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Crash on LG V20 #29

ml25213 opened this issue Sep 2, 2017 · 6 comments

Crash on LG V20 #29

ml25213 opened this issue Sep 2, 2017 · 6 comments


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ml25213 commented Sep 2, 2017

Device Model: LG V20 (US996)
Android Version: 7.0

Logcat Output:

09-01 20:10:04.584 16732-16746/? I/TangoClientLibLoader: Pure Java path, not loading at all.
09-01 20:10:04.600 16732-16746/? W/tango_camera_native_jni: Camera system initilized.
09-01 20:10:04.600 16732-16746/? E/tango_camera_native: 3 is not a valid camera index.
09-01 20:10:04.602 16732-16746/? I/tango_camera_native_jni: Attaching texture_window 0xcaadee08
09-01 20:10:04.603 16732-16746/? D/TangoVhs: about to bind as vhs
09-01 20:10:04.606 16732-16746/? D/TangoVhs: finished bind as vhs
09-01 20:10:04.613 16514-16514/? D/tango-ndk-hal: jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM*, void*)
09-01 20:10:04.616 16732-16732/? D/TangoVhs: connected
09-01 20:10:04.616 16514-16514/? D/ onCreate()
09-01 20:10:04.617 16732-16754/? I/TangoCameraNative: Tango VHS Ready
09-01 20:10:04.617 16514-16528/? D/tango-ndk-hal: void Java_com_google_atap_tango_TangoVirtualHalService_initialize(JNIEnv*, jclass) 0x0
09-01 20:10:04.621 16732-16754/? I/tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_ConnectVhs(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject, jobject)
09-01 20:10:04.621 16732-16754/? I/tango_camera_native_jni: Attaching tracking_window 0xcaadfc08
09-01 20:10:04.672 16514-16759/? I/tango: Creating new g_tango.
09-01 20:10:04.674 16514-16514/? D/ Returned Tracker!
09-01 20:10:04.677 16514-16514/? A/tango: Check failed: parse_cad_error_code == LoadCalibrationXmlErrorCode::kSuccess 
                                          --------- beginning of crash
09-01 20:10:04.677 16514-16514/? A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 16514 (
09-01 20:10:04.677 16514-16759/? W/tango: Defaulting to persistent calibration file.
09-01 20:10:04.677 16514-16759/? W/tango: Property calibration_cad is not defined.
09-01 20:10:04.677 16514-16759/? I/tango: Instantiating calibration provider with sources:
                                          	Online: /data/data/
                                          	ActiveFile: kOnlineCalibrationFile
                                          	Hardcoded CAD model fallback: Enabled
09-01 20:10:04.677 16514-16759/? E/tango: Could not identify device type from build fingerprint 'lge/elsa_nao_us/elsa:7.0/NRD90M/163401856563e:user/release-keys'.
09-01 20:10:04.677 16514-16759/? E/tango: Hardcoded CAD model unavailable for device kUnknownDevice
09-01 20:10:04.677 16514-16759/? W/tango: Requested parsing of Online calibration, but failed to parse it and the following fallbacks: 
                                          - Online calibration: File does not exist: /data/data/
                                          - Factory calibration: File not set.
                                          - CAD calibration: File not set.
                                          - Hardcoded CAD model: Could not load hardcoded CAD model. It is only available when:
                                            - Explicitly setting the active file to kHardcodedCadModel.
                                            - On device, as a fallback when reading the CAD calibration file fails.
09-01 20:10:04.677 16514-16759/? W/tango: Requested parsing of CAD calibration, but failed to parse it and the following fallbacks: 
                                          - CAD calibration: File not set.
                                          - Hardcoded CAD model: Could not load hardcoded CAD model. It is only available when:
                                            - Explicitly setting the active file to kHardcodedCadModel.
                                            - On device, as a fallback when reading the CAD calibration file fails.
                                          [ 09-01 20:10:04.678   565:  565 W/         ]
                                          debuggerd: handling request: pid=16514 uid=10374 gid=10374 tid=16514
09-01 20:10:04.718 16732-16746/? E/Unity: Unable to find libtango_3d_reconstruction_api
09-01 20:10:04.747 16760-16760/? A/DEBUG: pid: 16514, tid: 16514, name:  >>> <<<
09-01 20:10:04.753 16760-16760/? A/DEBUG:     #05 pc 0000000000100718  /data/app/ (_ZN13MessageLoggerD2Ev+4120)
09-01 20:10:04.753 16760-16760/? A/DEBUG:     #06 pc 0000000000c8433c  /data/app/
09-01 20:10:04.753 16760-16760/? A/DEBUG:     #07 pc 0000000000c85be8  /data/app/
09-01 20:10:04.754 16760-16760/? A/DEBUG:     #08 pc 0000000000129150  /data/app/ (_ZN13tango_service12TangoContextC1ESt10shared_ptrINS_15JniTangoServiceEE+512)
09-01 20:10:04.754 16760-16760/? A/DEBUG:     #09 pc 000000000013c80c  /data/app/ (_ZN12tango_binder7ServiceC2ESt10shared_ptrIN13tango_service15JniTangoServiceEE+228)
09-01 20:10:04.754 16760-16760/? A/DEBUG:     #10 pc 000000000013a238  /data/app/ (Java_com_google_atap_tango_TangoServiceJNINative_CreateNativeService+972)
09-01 20:10:04.754 16760-16760/? A/DEBUG:     #11 pc 0000000001014908  /data/app/ (offset 0xbd9000)
09-01 20:10:05.297 1473-10707/? I/ActivityManager: Process (pid 16514) has died
tomthecarrot added a commit that referenced this issue Sep 2, 2017
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Thanks for sharing your log! It is consistent with other crash logs, which is good. Isolating the issue. Please stay tuned.

