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John Hoffer edited this page Sep 9, 2016 · 36 revisions


This site hosts code, demos, and guides for two image processing scripts:

How the code works:

  • viaWebGL returns each input as a WebGLRenderingContext.canvas
  • Then openSeadragonGL sends the rendered tile to be drawn
    • On the 'tile-drawing' event of OpenSeadragon.Viewer
      • CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage(WebGLRenderingContext.canvas)
      • (Sets the WebGL context's canvas directly to the visible tile's 2D canvas)
    • On the 'tile-loaded' event of OpenSeadragon.Viewer
      • HTMLImageElement.src = WebGLRenderingContext.canvas.toDataURL()
      • (Sets the WebGL context's canvas to a string as an image source)

Get all the codeSee the source

Live example Source and Demo

Get the codeSee the source

Live example Source and Demo