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A very powerful and friendly nginx base on lua-nginx-module( openresty ) which provide WAF, Control Panel, and Dashboards. 功能强大且拥有对人类友好界面的Nginx,提供防火墙,自定义行为,和统计功能


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VeryNginx is a very powerful and friendly nginx .

English document

###Notice After v0.2 , The entry uri of control panel was moved to /verynginx/index.html


VeryNginx 基于 lua_nginx_module(openrestry) 开发,实现了高级的防火墙、访问统计和其他的一些功能。 强化了 Nginx 本身的功能,并提供了友好的 Web 交互界面。


用户名 / 密码: verynginx / verynginx

###Nginx 运行状态分析

  • 每秒请求数
  • 响应时间
  • 网络流量
  • 网络连接数

Nginx 运行状态


VeryNginx 包含强大的自定义功能,可以做很多事情

自定义行为包含两部分, Matcher 和 Action 。 Matcher 用来对请求进行匹配, Action 为要执行的动作



一个 Matcher 用来判断一个 Http 请求是否符合指定的条件, 一个 Matcher 可以包含一个或者多个约束条件,目前支持以下几种约束:

  • Client IP
  • Host
  • UserAgent
  • URI
  • Referer
  • Request Args

当一个请求没有违反 Matcher 中包含的全部条件时,即命中了这个 Matcher


每个 Action 会引用一个 Matcher ,当 Matcher 命中时, Action 会被执行

目前已经实现了以下 Action

  • Scheme Lock 将访问协议锁定为 Https 或者 Http
  • Redirect 对请求进行重定向
  • URI Rewrite 对请求的 URI 进行内部重写
  • Browser Verify 通过set-cookies 和 js 验证客户端是否为浏览器,并拦截非浏览器流量。本功能可能会阻拦搜索引擎爬虫,建议仅在被攻击时开启,或者针对搜索引擎编写特别的规则。
  • Filter(waf) 过滤器

因为 Matcher 可以对请求进行细致的匹配,所以结合 Filter Action,就可以实现一个高级的WAF,可以利用Matcher中所有的条件来对请求进行过滤,并返回指定状态码

VeryNginx 预置了常用的过滤规则,可以在一定程度上阻止常见的 SQL 注入、Git 及 SVN 文件泄露、目录遍历攻击,并拦截常见的扫描工具。

VeryNginx Matcher

VeryNginx filter


VeryNginx 可以统计网站每个URI的访问情况,包括每个URI的:

  • 总请求次数
  • 各状态码次数
  • 返回总字节数
  • 每请求平均字节数
  • 总响应时间
  • 平均响应时间


Nginx 运行状态


安装 Nginx / OpenResty

VeryNginx 基于 OpenResty1,所以你需要先安装它:

tar -xvzf ngx_openresty-
cd ngx_openresty-
sudo su
./configure --prefix=/opt/VeryNginx --user=nginx --group=nginx --with-http_stub_status_module --with-luajit
gmake install


VeryNginx 实际使用到了 OpenResty 中的这些模块

如果你不想安装 OpenResty,或者你已经有了一个正在工作的 Nginx,你也可以自己手动为 Nginx 编译安装这些模块

部署 VeryNginx

克隆 VeryNginx 仓库到本地, 复制 nginx.conf 和 VeryNginx 文件夹到 Nginx 的工作目录.

cd ~
git clone
rm -f /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
cp ~/VeryNginx/nginx.conf /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
cp -r ~/VeryNginx/VeryNginx /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx
# 下面是使 /opt/VeryNginx 对 nginx 是可写的, 这样 VeryNginx 可以把自己的配置保存在里面
# 修改/opt/VeryNginx目录的所有者为nginx用户
chown -R nginx:nginx /opt/VeryNginx

编辑 Nginx 配置文件

VeryNginx 项目提供了一个配置模版 /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/nginx.conf。你需要把自己站点的 Nginx 配置加到这个模版里面。 但是记得不要修改配置 VeryNginx 的那部分代码(除非你知道自己在干啥 😈)。

配置 VeryNginx 的代码是下面这部分:

#-----------------VeryNginx config code------------------
lua_package_path '/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/?.lua;;/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/module/?.lua;;';
lua_package_cpath '/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/?.so;;';
lua_code_cache on;

lua_shared_dict status 1m;
lua_shared_dict summary_long 10m;
lua_shared_dict summary_short 10m;

init_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_init.lua;
rewrite_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_rewrite.lua;
access_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_access.lua;
log_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_log.lua;
#---------------VeryNginx config code end-----------------

如果不使用 VeryNginx 提供的配置模版,你也可以手动把这部分加入到自己的 Nginx 配置文件中. (如果安装路径不是 /opt/VeryNginx,需要对 lua_package_cpathlua_package_path 的值进行修改)

##启动服务 /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/sbin/nginx

##停止服务 /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/sbin/nginx -s stop

##对 VeryNginx 进行配置 打开浏览器访问

默认用户名和密码是 verynginx / verynginx

登录之后就可以查看状态,并对配置进行修改了。修改配置后,记得到 「Config > System > All Configuration」去保存.

