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This is an extension version of an unofficial Gatling stress test plugin for MQTT.

Plugin improved to be able to provide next scenario:

connect -> publish -> publish -> publish -> ... -> publish -> publish -> disconnect

The origin plugin has the only possible scenario option:

connect -> publish -> disconnect -> connect -> publish -> disconnect -> ... -> connect -> publish -> disconnect

Additionally this extended version doesn't take into account connect and disconnect actions while performance report generation.


Cloning this repository

$ git clone
$ cd gatling-mqtt


$ sudo apt-get remove scala-library scala
$ sudo wget http:
$ sudo dpkg -i scala-2.11.8.deb

Install SBT

$ curl -L -o sbt.deb http:
$ sudo dpkg -i sbt.deb

Creating a jar file

And create a jar file:

$ sbt assembly

If you want to change the version of Gatling used to create a jar file, change the following line in build.sbt:

"io.gatling" % "gatling-core" % "2.2.3" % "provided",

and run sbt assembly.

Putting the jar file to lib directory

Put the jar file to lib directory in Gatling:

$ cp target/scala-2.11/gatling-mqtt-assembly-*.jar /path/to/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.2.*/lib

Creating a simulation file

$ cp gatling-mqtt/src/test/scala/com/github/mnogu/gatling/mqtt/test/MqttSimulation.scala /path/to/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.2.*/user-files/simulations
$ cd /path/to/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.2.*
$ vi user-files/simulations/MqttSimulation.scala

This plugin supports the following options:

  • host
  • clientId
  • cleanSession
  • keepAlive
  • userName
  • password
  • willTopic
  • willMessage
  • willQos
  • willRetain
  • version
  • connectAttemptsMax
  • reconnectAttemptsMax
  • reconnectDelay
  • reconnectDelayMax
  • reconnectBackOffMultiplier
  • receiveBufferSize
  • sendBufferSize
  • trafficClass
  • maxReadRate
  • maxWriteRate

See the document of mqtt-client for the description of these options. For example, the host option corresponds setHost() method in mqtt-client. That is, you can obtain an option name in this plugin by removing set from a method name in mqtt-client and then making the first character lowercase.

The following options also support Expression:

  • host
  • clientId
  • userName
  • password
  • willTopic
  • willMessage
  • version

Here is a sample simulation file:

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import org.fusesource.mqtt.client.QoS
import scala.concurrent.duration._

import com.github.mnogu.gatling.mqtt.Predef._

class MqttSimulation extends Simulation {

  val mqttConf = mqtt
     // MQTT broker

  val connect = exec(mqtt("connect")

   // send 100 publish MQTT messages
  val publish = repeat(100) {
       // topic: "foo"
       // payload: "Hello"
       // QoS: AT_LEAST_ONCE
       // retain: false
      .publish("foo", "Hello", QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE, retain = false))
       // 1 seconds pause between sending messages
      .pause(1000 milliseconds)

  val disconnect = exec(mqtt("disconnect")

  val scn = scenario("MQTT Test")
    .exec(connect, publish, disconnect)

       // linearly connect 10 devices over 1 seconds and send 100 publish messages
      .inject(rampUsers(10) over (1 seconds))

The following parameters of publish() support Expression:

  • topic
  • payload

Here is a bit complex sample simulation file:

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import org.fusesource.mqtt.client.QoS
import scala.concurrent.duration._

import com.github.mnogu.gatling.mqtt.Predef._

class MqttSimulation extends Simulation {

  val mqttConf = mqtt
      // MQTT broker
      // clientId: the values of "client" column in mqtt.csv
      // See below for mqtt.csv.

  val connect = exec(mqtt("connect")

   // send 100 publish MQTT messages
  val publish = repeat(100) {
       // topic: "foo"
       // payload: "Hello"
       // QoS: AT_LEAST_ONCE
       // retain: false
      .publish("foo", "Hello", QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE, retain = false))
       // 1 seconds pause between sending messages
      .pause(1000 milliseconds)

  val disconnect = exec(mqtt("disconnect")

  val scn = scenario("MQTT Test")
     // The content of mqtt.csv would be like this:
     //   client,topic,payload
     //   clientId1,topic1,payload1
     //   clientId2,topic2,payload2
     //   ...
    .exec(connect, publish, disconnect)

       // linearly connect 10 devices over 1 seconds and send 100 publish messages
      .inject(rampUsers(10) over (1 seconds))

Running a stress test

After starting an MQTT broker, run a stress test:

$ bin/


Apache License, Version 2.0


A Gatling stress test plugin for MQTT









  • Scala 98.4%
  • Shell 1.6%