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City api

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City api is a simple go api that returns a list of cities and their respective infos. The main goal here was to learn ci/cd with github actions and learn the good practices of go.

How to run

On Docker Compose

# Clone this repository
git clone [email protected]:thomas-mauran/city_api.git

# Go into the repository
cd city-api

# Setup the .env file
cp .env.local .env

# Run the app
cd ..
docker compose up -d

On Kubernetes

helm install city ./charts/city -n city --create-namespace

The endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
GET /cities Returns a list of cities
POST /cities Creates a new city
GET /_health Return the state of the database connexion

Monitor the app

# Run the monitoring docker compose
cd server_monitoring
docker compose up -d

You can access the grafana dashboard here : http:https://localhost:3000

Username: admin Password: admin

You will have to set a new password. You can now to see the metrics of the app in the dashboard/node-exporter section


The CI containes multiple jobs doing the following things:

  • The lint-city job lints the Go code in the city-api directory and runs unit tests.
  • The build-and-push-images job builds a Docker image from the code in the city-api directory and pushes it to the registry.
  • The prod-deploy-test job deploys the new Docker image to a production-like environment using Kind.
  • The commit-new-image job updates the tag of the image in the Helm chart and commits the changes to the repository.