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Releases: tiagoams/FUME


30 Sep 09:22
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Changes in 2.0


  • Can reproduce the algorithm in Woerd and Wernand 2015 by:
    • Including the Forel-Ule colour calibration from Novoa et al. 2013: fucalibration argument to calc_ForelUle_image
    • Including Hue angle correction for olci, modis, meris and seawifs sensors with sensorcorr argument to calc_ForelUle_image
  • Added test notebooks Test_FU and Test_FU_image complete with synthethic point data (IOCCG) and section of S3 OLCI satellite image for Liverpool Bay.
  • Added option for other Colour Matching functions with cmf argument to calc_ForelUle_image.
  • Added generator for Forel Ule colormap from Wernand's thesis: forelulecmap()


No pending issues