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Network Updatable Things Services

    _   __      __
   / | / /_  __/ /______
  /  |/ / / / / __/ ___/
 / /|  / /_/ / /_(__  )
/_/ |_/\__,_/\__/____/   version

nuts stands for Network Updatable Things Services tool. It is a simple tool for managing remote components, installing these components to the current machine and executing such components on need. Each managed package is also called a nuts which is a Network Updatable Thing Service . Nuts components are stored into repositories. A repository may be local for storing local Nuts or remote for accessing remote components (good examples are remote maven repositories). It may also be a proxy repository so that remote components are fetched and cached locally to save network resources. One manages a set of repositories called a workspace. Managed nuts (components) have descriptors that depicts dependencies between them. This dependency is seamlessly handled by nuts (tool) to resolve and download on-need dependencies over the wire.

nuts is a swiss army knife tool as it acts like (and supports) maven build tool to have an abstract view of the the components dependency and like npm, pip or zypper/apt-get package manager tools
to install and uninstall components allowing multiple versions of the very same package to be installed.


  • deploy,undeploy : handle components (package installers) on the local repositories
  • install,uninstall : install/uninstall a package (using its fetched/deployed installer)
  • fetch,push : download, upload to remote repositories
  • find : searches for existing/installable components

Download Latest stable version

  • Java or any Java enabled OS : Linux,Windows,iOS, ... :: nuts-0.5.4.jar


Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or later


java -jar nuts-0.5.4.jar


  • [Linux] nuts ...your command here...

    • nuts --version show version and exit

    • nuts help show help

    • nuts install derby install derby

    • nuts derby start start derby

    • nuts -y netbeans-launcher install and run netbeans-launcher

    • nuts update --all update nuts and all installed components

  • [Windows,iOS] java -jar nuts-0.5.4.jar ...your command here...

Latest News

Getting started

You may consider browsing the Nuts official wiki .

Change Log

nuts (TODO)

    * Add maven-github repository type support (web API)


- Added lucene indexing facility (thanks to the excellent work of nasreddine bac ali)
- Removed dependencies to common,strings, io and utils (utility classes).
- Removed dependencies to asm (bytecode manipulation).
- From Now on only gson and jansi are retained.
- Layout changes
    * from now on configuration will be version specific. some migration should be done to import previous configs
    * system (global) repo is no more created under the workspace. Only a link to is is registered in nuts-workspace.json
    * added MacOs Layout. Help is needed for testing this !
- Better support for JDK 8+ (New IO,Predicates, Streams, ...)
- Added Comprehensive implementation of Iterator (Stream Like) to better handle result iteration while search is in progress
- Speed improvements
- Added JUnit test battery
- Added support to JSON,PROPS and PLAIN result, implemented in version and info. Should continue implementing in other commands.
- Removed --license, --update, --install, ... options, replaced by workspace "internal" commands new concept.
- Workspaces handle several type of executables that will be resolved in that order : "internal command","aliases : aka workspace command aliases", "components",
  "path/unmanaged components" and system/native commands.
- Several Fixes
    * Fixed Problem with Layout
    * Fixed Problem coloring (fprint embedded library)
    * All System properties now start with "nuts."
    * System properties starting with "nuts.export." are exported to children processes
    * Added watch dog agains infinite child process creation


1- (WINDOWS) First support to Windows platform
    * Support for Console coloring on windows
    * Storing to AppData\\Local and AppData\\Roaming folders
    * ndi is not yet supported!
2- (LINUX,UNIX) ndi no more stores to ~/bin but instead it updates .bashrc to point to current workspace
    added a confirmation question.
3- API Change
    * Moved getStoreRoot from NutsWorkspace to NutsWorkspaceConfigManager
    * Added StoreType : CACHE,LIB
    * Introduced NutsDeploymentBuilder,NutsIoManager,NutsParseManager,NutsFormatManager,DescriptorFormat
    * Introduced NutsSessionTerminal,NutsSystemTerminal
    * Added description, alternative (to support multi architecture nuts) descriptor properties
    * Removed descriptor/id 'ext' and 'file' parameters. 'packaging' should be more than enough
    * Removed Maps from config. Replaced by plain arrays
    * Removed workspace.cwd
    * Removed Temp File/Folder support
4- Added Archetype "standalone" to help bundling and application with all its dependencies
5- Several fixes
    * Fixed Log configuration, introduced --log-inherited to enable inherited log-handlers
    * Fixed support for install/uninstall hooks
    * Fixed Repository Layout where ref repo folder is created twice
    * Fixed Multiple pom download issue
    * Fixed Gson parsing issue
    * Fixed autocomplete support
    * Fixed bad json format recovery
6- nsh 
    * introduced pwd,set unset,alias,unalias,autocomplete commands
    * fixed support to autocomplete
7- TODO 
    * Code Comments
    * Help files


1- Global refactoring
    * Introduced NutsCommandExecBuilder, NutsDependencyBuilder, NutsDeploymentBuilder, 
        NutsIdBuilder, NutsClassLoaderBuilder
2- Extracted nsh commands as regular nuts package (nadmin, nfind)