In this repository contains code to connect to the LASG Test-Bed installed in the Science Centre of the TUDelft.
Skygen should respond to messages (OSC or MQTT) of the following format (JSON-formatted string):
- Parameters: northwind, westwind, turbulence, intensity, contrast
- OSC: /skyParams {"nw":49,"ww":48,"tb":"2.70","it":"2.80","cn":"0.43"}
- MQTT: /influences/sky {"nw":49,"ww":48,"tb":"2.70","it":"2.80","cn":"0.43"}
Touchpoint should respond to OSC messages of the following format:
- typetag: iiiiififf
- parameters: int x, int y, int z, int core, int size, float speed, int lifespan, float strength, float fadeRatio
- example: /touchPoint -715 1304 2800 670 670 0.2 50 0.9 0.7