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Hey there,

I also tried this on my V20, using the sample apk, and first installing arcore-preview-modified.apk. On first glance it looks to be a similar issue to the log posted by ml25213.

Device Model: LG V20 (LG-H990ds)
Android Version: 7.0


--------- beginning of crash
09-12 08:31:09.789 14433 14433 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 14433 (
09-12 08:31:09.790   476   476 W         : debuggerd: handling request: pid=14433 uid=10290 gid=10290 tid=14433
09-12 08:31:09.825  3918  3938 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Starting com.tomthecarrot.helloar) called by 
09-12 08:31:09.843  3918  3931 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger 
09-12 08:31:09.854 10690 13516 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[770966258341] from persistence.
09-12 08:31:09.854 14455 14455 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
09-12 08:31:09.854 14455 14455 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'lge/elsa_global_com/elsa:7.0/NRD90M/171731309d119:user/release-keys'
09-12 08:31:09.854 14455 14455 F DEBUG   : Revision: '12'
09-12 08:31:09.854 14455 14455 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm64'
09-12 08:31:09.854 14455 14455 F DEBUG   : pid: 14433, tid: 14433, name:  >>> <<<
09-12 08:31:09.854 14455 14455 F DEBUG   : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
09-12 08:31:09.857 14455 14455 F DEBUG   : Abort message: ' Check failed: parse_cad_error_code == LoadCalibrationXmlErrorCode::kSuccess '
09-12 08:31:09.857 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     x0   0000000000000000  x1   0000000000003861  x2   0000000000000006  x3   0000000000000008
09-12 08:31:09.857 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     x4   0000000000000000  x5   0000000000808080  x6   000000714e3ad000  x7   0000000000000000
09-12 08:31:09.857 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     x8   0000000000000083  x9   ffffffffffffffdf  x10  0000000000000000  x11  0000000000000001
09-12 08:31:09.857 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     x12  ffffffffffffffff  x13  0000000000000000  x14  0000000000000000  x15  002f0e31115f68b5
09-12 08:31:09.857 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     x16  000000714c73cec8  x17  000000714c6e60f4  x18  0000000000000000  x19  000000714e460b40
09-12 08:31:09.857 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     x20  0000000000000006  x21  000000714e460a98  x22  0000000000000002  x23  0000007fff1a5198
09-12 08:31:09.857 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     x24  0000000000000068  x25  00000071393ee298  x26  000000713904b6c0  x27  0000007139174020
09-12 08:31:09.857 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     x28  0000007139173ff8  x29  0000007fff1a4b70  x30  000000714c6e3584
09-12 08:31:09.857 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     sp   0000007fff1a4b50  pc   000000714c6e60fc  pstate 0000000060000000
09-12 08:31:09.861 14455 14455 F DEBUG   : 
09-12 08:31:09.861 14455 14455 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
09-12 08:31:09.861 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     #00 pc 000000000006c0fc  /system/lib64/ (tgkill+8)
09-12 08:31:09.861 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     #01 pc 0000000000069580  /system/lib64/ (pthread_kill+64)
09-12 08:31:09.862 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     #02 pc 00000000000245d8  /system/lib64/ (raise+24)
09-12 08:31:09.862 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     #03 pc 000000000001cff4  /system/lib64/ (abort+52)
09-12 08:31:09.862 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     #04 pc 0000000000005c34  /system/lib64/ (__android_log_assert+232)
09-12 08:31:09.862 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     #05 pc 0000000000100718  /data/app/ (_ZN13MessageLoggerD2Ev+4120)
09-12 08:31:09.862 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     #06 pc 0000000000c8433c  /data/app/
09-12 08:31:09.862 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     #07 pc 0000000000c85be8  /data/app/
09-12 08:31:09.862 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     #08 pc 0000000000129150  /data/app/ (_ZN13tango_service12TangoContextC1ESt10shared_ptrINS_15JniTangoServiceEE+512)
09-12 08:31:09.862 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     #09 pc 000000000013c80c  /data/app/ (_ZN12tango_binder7ServiceC2ESt10shared_ptrIN13tango_service15JniTangoServiceEE+228)
09-12 08:31:09.862 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     #10 pc 000000000013a238  /data/app/ (Java_com_google_atap_tango_TangoServiceJNINative_CreateNativeService+972)
09-12 08:31:09.862 14455 14455 F DEBUG   :     #11 pc 0000000001014908  /data/app/ (offset 0xbd9000)
09-12 08:31:09.867  3918  5794 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface( called by

full logcat file:

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Thanks for the log! It's helpful in ongoing debugging...

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Has work continued on this issue? Where's the donation link?

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I am also wondering if work has continued. I'm not able to get this running on my v20 either

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Haven't had time to maintain this issue, sorry. Might be useful to check #139 for additional info on newer ARCore versions.

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5 participants