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A reading list of top Conferences & Journals, focused on facial expression recognition (FER)

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🐱Facial Expression Recognition (FER)

🐱Cross-Dataset FER

🐱FER Datasets

🐱FER Challenges

🐱Affective Level Estimation

🐱Common Domain Adaptation

🐱Other Cross-Domain Tasks

🐱Image to Video Adaptation

🐱GAN on Images


Facial Expression Recognition


  • Fast and Light Manifold CNN based 3D Facial Expression Recognition across Pose Variations [paper]
  • Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild: A Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Attention Transfer Approach [paper]
  • Facial Expression Recognition Enhanced by Thermal Images through Adversarial Learning [paper]
  • Geometry Guided Adversarial Facial Expression Synthesis [paper]
  • Conditional Expression Synthesis with Face Parsing Transformation [paper]


  • Facial Expression Recognition with Inconsistently Annotated Datasets [paper]
  • Contemplating Visual Emotions: Understanding and Overcoming Dataset Bias [paper]
  • Deep Multi-Task Learning to Recognise Subtle Facial Expressions of Mental States [paper]


  • Video Prediction with Appearance and Motion Conditions [paper],[project][:dizzy::dizzy:]


  • Facial Expression Recognition by De-expression Residue Learning [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Joint Pose and Expression Modeling for Facial Expression Recognition [paper],[code][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • 4DFAB: A Large Scale 4D Database for Facial Expression Analysis and Biometric Applications [paper][:dizzy:]
  • (workshop) Covariance Pooling for Facial Expression Recognition [paper],[code][:dizzy:]
  • (workshop) Unsupervised Features for Facial Expression Intensity Estimation over Time [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • (workshop) A Compact Deep Learning Model for Robust Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]


  • ExprGAN: Facial Expression Editing with Controllable Expression Intensity [paper],[code][:dizzy:]
  • Learning Spatio-temporal Features with Partial Expression Sequences for on-the-Fly Prediction [paper][:dizzy:]

FG18 (Access Provided by Authenticated Institutes)

  • Multi-Channel Pose-Aware Convolution Neural Networks for Multi-View Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Automatic 4D Facial Expression Recognition using Dynamic Geometrical Image Network [paper][:dizzy:]
  • ExpNet: Landmark-Free, Deep, 3D Facial Expressions [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Perceptual Facial Expression Representation [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Emotion-Preserving Representation Learning via Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Spotting the Details: The Various Facets of Facial Expressions [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Identity-Adaptive Facial Expression Recognition Through Expression Regeneration Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Hand-crafted Feature Guided Deep Learning for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Accurate Facial Parts Localization and Deep Learning for 3D Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Changes in Facial Expression as Biometric: A Database and Benchmarks of Identification [paper][:dizzy:]
  • LTP-ML : Micro-Expression Detection by Recognition of Local temporal Pattern of Facial Movements [paper][:dizzy:]
  • From Macro to Micro Expression Recognition: Deep Learning on Small Datasets Using Transfer Learning [paper][:dizzy:]


  • Geometry Guided Adversarial Facial Expression Synthesis [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]

IEEE Trans on Affective Computing18 (Access Provided by Authenticated Institutes)

  • Unsupervised adaptation of a person-specific manifold of facial expressions [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Multi-velocity neural networks for facial expression recognition in videos [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Multi-Objective based Spatio-Temporal Feature Representation Learning Robust to Expression Intensity Variations for Facial Expression Recognition [paper]
  • Visually Interpretable Representation Learning for Depression Recognition from Facial Images [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • An Adaptive Bayesian Source Separation Method for Intensity Estimation of Facial AUs [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Facial Expression Recognition in Video with Multiple Feature Fusion [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]


  • Reliable Crowdsourcing and Deep Locality-Preserving Learning for Expression Recognition in the Wild [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Emotion Recognition in Context [paper][:dizzy:]
  • (workshop) Facial Expression Recognition Using Enhanced Deep 3D Convolutional Neural Networks [paper][:dizzy:]
  • (workshop) Estimation of Affective Level in the Wild With Multiple Memory Networks [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • (workshop) DyadGAN: Generating Facial Expressions in Dyadic Interactions [paper][:dizzy:]
  • (workshop) Personalized Automatic Estimation of Self-reported Pain Intensity from Facial Expressions [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]


  • A Novel Space-Time Representation on the Positive Semidefinite Cone for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]
  • (workshop) Facial Expression Recognition via Joint Deep Learning of RGB-Depth Map Latent Representations [paper][:dizzy:]
  • (workshop) Facial Expression Recognition using Visual Saliency and Deep Learning [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]


