As far as possible to achieve more universal configuration and management of IT resources
- preview online: CMDB
- username: demo
- password: 123456
may be unstable as the result of continued development, please pull code from releases
CMDB is a universal project that can define and manage almost all IT resource, even every resource as long as you want to, which treat all IT resources as resource objects. objects has both attributes and relationship.
CMDB's main distinguishing features as compared to other resource systems are:
define attributes of resource objects dynamically,you don't need to define all the attributes at the beginning.
define relationship of resource objects dynamically and simply, even you can draw the relationship through the web.
three view:
- resource view: model instance data that users can subscribe
- tree view: the model is hierarchical by field, shown in a tree diagram, and users can subscribe
- relational view: relationships between models, shown in a tree diagram, are configurable by the administrator
authority management
There are various ways of installing CMDB.
- prepare: install docker and docker-compose
- in directory cmdb
docker-compose up -d
- view:
- database: mysql
- cache: redis
- python: python2.7, >=python3.6
start mysql, redis
create mysql database: cmdb
pull code
git clone cd cmdb cp cmdb-api/ cmdb-api/
set database in config file cmdb-api/
install library
- backend:
cd cmdb-api && pipenv run pipenv install && cd ..
- frontend:
cd cmdb-ui && yarn install && cd ..
- backend:
create tables of cmdb database:
in cmdb-api directory:
pipenv run flask db-setup && pipenv run flask init-cache
suggest step: (default: user:demo,password:123456)
source docs/cmdb.sql
start service
backend: in cmdb-api directory:
pipenv run flask run -h
frontend: in cmdb-ui directory:
yarn run serve
worker: in cmdb-api directory:
pipenv run celery worker -A celery_worker.celery -E -Q cmdb_async --concurrency=1
- if not run localhost: please change ip address(VUE_APP_API_BASE_URL) in config file cmdb-ui/.env into your backend ip address
start mysql,redis
create mysql database: cmdb
pull code
git clone cd cmdb cp cmdb-api/ cmdb-api/
set database in config file cmdb-api/
in cmdb directory,start in order as follows:
- enviroment:
make env
- start API:
make api
- start UI:
make ui
- start worker:
make worker
- enviroment:
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