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Implement new code actions (erlang-ls#1212)
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* If function is unused, provide action to export it
* If variable is unbound, provide action to fix spelling
* If module name doesn't match filename, provide action to fix it

This also includes refactoring of els_code_action_provider and fixing
the unused variable code action that didn't work properly.
  • Loading branch information
plux committed Feb 19, 2022
1 parent a24f3e9 commit ffa289a
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Showing 8 changed files with 262 additions and 103 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/els_core/include/els_core.hrl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
, context := code_action_context()

-type code_action() :: #{ title := string()
-type code_action() :: #{ title := binary()
, kind => code_action_kind()
, diagnostics => [els_diagnostics:diagnostic()]
, edit => workspace_edit()
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/els_core/src/els_protocol.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ range(#{ from := {FromL, FromC}, to := {ToL, ToC} }) ->
-spec content(binary()) -> binary().
content(Body) ->
els_utils:to_binary([headers(Body), "\r\n", Body]).
els_utils:to_binary([headers(Body), "\r\n", Body]).

-spec headers(binary()) -> iolist().
headers(Body) ->
Expand Down
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions apps/els_core/src/els_utils.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
, function_signature/1
, base64_encode_term/1
, base64_decode_term/1
, levenshtein_distance/2

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,3 +450,27 @@ base64_encode_term(Term) ->
-spec base64_decode_term(binary()) -> any().
base64_decode_term(Base64) ->

-spec levenshtein_distance(binary(), binary()) -> integer().
levenshtein_distance(S, T) ->
{Distance, _} = levenshtein_distance(to_list(S), to_list(T), #{}),

-spec levenshtein_distance(string(), string(), map()) -> {integer(), map()}.
levenshtein_distance([] = S, T, Cache) ->
{length(T), maps:put({S, T}, length(T), Cache)};
levenshtein_distance(S, [] = T, Cache) ->
{length(S), maps:put({S, T}, length(S), Cache)};
levenshtein_distance([X|S], [X|T], Cache) ->
levenshtein_distance(S, T, Cache);
levenshtein_distance([_SH|ST] = S, [_TH|TT] = T, Cache) ->
case maps:find({S, T}, Cache) of
{ok, Distance} ->
{Distance, Cache};
error ->
{L1, C1} = levenshtein_distance(S, TT, Cache),
{L2, C2} = levenshtein_distance(ST, T, C1),
{L3, C3} = levenshtein_distance(ST, TT, C2),
L = 1 + lists:min([L1, L2, L3]),
{L, maps:put({S, T}, L, C3)}
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions apps/els_lsp/priv/code_navigation/src/code_action.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@


function_a() ->
A = 123,

function_b() ->

function_c() ->
Foo = 1,
Bar = 2,
Foo + Barf.
194 changes: 124 additions & 70 deletions apps/els_lsp/src/els_code_action_provider.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,79 +29,133 @@ handle_request({document_codeaction, Params}, State) ->
%% Internal Functions

%% @doc Result: `(Command | CodeAction)[] | null'
-spec code_actions(uri(), range(), code_action_context()) -> [map()].
code_actions(Uri, _Range, Context) ->
#{ <<"diagnostics">> := Diagnostics } = Context,
Actions0 = [ make_code_action(Uri, D) || D <- Diagnostics],
Actions = lists:flatten(Actions0),

%% @doc Note: if the start and end line of the range are the same, the line
%% is simply added.
-spec replace_lines_action(uri(), binary(), binary(), binary(), range())
-> map().
replace_lines_action(Uri, Title, Kind, Lines, Range) ->
#{ <<"start">> := #{ <<"character">> := _StartCol
, <<"line">> := StartLine }
, <<"end">> := #{ <<"character">> := _EndCol
, <<"line">> := EndLine }
} = Range,
code_actions(Uri, _Range, #{<<"diagnostics">> := Diagnostics}) ->
lists:flatten([make_code_action(Uri, D) || D <- Diagnostics]).

