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Kukkaro (bookkeeper)



Setup autorebase on git:

git config --global pull.rebase true

Old settings, used only for current repository:

git config branch.autosetuprebase always
git config branch.master.rebase true

Install deps with bun.


If you want to use a docker DB, start postgres DB with bun create-dev-db.

Note for Windows: if server gives error role "Username" does not exist, log in to database (for example, with DBeaver), and create the missing role.


Create file .env with the following contents (adjust as required):

Local dev DB is running on port 15488 by default (if installed via Docker with bun create-dev-db).


Setup database schema by running bun migrate. Add example data by running bun seed.

Start server by running bun watch-server.

The DEBUG switch (in .env or supplied as an environment variable) controls logging output.

Client web app

Start development build by running bun ui.

Package scripts

bun run <target> or just bun <target>:

  • server: Start server for development use (runs bun --watch)
  • ui: Start client builder for development (runs vite)
  • build-server: Build production version of server under build-server/
  • build-client: Build production bundle of web app under build/
  • start-server: Runs production server
  • ps-server: Shows the process number of the active server
  • stop-server: Kills the running server instance (in case the port has not been released)
  • migrate: Run migrations (this is automatically run on dev-server startup)
  • migrate-make migration-name: Create a new migration file
  • migrate-rollback: Rollback latest migration


  • Unit tests: run bun test while the dev server is running


  • Source image (bank card): 52 x 34 px = 208 x 136 px @4x

Sum / balance calculation

Each expense has a sum stored in DB table expenses.sum, and a corresponding division as rows in expense_division.

Expense sum invariant

Expense sum is always non-negative.

Expense division invariant

For each expense_division.expense_id, the sum sum(expense_division.sum) equals 0.

Expense types

There are three types of expenses: expense, income, and transfer.

  • expense: user has purchased something. The sum sum(expense.sum) for expense.type = expense gives the total cost of the registered expenses. Each expense is divided into costs and benefits:
    • cost: tracks who has paid for the expense
    • benefit: tracks who benefits from the purchase
  • income: user has received income. The sum sum(expense.sum) for expense.type = income gives the total income of the registered expenses. Each income is divided into incomes and splits:
    • income: tracks who has received the money
    • split: tracks who should benefit from the money
  • transfer: money is transferred within the group. These expenses do not contribute to total cost or income, but they do affect user balance. Each transfer is divided into transferors and transferees:
    • transferor: tracks who has transferred the money
    • transferee: tracks who has received the money


  • For each expense with expense.type = expense:
    • The sum of division rows with expense_division.type = cost must equal -expense.sum
    • The sum of division rows with expense_division.type = benefit must equal expense.sum
  • For each expense with expense.type = income:
    • The sum of division rows with expense_division.type = income must equal expense.sum
    • The sum of division rows with expense_division.type = split must equal -expense.sum
  • For each expense with expense.type = transfer:
    • The sum of division rows with expense_division.type = transferor must equal -expense.sum
    • The sum of division rows with expense_division.type = transferee must equal expense.sum

User balance / debts

For user u with id, we define user value as the sum sum(expense_division.sum) of all division rows with expense_division.user_id =

A positive user value means that the user has gained more benefit than losses from the registered expenses, and a negative value means that the user has paid for more than what he has benefitted.

Thus, we further define user balance to equal user value negated, so that user balance means (semantically) what the user's current balance is (in regards to the registered entries); a positive user balance means that the user is owed money, and a negative user balance means that the user is behind the budget and should pay for shared expenses.


Track your household's income and expenses







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