Bailey is a set of assemblies for common Castle Windsor components.
Bailey.Web.Mvc wraps the cookie-cutter implementations shown in the Castle Windsor docs into a drop-in package. View the wiki for help setting up the Windsor components.
You can import this project, or use the Bailey.Web.Mvc NuGet packge:
PM> Install-Package Bailey.Web.Mvc
Bailey.Web.Http provides Castle components for wiring up WebApi projects, using code provided by Mark Seemann. View the wiki for help setting up the Windsor components.
You can import this project, or use the Bailey.Web.Http NuGet packge:
PM> Install-Package Bailey.Web.Http
Bailey.Web.Security is simply a stand-alone assembly based on Mauricio Scheffer's blog bost.
You can import this project, or use the Bailey.Web.Security NuGet packge:
PM> Install-Package Bailey.Web.Security
In short, there is nothing special or ground-breaking in these packages. They're intended to save me (and you!) some key-strokes when stubbing out DI in new projects.