-spec make_code_action(uri(), map()) -> [map()].
make_code_action(Uri, #{<<"message">> := Message, <<"range">> := Range}) ->
[ {"function (.*) is unused", fun action_export_function/3}
, {"variable '(.*)' is unused", fun action_ignore_variable/3}
, {"variable '(.*)' is unbound", fun action_suggest_variable/3}
, {"Module name '(.*)' does not match file name '(.*)'",
fun action_fix_module_name/3}
], Uri, Range, Message).

-spec make_code_action([{string(), Fun}], uri(), range(), binary()) -> [map()]
when Fun :: fun((uri(), range(), [binary()]) -> [map()]).
make_code_action([], _Uri, _Range, _Message) ->
make_code_action([{RE, Fun}|Rest], Uri, Range, Message) ->
Actions = case re:run(Message, RE, [{capture, all_but_first, binary}]) of
{match, Matches} ->
Fun(Uri, Range, Matches);
nomatch ->
Actions ++ make_code_action(Rest, Uri, Range, Message).

-spec action_export_function(uri(), range(), [binary()]) -> [map()].
action_export_function(Uri, _Range, [UnusedFun]) ->
{ok, Document} = els_utils:lookup_document(Uri),
case els_poi:sort(els_dt_document:pois(Document, [module, export])) of
[] ->
POIs ->
#{range := #{to := {Line, _Col}}} = lists:last(POIs),
Pos = {Line + 1, 1},
[ make_edit_action( Uri
, <<"Export ", UnusedFun/binary>>
, <<"-export([", UnusedFun/binary, "]).\n">>
, els_protocol:range(#{from => Pos, to => Pos})) ]

-spec action_ignore_variable(uri(), range(), [binary()]) -> [map()].
action_ignore_variable(Uri, Range, [UnusedVariable]) ->
{ok, Document} = els_utils:lookup_document(Uri),
POIs = els_poi:sort(els_dt_document:pois(Document, [variable])),
case ensure_range(els_range:to_poi_range(Range), UnusedVariable, POIs) of
{ok, VarRange} ->
[ make_edit_action( Uri
, <<"Add '_' to '", UnusedVariable/binary, "'">>
, <<"_", UnusedVariable/binary>>
, els_protocol:range(VarRange)) ];
error ->

-spec action_suggest_variable(uri(), range(), [binary()]) -> [map()].
action_suggest_variable(Uri, Range, [Var]) ->
%% Supply a quickfix to replace an unbound variable with the most similar
%% variable name in scope.
{ok, Document} = els_utils:lookup_document(Uri),
POIs = els_poi:sort(els_dt_document:pois(Document, [variable])),
case ensure_range(els_range:to_poi_range(Range), Var, POIs) of
{ok, VarRange} ->
ScopeRange = els_scope:variable_scope_range(VarRange, Document),
VarsInScope = [atom_to_binary(Id, utf8) ||
#{range := R, id := Id} <- POIs,
els_range:in(R, ScopeRange),
els_range:compare(R, VarRange)],
case [{els_utils:levenshtein_distance(V, Var), V} ||
V <- VarsInScope,
V =/= Var,
binary:at(Var, 0) =:= binary:at(V, 0)]
[] ->
VariableDistances ->
{_, SimilarVariable} = lists:min(VariableDistances),
[ make_edit_action( Uri
, <<"Did you mean '", SimilarVariable/binary, "'?">>
, SimilarVariable
, els_protocol:range(VarRange)) ]
error ->

-spec action_fix_module_name(uri(), range(), [binary()]) -> [map()].
action_fix_module_name(Uri, Range0, [ModName, FileName]) ->
{ok, Document} = els_utils:lookup_document(Uri),
POIs = els_poi:sort(els_dt_document:pois(Document, [module])),
case ensure_range(els_range:to_poi_range(Range0), ModName, POIs) of
{ok, Range} ->
[ make_edit_action( Uri
, <<"Change to -module(", FileName/binary, ").">>
, FileName
, els_protocol:range(Range)) ];
error ->