  • Accurate Facial Parts Localization and Deep Learning for 3D Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]
  • FaceNet2ExpNet: Regularizing a Deep Face Recognition Net for Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Deep generative-contrastive networks for facial expression recognition [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Identity-Aware Convolutional Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • (workshop) Spatio-Temporal Facial Expression Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Conditional Random Fields [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Head Pose and Expression Transfer using Facial Status Score [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Sayette Group Formation Task (GFT) Spontaneous Facial Expression Database [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Curriculum Learning for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Implicit Media Tagging and Affect Prediction from RGB-D video of spontaneous facial expressions [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]


  • LOMo: Latent Ordinal Model for Facial Analysis in Videos [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Facial Expression Intensity Estimation Using Ordinal Information [paper],[Supplementary][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • EmotioNet: An accurate, real-time algorithm for the automatic annotation of a million facial expressions in the wild [paper],[Supplementary][:dizzy:]
  • Multimodal Spontaneous Emotion Corpus for Human Behavior Analysis [paper][:dizzy:]
  • (workshop) Automatic Recognition of Emotions and Membership in Group Videos [paper][:dizzy:]
  • (workshop) Extended DISFA Dataset: Investigating Posed and Spontaneous Facial Expressions [paper][:dizzy:]


  • Peak-Piloted Deep Network for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]


  • Going Deeper in Facial Expression Recognition using Deep Neural Networks [paper][:dizzy:]


  • Joint Fine-Tuning in Deep Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Pairwise Conditional Random Forests for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]


  • Pairwise Linear Regression: An Efficient and Fast Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]


  • Learning Expressionlets on Spatio-Temporal Manifold for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Facial Expression Recognition via a Boosted Deep Belief Network [paper][:dizzy:]


  • Capturing Complex Spatio-Temporal Relations among Facial Muscles for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]


  • (submission to IJCAI-ECAI 2018) Geometry-Contrastive Generative Adversarial Network for Facial Expression Synthesis [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Deep Facial Expression Recognition: A Survey [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • (ACM Computing Surveys) Facial Expression Analysis under Partial Occlusion: A Survey [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Expression Empowered ResiDen Network for Facial Action Unit Detection [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Deep Covariance Descriptors for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Fine-Grained Facial Expression Analysis Using Dimensional Emotion Model [paper][:dizzy:]
  • VGAN-Based Image Representation Learning for Privacy-Preserving Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]
  • (MIT16) Predicting Perceived Emotions in Animated GIFs with 3D Convolutional Neural Networks [paper]
  • (MIT CSAIL18) Controllable Image-to-Video Translation: A Case Study on Facial Expression Generation [paper]

Cross-Dataset FER

  • ICPR 18 Deep Emotion Transfer Network for Cross-database Facial Expression Recognition
  • FG 2018 Deep Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • FG 2018 Cross-generating GAN for Facial Identity Preserving [paper][:dizzy:]
  • ACM MM 2017 Learning a Target Sample Re-Generator for Cross-Database Micro-Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]
  • TIP 2018 Domain Regeneration for Cross-Database Micro-Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]
  • CVPR 2013 Selective Transfer Machine for Personalized Facial Action Unit Detection [paper][:dizzy:]
  • TPAMI 2017 Selective Transfer Machine for Personalized Facial Expression Analysis [paper]
  • ICONIP 2016 Cross-Database Facial Expression Recognition via Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Dictionary Learning [paper](P428)[:dizzy:]
  • IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING 2018 Cross-Domain Color Facial Expression Recognition Using Transductive Transfer Subspace Learning [paper][:dizzy:]
  • FG2018 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Regularized Optimal Transport for Multimodal 2D+3D Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • ICB2016 Discriminative Feature Adaptation for Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]
  • ICB2015 A Transfer Learning Approach to Cross-Database Facial Expression Recognition [paper][:dizzy:]
  • ICRA2011 Cross-dataset facial expression recognition [paper][:dizzy:]
  • Neurocomputing2016 Transfer subspace learning for cross-dataset facial expression recognition [paper][:dizzy:]
  • IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA 2016 A Deep Neural Network-Driven Feature Learning Method for Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition [paper](Cross-view facial expression recognition)[:dizzy:]
  • CVPR2014 Constrained Deep Transfer Feature Learning and its Applications [paper](Cross-view facial expression recognition)[:dizzy:]
  • IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS 2016 Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Domain-Adaptive Least-Squares Regression [paper][:dizzy:]
  • ICMI2017 Cross-Modality Interaction between EEG Signals and Facial Expression [paper][:dizzy:]
  • ACM MM 2017 Integrated Face Analytics Networks through Cross-Dataset Hybrid Training[paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]

