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OpenVPN Terraform Module

OpenVPN module provision one EC2 instance in a public subnet of your VPC. The instance itself should be used for VPN tunneling. There is an Ansible Playbook example in the Ansible openvpn-server-role repository.


The module will create one EC2 instance and attach an Elastic IP to the instance. Additionally it will create one security group and one IAM role with the AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore policy attached to the IAM role for the instance.

Have a look into

Note that this module is written for terraform client ver 0.14 or later. Use release earlier releases for prior terraform versions.


The Module takes the arguments below.

Variable Description
source module location
name Unique name for the module
region The AWS region for the OpenVPN EC2 instance
ami EC2 AMI to use. Note that it has to be Ubuntu 16.04
instance_type EC2 instance type (t3a.nano should be enough in most cases)
key_name SSH key to use. Note that the key pair need to exist
vpc_id ID of the VPC to use. The VPC has to exist
subnet_id Public subnet for the EC2 instance. The subnet has to exist
cidr IP range that can access any port of the EC2 instance. This can be used in case the instance is used for NAT
allow_nat Can the instance be used for NAT
allow_ssh_port Should the SSH port be open
ssh_cidr Allowed network range for SSH
source_dest_check Source destination check. AWS will not forward traffic trough the instance if this on is turned on
user_data commands to execute during launch of the EC2 instance
tags Instance Tags
volume_tags Tags fort the EBS volume

Have a look into the example files, and

Output Variables

The OpenVPN module exports the following variables

Variable Description
public_ip The elastic IP address associated with the EC2 instance
private_ip Contains the private IP address
instance_id The ID of the EC2 instance
eip_id Contains the EIP allocation ID
instance_arn The ARN of the instance
iam_instance_profile The instance profile's ID
iam_role The name of the role
sg_id The security's ID

Provision OpenVPN

The OpenVPN module can be used with this example. Note that you need to redefine to work with your AWS setup.

Run the following commands

terraform init
terraform apply

You can teardown the setup with the following command

terraform destroy