如果需要详细的配置说明,请查看 VeryNginx Wiki


  • 通过 VeryNginx 控制面板保存新配置之后,会立刻生效,并不需要 restart/reload Nginx。

  • VeryNginx 把配置保存在 /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/config.json 里面。

  • 状态页面图表默认带有动画效果,如果有卡顿,可以点右上角齿轮图标关掉动画效果

  • 如果因为配错了什么选项,导致无法登录,可以手动删除 config.json 来清空配置。





VeryNginx base on lua_nginx_module(openrestry) ,implements advanced firewall(waf), access statistics and some other features. Strengthen the Nginx own function, and provides a friendly Web interface.

VeryNginx online demo

User / Password: verynginx / verynginx

###Nginx run status analyzing

  • Request per second
  • Response time
  • Net Traffic
  • Tcp connectinn num

###Custom Action

VeryNginx support custom actions, can do a lot os things.

Custom action consists of two parts, MatcherAction . Matcher used to test whether a request meets the rule, Action is the logic you want run.

The advantage of this disign is that the Matcher include all select rule, and can be reused, make use rule to describe a very complex logic becomes possible


Matcher used to select a part of all requests, a Matcher may contain one or more condition, these conditions are currently supported:

  • Client IP
  • Host
  • UserAgent
  • URI
  • Referer
  • Request Args

When a request not conflicted with all the conditions of the Matcher, the request will be selected by the Matcher


Every Action refers to a Matcher , and will run on the requests selected by the Matcher

Now we has these Action

  • Scheme Lock lock the scheme to http/https
  • Redirect redirect request
  • URI Rewrite do internal rewrite on the request
  • Browser Verify use set-cookies and javascript to verify the client is a browser,and block traffic of the robot. This action may block the spider of search engine, so please enable it when under attack only.
  • Filter block some request, can do the WAF

Matcher can select requests by multiple conditions, so with Filter Action, we got a powerful waf. The waf can filter requests wich complex rules and return special status code when it block a request.

VeryNginx preset some simple filter rules, can prevent simple SQL injection , Git and SVN file disclosure, directory traversal attacks and common scanning tool.

###Request statistics

VeryNginx can record the request of URI, include these data of every URI:

  • All Request Count
  • Request count of every status code
  • Total Bytes
  • Avg Bytes
  • Total response time
  • Avg reqponse time


Install Nginx / OpenResty

VeryNginx is based on OpenResty, so you need to install it first.

tar -xvzf ngx_openresty-
cd ngx_openresty-
sudo su
./configure --prefix=/opt/VeryNginx --user=nginx --group=nginx --with-http_stub_status_module --with-luajit
gmake install

At here we used the v1.9.7.1 of openresty, if there is a new stable version of openresty has been released, we alse can use it.

VeryNginx uses only following modules in OpenResty.

If you don't want to install OpenResty, or you already have a working installation of Nginx, you can always configure your Nginx with those modules manually.

The nginx-extras package from your Linux distro is usually a good start.

Deploy VeryNginx

Checkout VeryNginx repository, link nginx.conf and VeryNginx folder to nginx config directory.

cd ~
git clone
rm -f /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
cp ~/VeryNginx/nginx.conf /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
cp -r ~/VeryNginx/VeryNginx /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx

# The following line makes /opt/VeryNginx writable for nginx, so that VeryNginx can modify configs inside it.
# Change user and group name to the actual account.
chown -R nginx:nginx /opt/VeryNginx

Configure Nginx

You should add your sites into /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/nginx.conf. However you should not modify the VeryNginx config code in the file unless you know what you're doing 😈.

VeryNginx config code looks like the following:

#-----------------VeryNginx config code------------------
lua_package_path '/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/?.lua;;/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/module/?.lua;;';
lua_package_cpath '/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/?.so;;';
lua_code_cache on;

lua_shared_dict status 1m;
lua_shared_dict summary_long 10m;
lua_shared_dict summary_short 10m;

init_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_init.lua;
rewrite_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_rewrite.lua;
access_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_access.lua;
log_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_log.lua;
#---------------VeryNginx config code end-----------------

You can have your own Nginx installation to work with VeryNginx by integrating its config code into you own config file.

##Start service /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/sbin/nginx

##Stop service /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/sbin/nginx -s stop

##Configure VeryNginx Open your web browser and go to

Default user and password is verynginx / verynginx. You should be able to work through all the options now.

Don't forget to visit "Config > System > All Configuration" to save your changes.

The full version of config guide can be found in VeryNginx Wiki .


  • New configs will be effective immediately upon saving. It's not necessary to restart or reload nginx.

  • When you save config, VeryNginx will write all configs to /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/config.json.

  • If the chat in status page is stuck, you can click the gear icon in the upper right corner to turn off animation

  • If you lock yourself out of VeryNginx by doing something stupid, you can always delete config.json to revert VeryNginx to its default.


VeryNginx thanks for the help



  1. OpenResty 是一个Nginx再发行版本,包含了标准Nginx以及很多扩展模块.


A very powerful and friendly nginx base on lua-nginx-module( openresty ) which provide WAF, Control Panel, and Dashboards. 功能强大且拥有对人类友好界面的Nginx,提供防火墙,自定义行为,和统计功能







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  • HTML 42.2%
  • Lua 30.9%
  • JavaScript 21.8%
  • CSS 3.4%
  • Nginx 1.7%