FER Datasets

FER Challenges

Affective Level Estimation


  • AffectNet [Website]
  • (IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING) AffectNet: A Database for Facial Expression, Valence, and Arousal Computing in the Wild [paper]
  • EMOTIC dataset [Website]
  • (CVPR17) Emotion Recognition in Context [paper][Supp]
  • (CVPR17 workshop) EMOTIC: Emotions in Context Dataset
  • Aff-Wild DATASET[Website]
  • Deep Affect Prediction in-the-wild: Aff-Wild Database and Challenge, Deep Architectures, and Beyond [paper]
  • (CVPR17 workshop) Aff-Wild: Valence and Arousal ‘in-the-wild’ Challenge [paper]
  • HAPPEI dataset (happiness intensity)
  • DISFA [Website](AUs)
  • (IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING13) DISFA: A Spontaneous Facial Action Intensity Database [paper]
  • GENKI-4K [Website](smile&non-smile)
  • Proposed Methods validated using GENKI-4K :
  • (ICCVW17) 95.76 SmileNet: Registration-Free Smiling Face Detection In The Wild [paper][project]
  • (Machine Vision and Applications17) 92.05 Smile detection in the wild with deep convolutional neural networks [paper]
  • (ACPR15) 94.6 Facial smile detection based on deep learning features. [paper]
  • AFFECTIVA-MIT AM-FED [Website](smile&non-smile)
  • Affectiva-MIT Facial Expression Dataset (AM-FED): Naturalistic and Spontaneous Facial Expressions Collected In-the-Wild [paper]
  • Binghamton Pittsburgh 4D Spontaneous Expression datase (BP4D) [Website]
  • The UNBC-McMaster Shoulder Pain Expression Archive Database


  • Group-level happiness intensity recognition @ EmotiW16 [Website]
  • First Affect-in-the-Wild Challenge [Website]

Related Works

  • (ICMI16) Happiness level prediction with sequential inputs via multiple regressions [paper]
  • (CVPR17 workshop) Estimation of Affective Level in the Wild With Multiple Memory Networks [paper]
  • (ICMI16) Group Happiness Assessment Using Geometric Features and Dataset Balancing [paper]
  • (ICMI17) Group Emotion Recognition with Individual Facial Emotion CNNs and Global Image Based CNNs [paper]
  • Feature Extraction via Recurrent Random Deep Ensembles and its Application in Gruop-level Happiness Estimation [paper]
  • (ICPR18) Deep Spatiotemporal Representation of the Face for Automatic Pain Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • Learning Pain from Action Unit Combinations: A Weakly Supervised Approach via Multiple Instance Learning [paper]
  • (CVPR17) Personalized Automatic Estimation of Self-reported Pain Intensity from Facial Expressions [paper]
  • (CVPR17 Workshop) Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network Regression for Continuous Pain Intensity Estimation in Video [paper]
  • Multi-Instance Dynamic Ordinal Random Fields for Weakly-supervised Facial Behavior Analysis [paper]
  • (FG17) Generic to Specific Recognition Models for Group Membership Analysis in Videos [paper]
  • (Neurocomputing18)Facial expression intensity estimation using Siamese and triplet networks [paper]
  • (Neurocomputing16) A new descriptor of gradients Self-Similarity for smile detection in unconstrained scenarios [paper]
  • (IEEE trans on Affective Computing11) Continuous Prediction of Spontaneous Affect from Multiple Cues and Modalities in Valence-Arousal Space [paper]

Happiness (smile intensity estimation)

  • (ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology18) The Effect of Pets on Happiness: A Large-Scale Multi-Factor Analysis Using Social Multimedia [paper]
  • (ICMSS '17) Happy Index: Analysis Based on Automatic Recognition of Emotion Flow [paper]
  • (ICPR 2012)Group Expression Intensity Estimation in Videos via Gaussian Processes [paper]
  • A Novel Approach to Detect Smile [paper]
  • (ICCV17 Workshop) SmileNet: Registration-Free Smiling Face Detection In The Wild [paper][project]
  • (ACII17) Smiling from Adolescence to Old Age: A Large Observational Study [paper]
  • Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Smile Recognition [paper]
  • Embedded Implementation of a Deep Learning Smile Detector [paper]
  • Smile detection in the wild based on transfer learning [paper]

Painful Expression Intensity Estimation

  • (CVPRW16)Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network Regression for Continuous Pain Intensity Estimation in Video[paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • (CVPRW15)Pain Recognition using Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy of Facial Muscles[paper]
  • (CVPR17) Personalized Automatic Estimation of Self-reported Pain Intensity from Facial Expressions [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • (FG15)Weakly Supervised Pain Localization using Multiple Instance Learning [paper]
  • (ICPR14) Pain Intensity Evaluation Through Facial Action Units [paper]
  • (ieee trans on affective computing) Automatic Pain Assessment with Facial Activity Descriptors [paper]

