mongodb-rest - REST server for MongoDB
This is a REST server for MongoDB using Node, using the native node.js MongoDB driver.
This project now includes unit tests in the unit folder.
Supported REST requests:
- GET /db/collection - Returns all documents
- GET /db/collection?query=%7B%22isDone%22%3A%20false%7D - Returns all documents satisfying query
- GET /db/collection?query=%7B%22isDone%22%3A%20false%7D&limit=2&skip=2 - Ability to add options to query (limit, skip, etc)
- GET /db/collection/id - Returns document with id
- POST /db/collection - Insert new document in collection (document in POST body)
- PUT /db/collection/id - Update document with id (updated document in PUT body)
- DELETE /db/collection/id - Delete document with id
- Setup "sproutcore" as flavor, it will then change _id as returned by MongoDB into guid, as used by SproutCore. I'm not sure whether this will eventually be useful, though it does allow for simpler DataSources.
- REST - PUT /db/collection - Update collection with changes in PUT body
- Other useful commands (quit, reconnect, addUser, removeUser, etc)
- Error handling - It's fairly limited at the moment
- MongoDB Driver:
- Testing framework: