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C++ JSON object import/export

This library contains class to represent JSON object and functions to import/export it.


This library is header-only (no precompiled files) and single-file (only one file for everything). All contents are kept in namespace tokox::json as listed below. It does not use any external libraries (only standard C++ libraries). Test program called test.cpp is just reading and writing same one JSON object.

Classes, constants and variables

  • Class object represents JSON object. It is made on top of std::any

  • value_type is an enum representing JSON objects types

  • Types are represented as following:

    JSON type C++ type value_type
    Null [None] (std::any has no value) Null
    Boolean bool Bool
    Number long long int and long double Int or Float
    String std::string String
    Array std::vector<object> Vector
    Object std::map<std::string, object> Map
  • import_error is an exception class thrown by import functions (export functions don't throw (see below))

  • ERR_??? are error messages

  • float_prec is float precision

Functions for import:

Function Description
object from(iterator& input_iterator, iterator input_end) Main function for import. Detects what type of object it is and calls corresponding TYPE_from function. Takes iterator to current input character and input end (it may be iterator to std::*stream, std::string, std::vector, c-string - basically whatever you want). iterator is a template parameter. Returns object with imported JSON
object TYPE_from(iterator& input_iterator, iterator input_end) Imports specific type TYPE (for every JSON type). They are called by from after type detection. They import specific type - if it isn't correct they throw import_error
object from(std::string& input_string) Returns from(input_string->iterator) (first)
object& from(object& obj, std::string& input_string) Calls from(input_string) (above), saves result to obj and returns it
object from(std::istream& input_stream) Returns from(input_stream->iterator) (first)
object& from(object& obj, std::istream& input_stream) Calls from(input_stream) (above), saves result to obj and returns it
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input_stream, object& obj) Calls from(obj, input_stream) (above) and returns input_stream

‼️ Important:

number_from is returning object containing Int (long long int) or Float (long double). It chooses the better option. Here is how it works:

Condition for number value_type (C++ type)
doesn't fit in long long int (less than one or more than std::numeric_limits<long long int>::max()) Float (long double)
fits in long long int and is an integer Int (long long int)
fits in long long int and long double loses precision (is less precise than rounded long long int) Int (long long int)
Well, long long int isn't any better than long double there! (Other) Float (long double)

You can always cast it to another after import.

Functions for export:

Function Description
iterator& to(object& obj, iterator& output_iterator, int tab = -1) Main function for export. Checks what type of object it is and calls corresponding TYPE_to function. Takes JSON object, iterator to current output character and optional argument tab used for indentation (recursive objects). Negative tab means no indentation. iterator is a template parameter. Returns output_iterator
iterator& TYPE_to(object& obj, iterator& output_iterator, int tab = -1) Exports specific type TYPE (for every JSON type). They are called by to after type check. They export specific type - if it isn't correct std::get (std::variant) in object::get_value will throw std::bad_variant_access
std::string& to(object& obj, std::string& output_string, int tab = -1) Calls to(obj, output_string->iterator, tab) (first) and returns output_string
std::string to(object& obj, int tab = -1) Creates an instance of std::string and calls to(obj, created_string, tab) (above) and returns created_string
std::ostream& to(object& obj, std::ostream& output_stream, int tab = -1) Calls to(obj, output_stream->iterator, tab) (first), returns output_stream
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output_stream, object& obj) Returns to(obj, output_stream) (above)

Some useless license information

This library is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Why did I put this here? I'm sure no one will care or even read this