Facial Action Unit Estimation

  • (BMVC18) Identity-based Adversarial Training of Deep CNNs for Facial Action Unit Recognition [[paper[]]
  • (FG2017) EAC-Net: A Region-based Deep Enhancing and Cropping Approach for Facial Action Unit Detection [paper]
  • (TIP16) Joint Patch and Multi-label Learning for Facial Action Unit and Holistic Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (ECCV18) Deep Structure Inference Network for Facial Action Unit Recognition [paper]
  • (FG15) Deep Learning based FACS Action Unit Occurrence and Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (TPAMI15) Discriminant Functional Learning of Color Features for the Recognition of Facial Action Units and their Intensities [paper]
  • (FG18) Edge Convolutional Network for Facial Action Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (FG17) Pose-independent Facial Action Unit Intensity Regression Based on Multi-task Deep Transfer Learning [paper]
  • (FG15) How much training data for facial action unit detection? [paper]
  • (BMVC18) Joint Action Unit localisation and intensity estimation through heatmap regression [paper] [code] [:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • (ECCV18) Deep Adaptive Attention for Joint Facial Action Unit Detection and Face Alignment[paper]
  • (CVPR 18) Weakly-supervised Deep Convolutional Neural Network Learning for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (CVPR 18) Learning Facial Action Units from Web Images with Scalable Weakly Supervised Clustering [paper]
  • (CVPR 18) Classifier Learning with Prior Probabilities for Facial Action Unit Recognition [paper]
  • (CVPR 18) Bilateral Ordinal Relevance Multi-instance Regression for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (CVPR 18) Weakly Supervised Facial Action Unit Recognition through Adversarial Training [paper]
  • (CVPR 2017) Deep Structured Learning for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (CVPR 17) Action Unit Detection with Region Adaptation, Multi-labeling Learning and Optimal Temporal Fusing [paper]
  • (ICCV 17) Deep Facial Action Unit Recognition from Partially Labeled Data [paper]
  • (CVPR 16) Deep Region and Multi-label Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection [paper] [code] [code2]
  • (CVPR 16) Constrained Joint Cascade Regression Framework for Simultaneous Facial Action Unit Recognition and Facial Landmark Detection [paper]
  • (IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing17) Copula Ordinal Regression Framework for Joint Estimation of Facial Action Unit Intensity[paper]
  • (CVPR16) Copula Ordinal Regression for Joint Estimation of Facial Action Unit Intensity [paper] [code]
  • (CVPR 15) Latent Trees for Estimating Intensity of Facial Action Units [paper][code]
  • (ICCV 15) Learning to transfer: transferring latent task structures and its application to person-specific facial action unit detection [paper]
  • (ICCV 15) Multi-conditional Latent Variable Model for Joint Facial Action Unit Detection [paper]
  • (ICCV 15) Confidence Preserving Machine for Facial Action Unit Detection [paper]
  • Joint Patch and Multi-label Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection [paper]
  • (Pattern Recognition Letters14) Estimating smile intensity: A better way [paper] [:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • (nccv15) Deep Learning based FACS Action Unit Occurrence and Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • Conditional Adversarial Synthesis of 3D Facial Action Units [paper] [:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • (NIPS 16)Incremental Boosting Convolutional Neural Network for Facial Action Unit Recognition [paper]
  • Projects [Computer Expression Recognition Toolbox] [TAUD 2011] [LAUD 2010] [Openface] [[Openface-Paper](OpenFace: an open source facial behavior analysis toolkit)]


