 · 2 revisions
Chapter First edition Second edition Third edition Fourth edition
1 Meet Hadoop Meet Hadoop Meet Hadoop Meet Hadoop
2 MapReduce MapReduce MapReduce MapReduce
3 The Hadoop Distributed Filesystem The Hadoop Distributed Filesystem The Hadoop Distributed Filesystem The Hadoop Distributed Filesystem
4 Hadoop I/O Hadoop I/O Hadoop I/O YARN
5 Developing a MapReduce Application Developing a MapReduce Application Developing a MapReduce Application Hadoop I/O
6 How MapReduce Works How MapReduce Works How MapReduce Works Developing a MapReduce Application
7 MapReduce Types and Formats MapReduce Types and Formats MapReduce Types and Formats How MapReduce Works
8 MapReduce Features MapReduce Features MapReduce Features MapReduce Types and Formats
9 Setting Up a Hadoop Cluster Setting Up a Hadoop Cluster Setting Up a Hadoop Cluster MapReduce Features
10 Administering Hadoop Administering Hadoop Administering Hadoop Setting Up a Hadoop Cluster
11 Pig Pig Pig Administering Hadoop
12 HBase Hive Hive Avro
13 ZooKeeper HBase HBase Parquet
14 Case Studies ZooKeeper ZooKeeper Flume
15 Sqoop Sqoop Sqoop
16 Case Studies Case Studies Pig
17 Hive
18 Crunch
19 Spark
20 HBase
21 ZooKeeper
22 Case Study: Composable Data at Cerner
23 Case Study: Biological Data Science: Saving Lives with Software
24 Case Study: Cascading
A Installing Apache Hadoop Installing Apache Hadoop Installing Apache Hadoop Installing Apache Hadoop
B Cloudera's Distribution for Hadoop Cloudera's Distribution for Hadoop Cloudera's Distribution Including Apache Hadoop Cloudera's Distribution Including Apache Hadoop
C Preparing the NCDC Weather Data Preparing the NCDC Weather Data Preparing the NCDC Weather Data Preparing the NCDC Weather Data
D The Old and New Java MapReduce APIs
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