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A single tool for all of your semantic versioning needs.


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A single tool for all of your semantic versioning needs.




Language agnostic

You can run vrsn in a project in any (supported) language and it will work.

Currently supported version files:

File Languages
build.gradle, build.gradle.kts Java Kotlin
Cargo.toml Rust
CMakeLists.txt C++
package.json TypeScript JavaScript
pyproject.toml Python Python
VERSION Go + more

Don't see your favourite version file type in that list? See the CONTRIBUTING guide for how to (easily) add support!

If you're the type of person that jumps between projects in different languages you don't need to remember the yarn or poetry commands for each different project, just use vrsn and get on with the important stuff.

Simple CI checks

Ensuring you properly version releases is important.

I've had to write semantic version checks in CI pipelines in different ways for different languages in different jobs. Now I can just use vrsn and not have to worry about solving the same problems again.


Download from GitHub

Find the latest version for your system on the GitHub releases page.

Build it locally

If you have go installed, you can clone this repo and run:

make install

This will build the binary and then copy it to /usr/bin/vrsn so it will be available on your path. Nothing more to it.

Run the Docker container

Get the Docker container from the GitHub container registry.

docker pull

See Running in Docker for more details.

Use the CircleCI Orb

For ease of running checks in your CI this repo includes a CircleCI orb. Just import the orb:

  vrsn: thaffenden/vrsn@volatile

Then use the check-version job in your workflow like:

      - vrsn/check-version:
                  - main

For an example you can look at this repo's CircleCI config which uses the orb.

See the CircleCI orb docs for more specifics on how to customise the orb jobs to best suite your needs.

The orb is semantically versioned using the same number as the vrsn binary and Docker container, so you can pin a specific version in your CI config or use the volatile tag to always get the latest version of vrsn.



Run vrsn --help for a full up to date usage guide to get started or vrsn [command] --help if you want help with a specific command.


Run vrsn check to automatically check versions on an existing git branch.

By default the check command can tell if you are on a branch that is not the base branch (i.e. main) and will compare the version file on your current branch with the version file on the base branch.

This command is super useful for running in CI, just run vrsn check, in your pull request CI and vrsn will tell you if the version has been properly bumped or not.

Name your base branch something other than main? You can use the --base-branch flag to specify the name you use.

Want to run it from somewhere other than the root of your git repo? You can use the --was and --now flags to pass in values from wherever you need to grab them:

vrsn check --was $(<function to get previous value>) --now $(<function to get current value>)

You can use the --file flag to point at a file that is not in the root of the git repo (like in a monorepo with independantly versioned services), e.g.:

vrsn check --file './services/service-name/VERSION'


Run vrsn bump to increment the current version file. It will prompt you to select the bump type and then write the new valid semver version in your version file.

If you want to avoid the interactive picker you can pass the increment level as an argument to the bump command, e.g.:

vrsn bump patch

Want to automatically commit the version bump? Just use the --commit flag. 🙌

Don't like the default commit message? Provide your own custom one with --commit-msg.

You can use the --file flag to point at a file that is not in the root of the git repo (like in a monorepo with independantly versioned services), e.g.:

vrsn bump --file './services/service-name/VERSION'

This approach allows you to easily increment multiple versions in bulk, just write a script to iterate over each service that needs bumping and use the command vrsn bump patch --file ./services/$SERIVCE_NAME/VERSION.

Running in Docker

To run vrsn in a docker container you just need to mount the repo as a volume, and vrsn can do it's thing, however git's settings would prevent vrsn from being able to use it's git based smarts 🧠.

To deal with this a directory called /repo is set as a safe directory as part of the Docker build process, and is configured as the container's working directory so it's recommended you use that as the destination of the volume mount. e.g.:

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/repo vrsn:latest check