-spec ensure_range(poi_range(), binary(), [poi()]) -> {ok, poi_range()} | error.
ensure_range(#{from := {Line, _}}, SubjectId, POIs) ->
SubjectAtom = binary_to_atom(SubjectId, utf8),
Ranges = [R || #{range := R, id := Id} <- POIs,
els_range:in(R, #{from => {Line, 1}, to => {Line + 1, 1}}),
Id =:= SubjectAtom],
case Ranges of
[] ->
[Range|_] ->
{ok, Range}

-spec make_edit_action(uri(), binary(), binary(), binary(), range())
-> map().
make_edit_action(Uri, Title, Kind, Text, Range) ->
#{ title => Title
, kind => Kind
, command =>
els_command:make_command( Title
, <<"replace-lines">>
, [#{ uri => Uri
, lines => Lines
, from => StartLine
, to => EndLine }])
, edit => edit(Uri, Text, Range)

-spec make_code_action(uri(), els_diagnostics:diagnostic()) -> [map()].
make_code_action(Uri, #{ <<"message">> := Message
, <<"range">> := Range } = _Diagnostic) ->
unused_variable_action(Uri, Range, Message).


-spec unused_variable_action(uri(), range(), binary()) -> [map()].
unused_variable_action(Uri, Range, Message) ->
%% Processing messages like "variable 'Foo' is unused"
case re:run(Message, "variable '(.*)' is unused"
, [{capture, all_but_first, binary}]) of
{match, [UnusedVariable]} ->
make_unused_variable_action(Uri, Range, UnusedVariable);
_ -> []

-spec make_unused_variable_action(uri(), range(), binary()) -> [map()].
make_unused_variable_action(Uri, Range, UnusedVariable) ->
#{ <<"start">> := #{ <<"character">> := _StartCol
, <<"line">> := StartLine }
, <<"end">> := _End
} = Range,
%% processing messages like "variable 'Foo' is unused"
{ok, #{text := Bin}} = els_utils:lookup_document(Uri),
Line = els_utils:to_list(els_text:line(Bin, StartLine)),

{ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(Line, 1, [return, text]),
UnusedString = els_utils:to_list(UnusedVariable),
Replace =
fun(Tok) ->
case Tok of
{var, [{text, UnusedString}, _], _} -> "_" ++ UnusedString;
{var, [{text, VarName}, _], _} -> VarName;
{_, [{text, Text }, _], _} -> Text;
{_, [{text, Text }, _]} -> Text
UpdatedLine = lists:flatten(lists:map(Replace, Tokens)) ++ "\n",
[ replace_lines_action( Uri
, <<"Add '_' to '", UnusedVariable/binary, "'">>
, els_utils:to_binary(UpdatedLine)
, Range)].

-spec edit(uri(), binary(), range()) -> workspace_edit().
edit(Uri, Text, Range) ->
#{changes => #{Uri => [#{newText => Text, range => Range}]}}.
14 changes: 1 addition & 13 deletions apps/els_lsp/src/els_execute_command_provider.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ is_enabled() -> true.

-spec options() -> map().
options() ->
#{ commands => [ els_command:with_prefix(<<"replace-lines">>)
, els_command:with_prefix(<<"server-info">>)
#{ commands => [ els_command:with_prefix(<<"server-info">>)
, els_command:with_prefix(<<"ct-run-test">>)
, els_command:with_prefix(<<"show-behaviour-usages">>)
, els_command:with_prefix(<<"suggest-spec">>)
Expand All @@ -45,17 +44,6 @@ handle_request({workspace_executecommand, Params}, State) ->

-spec execute_command(els_command:command_id(), [any()]) -> [map()].
, [#{ <<"uri">> := Uri
, <<"lines">> := Lines
, <<"from">> := LineFrom
, <<"to">> := LineTo }]) ->
Method = <<"workspace/applyEdit">>,
Params = #{ edit =>
els_text_edit:edit_replace_text(Uri, Lines, LineFrom, LineTo)
els_server:send_request(Method, Params),
execute_command(<<"server-info">>, _Arguments) ->
{ok, Version} = application:get_key(?APP, vsn),
BinVersion = list_to_binary(Version),
Expand Down

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