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Tim edited this page Oct 1, 2023 · 9 revisions

The setting UI may be extended frequenrly, some of the gif and screenshot in this page maybe not be latest, please check the latest plugin, and feel free to update this Wiki.

Open Setting UI

Obsidian Bible Reference Settings Overall

Default Bible Version (language and translation)

the setting ui of dropdown to select bible version

Verse Reference Link Position

the options in ui setting for select reference link position

  • Hide

clean and bare bone version

  • Header

how it will look like when in header

  • Bottom

how it will look like when in bottom

  • Both

how it will look like when in both positions

CodeQL for Obsidain Bible Reference Build for Bible Reference Project obsidian bible reference user discussion forum obsidain bible reference project kanban board and roadmap support button of obsidian bible reference

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