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CLI Application for interacting with the DPSG NaMi


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nami-cli allows you to interact with the DPSG NaMi and get information about your Members.

It is written in Go and uses the nami-go library for interacting with the NaMi and Cobra for building the CLI Application.


A config file containing your credentials is needed for this to work.

By default the file should be located at ~/.nami.yml and look like this:

username: 133337 # your nami id
password: verysecure
gruppierung: 010101 # your "Stammesnummer"

Different Commands may neeed additional config files!


nami-cli [command]

nami-cli info 133337                 # Prints info about Member with ID 133337
nami-cli search name John Doe        # Searches for Members with first name "John" and last name "Doe"
nami-cli search occupation leiter    # Searches for Members with occupation (Tätigkeit) "Leiter"
nami-cli search subdivision rover    # Searches for Members with subdivision (Untergliederung) "Rover"
nami-cli search tag 1337             # Searches for Members with TagId "1337"
nami-cli search -n John -l Doe -o leiter -d rover -t 1337    # Combine all above filters into one using flags
nami-cli mail -t 1337 --mailCfg mailconfig.yml # Send E-Mail to all members with tag 1337
nami-cli sepa --all --fee 20.00 --out res.xml # Generate SEPA XML File for all members for 20.00€

Available Commands:

  • info        Prints information about a specified Member
  • search      Search for different kinds of Members in Nami
  • mail Send E-Mails to different Members
  • sepa Generate SEPA XML files.
  • completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  • help        Help about any command


Prints information about a user specified by their Member ID. The output is YAML but can be switched to indented JSON with the --json flag.


  • -h, --help   help for info
  • --json   Print the Info as JSON.


Search Nami for Members visible to the logged in User. Different filters are provided with the use of subcommands or flags.
For possible flag values consult the help command of the specific sub command.
Normal Output is of the form ID: FirstName LastName but can be changed to mailbox, YAML or JSON format with the use of the --email --full or --json flags.

Available Sub-Commands:

  • name        Search for Members by Name
  • occupation  Search for Members with a specific occupation
  • subdivision Search for members in a specific subdivision
  • tag         Search Members by Tag


  • -n, --fname string First name (if any)
  • -l, --lname string Last name (if any)
  • -o, --occupation string Occupation (if any) for options see 'occupation' sub command help
  • -d, --subdivision string Subdivision (if any) for options see 'subdivision' sub command help
  • -t, --tag string Tag (if any)
  • -e, --email Output found members in mailbox format e.g. 'John Doe [email protected]' (only prints members that have a mail address!!)
  • -f, --full Fully output found members (in YAML format)
  • -j, --json Output found members in JSON format
  • -h, --help help for search


Generate SEPA XML file for specified users You can specify users with the --tag, --occupation, --subdivision and --all tags just like the search. Fixed fees can be set with --fee. Output file needs to be specified with --out A special SEPA config file is needed! Location can be specified with --sepaConfig See sepa.yml.example for an example!


  • -a, --all Create file for ALL members
  • --fee float Fixed Fee, ignore member fees and set a fixed fee
  • -h, --help help for sepa
  • -o, --occupation string Occupation (if any) for options see 'occupation' sub command help
  • --out string Output file
  • -s, --sepaConfig string Path to the sepa config, default is ~/sepa.yml
  • -d, --subdivision string Subdivision (if any) for options see 'subdivision' sub command help
  • -t, --tag string Tag (if any)


Send E-Mails to different Members. Specify whom to send the E-Mails to using the flags! E-Mail content can be defined with a template file. In it you have access to all Fields of a Member, plus their Beitrag with .FixBeitrag Specify everything related to the E-Mail in the mailconfig.yml file! A special Mail config file is needed! Location can be specified with --mailCfg See .mailconfig.yml.example for an example! A special Template file is needed! Location can be specified within the mailconfig.yml See message.tmpl.example for an example!


  • -a, --all Send E-Mail to ALL members
  • -h, --help help for mail
  • --mailCfg string E-Mail config file. Defaults to ~/.mailconfig.yml
  • -o, --occupation string Occupation (if any) for options see 'occupation' sub command help
  • -d, --subdivision string Subdivision (if any) for options see 'subdivision' sub command help
  • -t, --tag string Tag (if any)

Global Flags:

  • --config string   config file (default is ~/.nami.yaml)
  • -h, --help            help for nami-cli