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A high-quality Java library providing byte-based trie implementations. Tries are data structures based on ordered trees that serialize their elements within their vertices or edges.


  • Mutability control to create immutable views or copies of a trie
  • Pluggable node implementations to control performance/space trade-offs
  • Indexed tries to provide fast index-based lookups
  • Collections APIs to expose tries as sets and lists
  • Byte based to support data other than strings
  • Comprehensive API (see below)


The main entry-point for the library is the Tries class, applications wanting to create tries, must first create a Tries instance by using one of its serial methods to select which types of objects are to be serialized into the tries. The application may then create a custom instance by chaining calls (eg. by adapting the serialization, or changing the ordering) before creating a trie via one of the methods newTrie(), copyTrie() or readTrie().

Some applications may benefit from providing their own element serialization instead of relying on those provided by the package. This is done by implementing the TrieSerialization interface, and calling its tries() method.

Applications may also provide their own implementation of the nodes that store the trie data, instead of using one already provided by this package. To do so the TrieNodeSource interface must be implemented which also entails implementation of the TrieNodes, TrieNode and TrieNodePath interfaces. Very few applications will require this level of control, and most will be well served by at least one of the implementations provided by this library, and available via the Trie.sourceFor...() methods.

All classes are found in the com.tomgibara.tries package and in its com.tomgibara.tries.nodes sub-package, with full documentation available via the javadocs packaged with the release. These are viewable online at:


Creating and using a Trie of String:

	// creating a trie of strings
	Trie<String> strs
		= Tries.serialStrings(UTF8).newTrie();

	//populate a trie

	// interrogate trie
	strs.contains("vodka");    // true
	strs.first();              // "Kahlúa"
	strs.last();               // "vodka"
	strs.iterator();           // (supports removal)

	// other properties
	strs.isEmpty();            // false
	strs.isMutable();          // true
	strs.size();               // 3
	strs.comparator();         // (iteration order)
	strs.storageSizeInBytes(); // (approximate)

	// global operations
	strs.compactStorage();     // optimize trie
	strs.clear();              // remove all elements
	strs.writeTo(stream);      // persist the trie

	// views
	strs.subTrie("vod");       // live sub-trie
	strs.immutableView();      // live read-only view
	strs.asSet();              // live view as a set
	strs.asBytesTrie();        // read-only view of bytes


	// an indexed trie copy
	IndexedTrie<String> indx
		= Tries.serialStrings(UTF8).indexed().copyTrie(strs);

	// additional index based methods
	indx.get(0);               // "Kahlúa"
	indx.indexOf("cream");     // 1
	indx.remove(1);            // "cream"
	indx.asList();             // (only supports removal)

A more advanced scenario where an immutable trie of URIs is persisted to a byte store:

	// create an adapter to avoid writing a dedicated serializer
	Bijection<String, URI> adapter = Bijection.fromFunctions(
			String.class,        URI.class,
			URI::create,  URI::toString

	// choose a node source which is compact and fast for lookups
	TrieNodeSource source = Tries.sourceForCompactLookups();

	// create a factory for the tries we want
	Tries<URI> tries = Tries
			.serialStrings(UTF8)   // use string serialization
			.nodeSource(source)    // use the node source we want
			.adaptedWith(adapter); // and adapt it to store URIs

	// (this allocates some temporary storage for this example)
	StreamBytes bytes = Streams.bytes();

	Trie<URI> trie = tries.newTrie();  // create a trie
	trie.addAll(uris);                 // populate it
	trie.compactStorage();             // compact it
	trie.writeTo(bytes.writeStream()); // persist it
	trie = trie.immutableView();       // make it immutable

	// ... use the trie and dispose of it from memory
	//     then later, when we want the trie back, simply ...

	trie = tries.readTrie(bytes.readStream()).immutableView();

	trie.containsAll(uris); // true - the trie has been restored


The following table is based on a UTF-8 encoded trie built from a 938KB file containing a randomized list of 112,430 English words. This is a common scenario for tries.

Node type Operation Time(ms) Memory (KB)
speed build 46.7 6595
" " compact 0.0 " "
" " contains 37.8 " "
" " iterate 10.4 " "
" " persist 7.4 440
" " restore 4.7 " "
lookup build 85.7 3264
" " compact 9.9 1803
" " contains 50.5 " "
" " iterate 12.4 " "
" " persist 10.0 440
" " restore 20.5 " "
compact build 81.5 3264
" " compact 9.9 1803
" " contains 52.2 " "
" " iterate 11.9 " "
" " persist 10.0 440
" " restore 19.9 " "

All measurements using Java 1.8.0_72 on an Intel Core i7-4712HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz


Node type - corresponds to the node source used to support the tries

Operation - build a trie by adding all elements; compact the trie for reduced memory usage; perform a contains test for every element in the trie; iterate over every element in the trie; persist the trie into a byte stream and restore it.

Time - the time required to perform the operation in milliseconds.

Memory - the approximate memory occupied by the trie in killobytes, with the exception of persist and restore in which case it is the size of the generated byte stream.


The tries library will be available from the Maven central repository:

Group ID: com.tomgibara.tries Artifact ID: tries Version: 1.0.1

The Maven dependency being:


Release History

2016.11.19 Version 1.0.1

  • Built against newest dependency versions.

2016.10.22 Version 1.0.0

Initial release