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This repo is a basic test repo. It is a pharmacy project built with Laravel


  • Pull/Clone the Repo
  • Run composer install to install all packages
  • Copy the .env.example file and save as .env
  • Run php artisan key:generate to generate the app key
  • Setup the environment (Database and Email) in the .env file => Email will be sent to customers and queue was used
  • Run php artisan migrate --seed to create needed database tables and seed Admin record
  • Run php artisan storage:link to link public and storage media
  • Run php artisan queue:work to run queue. Queue used database as set in the .env file
  • Run php artisan serve to start the backend service

Brief Description


  • Login credentials email :[email protected], password : password
  • Can add and view all customers
  • Can add and view all categories
  • Can add and view all products and products sales
  • Can view all partners, their products and sales


  • Customers can be added by the admin
  • Customers can see products and order products
  • Customers can then make payments


  • Can add and view all products and products sales
  • All activities are via a restful endpoints. Postman Details Below
Postman Collection
  • Postman Collection
  • It contains some documentation
  • Please select the dev environment as the active enviroment.
  • The dev environment has two variables:
  • BASE_URL => The API base URL (Set it to the setup Base Url)
  • TOKEN => The auth token. This will be automatically filled after each login request is complete


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published
