This is a very simple project using kotlin's next hot thing, framework KTor.
The project provides a set of APIs for a blog where one can create posts and comments for the posts.
I intend to enhance this project as I learn more about Kotlin and KTor. For this initial version, please check the stack information below:
The solution is heavily based on the following sample projects found on GitHub or blogs online:
- Using Netty as the server engine
- All services are JSON based REST services
- H2 in memory database using Squash as the persistence layer
- SLF4J is used for logging.
- No security implemented so far.
This project uses gradle for dependency management and build. To build the project, run the following command:
gradle build
For running the server the project, first, you need to create environment variable PORT with the number of the port in which you wish to kblog to listen to.
$> export PORT=8080
gradle run
The repository is divided in the following branches, each being incremental to the previous in terms of features:
- part1: Implementation with no database, storing data in runtime memory (available)
- part2: Implementation of database handling for real persistence on database (planned)
- part3: Implementation of JWT security (planned)