This project is a GUI app in java that provides the ability to publish and subscribe to a topic using MQTT THe GUI is developed using javafx as a single screen application. Eclipse paho libraries are used for MQTT client implementation
I have used bootstrapFx library from org.kordamp.bootstrapfx. They have proted part of the bootstrap css to javafx. I have used their styles just for the buttons.I hope to used full bootstrap styling for all nodes , may be in a web view.The result may depend on the rendering capability of the WebView web engine.
This has sample usage for the following nodes and controls
- VBox
- HBox
- TabPane
- ScrollPane
- Tab
- Button
- TextField
- Label
- Alert
The code uses FXML binding wherever convenient. The primary stage however is created programatically to better control the Tab state
Opening Screen
After Broker Connected Publisher Screen Subscriber screen Duplicate Connection Attempt Alert