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tobspr edited this page Apr 15, 2016 · 48 revisions

This page lists the already implemented Features. You can find the todo list here.

Terrain rendering

Rendering Features

  • Full deferred rendering
    • Clustered deferred rendering
    • Support for up to 65.536 Lights and 16.384 shadow sources
  • Physically based shading
    • Cook-Torrance microfacet BRDF
    • Various options: GGX, Blinn-Phong, Beckman, Exponential, Gaussian, Trowbridge-Reitz
  • Directional shadows with PSSM
    • PCF filtering
    • PCSS shadow penumbras
  • Atmospheric scattering supporting different scattering models
    • Eric Bruneton
    • Hosek & Wilkie
  • Screen space ambient occlusion:
    • SSAO
    • SSVO
    • HBAO
    • AlchemyAO
    • UE4AO (Modified AlchemyAO as proposed in UE)
  • Bloom
  • Color correction:
    • Tonemapping with many operators:
      • Reinhard (Luminance and Color based)
      • Uncharted 2
      • Exponential
    • Dynamic Exposure
    • Film grain
    • Physically correct vignetting
    • Chromatic Aberration
    • Color LUT
    • Temporal Antialiasing (TAA)
  • Subsurface shading
    • Backface translucency
    • Skin shading
  • SSR / SSSR
    • Screen space stochastic reflections
  • Environment Probes
    • Up to 341 per scene
  • Voxel cone tracing
  • Motion Blur
    • Camera and per object based
  • Depth of field (experimental)
  • Volumetric lighting
  • Volumetric voxel based clouds
  • and much more ...

Other Features

  • Extensible plugin system
  • Time of Day system
  • Many configuration options to target different hardware
  • Advanced Post-Processing Effects and Framework