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Springwolf AsyncApi UI

Use Springwolf with the AsyncApi Initiative UI


⚠️ This project is a proof of concept to use a different ui for springwolf. At this point, I do not plan to maintain this actively. But feel free to leave a message in case you find it useful or you have suggestions.


Refer to the springwolf project for the general setup.

Now, also add the following to your build.gradle file (and replace the username + password):

repositories {
    // ...
    maven {
        name = "GitHubPackages"
        url ""
         credentials {
            username = "your_github_username"
            password = "github_personal_access_token_pat_with_read_packages_permission"

dependencies {
    // One of the springwolf plugins is required to build the AsyncApi document (general setup)
    implementation 'io.github.springwolf:springwolf-kafka:0.10.0'

    // Add the ui of this project
    runtimeOnly 'io.github.timonback:springwolf-asyncapi-ui:0.1.0'

After starting the spring application, visit: localhost:8080/springwolf/asyncapi-ui/index.html.


  1. Run npm run build_pages (Uses asyncApi mock data)
  2. Open ./dist/index.html in your browser


Releasing is done by running the gradle task publish. For local development, use publishToMavenLocal.

The maven package is available on github packages.