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Coding guidelines

Link to Trello task in commit message.

Commandline arguments (optional)

  • Width -w: Integer value declaring the width (in pixels) of the whole world. Default is 1000px.

  • Height -h: Integer value declaring the height (in pixels) of the whole world. Default is 1000px.

  • Food Spawn Rate -f: Float value that defines the amount of food spawned per 2000 tiles per tick. Default is 0.2.

  • Ticks -t: Amount of ticks (long) to simulate. No limitation with value -1. Default is -1.

  • Render -r: Render the application while running. No value required. Default is no rendering.

  • Zoom -z: Zoom into the world. A (float) value greater/less than 1 zooms into/out of the world. Default is 3. Only values greater than 0.1 are allowed.

  • MaiMUC -m: Run the application with the MaiMUC configuration. No value required. Application must be executed on 10 nodes with this configuration!

  • Random Seed -s: Run application with given seed.

  • Amount of entities -e: Specify the amount of entities to spawn at start-up on the entire world. Entities will be distributed equally to all ranks. Format for argument: {AMOUNT_LIVINGS},{AMOUNT_FOOD}. Default is 500,500.

  • Frame-Rate (FPS) -p: Set the maximum amount of frames-per-second (fps) to render. Must be an integer value. Default is 10.

  • Log File -l: Log data about application into a .csv file. Filename has to be specified within this option. The following will be appended to the filename: -{MPI_Rank}.csv.

  • OpenMP Threads -o: Run parallel sections with the specified number of threads. Default is 1 (only master thread).

  • Boarisch mode -b: Enables the "Boarisch" mode (with pretzels)

  • Automated mode -a: Disable the cli input for execution within scripts


To render logos in the background, place them in the res/logos folder with names <MPI-Rank>.png.

Using the keyboard and mouse (ONLY in render-mode)

  • Pause/Play P: Pauses simulation for further inspection of entities. Hitting the key again resumes simulation.

  • Similarity mode S: Pauses simulation and two living entities can be selected via left-clicks. After that the similarity of both living entities will be printed into the console. Hitting the key again resumes simulation and disables the similarity mode.

  • Draw borders B: Draws the borders of the world onto the window. This can help to easier tell apart two worlds next to each other. The borders are drawn in red.

  • Draw padding areas A: Draws all padding areas from other nodes on the window of a node. The rectangles are drawn in blue.

  • Quit Q: Stops simulation and terminates the application.

  • Right-click: Get information about the nearest living entity, where the mouse was pressed, printed in the console.

  • Left-click: Spawn beer at the position pressed. Only in Boarisch mode, otherwise a normal Food-Entity will be spawned.

Using the CLI while running the application

You can type the same characters to the CLI as you would press in a window while in render-mode. These are the only additions:

  • Hide H: Hide the window and switch to hidden-mode. Can only be executed in render-mode and only if the application was compiled with RENDER flag on (see Compiling).

  • Render R: Switch to render-mode and show the window. Can only be executed in hidden-mode and only if the application was compiled with RENDER flag on (see Compiling).

  • Quit Q: Stops the simulation and terminates the application. This can also be called in hidden-mode.


All commands should be executed in the project root folder unless stated otherwise.

Init Cmake

The following <build type>'s are available: Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel. For profiling, RelWithDebInfo should be used.

<render> flag can be ON or OFF.

./utils/ <build type> <render>

Build application




WARNING: perf on maimuc is really slow and takes very long even for as little as 5 ticks

See compiling above on how to init cmake and build the application.

Distribute the necessary files to all other nodes


Run the application

./utils/ ./Evolution -m -r

Profile the application and generate the flamegraphs

./utils/ ./utils/ <parameters>

Copy all svg files to the mai02 node


Get the generated svg files (run on your local machine)

scp -oProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p <login>" [email protected]:~/evolution/eragp-maimuc-evo-2019/perf/*.svg .


Warning: Ask for confirmation before using more than 20 nodes!

Official TUM Information

SLURM with MPI Documentation

See compiling above on how to init cmake and build the application. You need to use a node for that (the login vm does not work) and run module load mpi on it first.

Run the application

srun -N <number of nodes> ./Evolution <parameters>

Profile the application and generate the flamegraphs

srun -N <number of nodes> ./utils/ <parameters>

Get the generated svg files (run on your local machine)

scp <login>*.svg .

Ubuntu machine

Use for example as follows:

sudo mpirun -n 4 ./utils/ -z4 -r -f0.1 -e100,50 -w1200 -h900 -t100

Local Dev Env

A docker container exists for easy local development. The docker container exposes a VNC server at the address vnc:https://localhost:5901 with password vncpassword. It also exposes a HTML client directly accessible in a browser at https://localhost:6901/?password=vncpassword

Start the Container


docker run --rm -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 -v $(pwd):/app --name eragp tobiashanl/eragp-evolution 


docker run --rm -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 -v ${PWD}:/app --name eragp tobiashanl/eragp-evolution 


sudo docker run --rm -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 -v "$(pwd):/app" --name eragp tobiashanl/eragp-evolution 

Run commands inside the container

See compiling above on how to init cmake and build the application.

Get a bash

docker exec -it --user 0 eragp /bin/bash

Execute a command directly inside the project folder (/app)

docker exec -it --user 0 eragp /bin/bash -c '<command>'

Use mpirun to run the application

docker exec -it --user 0 eragp /bin/bash -c 'mpirun -n 4 ./Evolution <parameters>'

Alternative: Directly in the containers build folder

cmake --build . --target Evolution && mpirun -n 2 ./Evolution -z4 -r -f0.01 -e1000,100 -w1200 -h900

Build the Container

Optionally, you can also build the container yourself

docker build --tag=eragp .

and then use eragp instead of tobiashanl/eragp-evolution in the run command.