  • (ACM MM17) Fine-Grained Recognition via Attribute-Guided Attentive Feature Aggregation [paper]
  • (ACM MM18) visual spatial attention network for relationship detection [paper]
  • (ACM MM18) Attribute-Aware Attention Model for Fine-grained Representation Learning [paper]
  • (ACM MM18) Attention-based Multi-Patch Aggregation for Image Aesthetic Assessment [paper]
  • (ACM MM18) Attention-based Pyramid Aggregation Network for Visual Place Recognition [paper]
  • (CVPR18) Attention-Aware Compositional Network for Person Re-identification [paper]
  • (CVPR18) PiCANet: Learning Pixel-wise Contextual Attention for Saliency Detection [paper]
  • (CVPR18) Emotional Attention: A Study of Image Sentiment and Visual Attention [paper]
  • (CVPR16) Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization [paper][code]
  • (CVPR18) Non-local Neural Networks [paper]
  • (ECCV18) Interaction-aware Spatio-temporal Pyramid Attention Networks for Action Classification [paper]
  • (ECCV18) CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module [paper]
  • (CVPR18) Attentive Fashion Grammar Network for Fashion Landmark Detection and Clothing Category Classification[paper]
  • (CVPR18) Attention-Aware Compositional Network for Person Re-identification [paper]
  • (ICCV17) A Coarse-Fine Network for Keypoint Localization [paper]
  • Video-based Person Re-identification via 3D Convolutional Networks and Non-local Attention [paper]
  • (AAAI19) Dual Attention Network for Scene Segmentation [paper]
  • (ECCV18) Small-scale Pedestrian Detection Based on Topological Line Localization and Temporal Feature Aggregation [paper]
  • (ECCV2018) CornerNet: Detecting Objects as Paired Keypoints [paper][code]
  • (ECCV2018) DeepPhys: Video-Based Physiological Measurement Using Convolutional Attention Networks [paper]
  • (ECCV18) Video Object Segmentation with Joint Re-identification and Attention-Aware Mask Propagation [paper]
  • (ECCV18) Mancs: A Multi-task Attentional Network with Curriculum Sampling for Person Re-identification [paper]
  • (ECCV18) Deep Imbalanced Attribute Classification using Visual Attention Aggregation [paper]
  • (ECCV18) Deep Adversarial Attention Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: the Benefit of Target Expectation Maximization [paper]
  • (ECCV18) Deep Adaptive Attention for Joint Facial Action Unit Detection and Face Alignment [paper]

Common Domain Adaptation

  • (ICML 2015) Learning Transferable Features with Deep Adaptation Networks [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • (NIPS 2016) Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Residual Transfer Networks [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • (ICML 2017) Deep Transfer Learning with Joint Adaptation Networks [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]


  • Deep Visual Domain Adaptation: A Survey [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]


  • Residual Parameter Transfer for Deep Domain Adaptation [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Deep Cocktail Network: Multi-source Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Category Shift [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Detach and Adapt: Learning Cross-Domain Disentangled Deep Representation [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Maximum Classifier Discrepancy for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation [paper],[code][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Adversarial Feature Augmentation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation [paper],[code][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Duplex Generative Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation [paper],[code][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Generate To Adapt: Aligning Domains using Generative Adversarial Networks [paper],[code][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Feature Generating Networks for Zero-Shot Learning [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]


  • Wasserstein Distance Guided Representation Learning for Domain Adaptation [paper],[code][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Deep Asymmetric Transfer Network for Unbalanced Domain Adaptation [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]




  • Adversarial Discriminative Domain Adaptation [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]


Other Cross-Domain Tasks


  • Deep Cost-Sensitive and Order-Preserving Feature Learning for Cross-Population Age Estimation [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Image-Image Domain Adaptation with Preserved Self-Similarity and Domain-Dissimilarity for Person Re-identification [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Unsupervised Cross-dataset Person Re-identification by Transfer Learning of Spatial-Temporal Patterns [paper], [code][:dizzy:]
  • Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Structured Domain Adaptation [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]


  • Unsupervised Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation of ConvNets for Biomedical Image Segmentations with Adversarial Loss [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]


  • Unsupervised domain adaptation for face recognition in unlabeled videos [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]


  • Multi-task Mid-level Feature Alignment Network for Unsupervised Cross-Dataset Person Re-Identification [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]

Image to Video Adaptation

  • (IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 17) Semi-supervised image-to-video adaptation for video action recognition [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]
  • (CVPR 2012) Exploiting Web Images for Event Recognition in Consumer Videos: A Multiple Source Domain Adaptation Approach [paper][:dizzy:]
  • (IJCAI18) Exploiting Images for Video Recognition with Hierarchical Generative Adversarial Networks [paper][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]

GAN on Images


  • StarGAN: Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation [paper],[code][:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:]
  • Exploring Disentangled Feature Representation Beyond Face Identification [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]


  • Beyond Face Rotation: Global and Local Perception GAN for Photorealistic and Identity Preserving Frontal View Synthesis [paper][:dizzy::dizzy:]


(Face Age/Pose/Eye Gaze Estimation, Human Action Recognition, etc.)


  • Learning Face Age Progression: A Pyramid Architecture of GANs[paper],[supp]
  • A Hierarchical Generative Model for Eye Image Synthesis and Eye Gaze Estimation [paper]


  • Global and Local Consistent Age Generative Adversarial Networks [paper]


A reading list of top Conferences & Journals, focused on facial expression recognition (FER)






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