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Lemmy EZ-Mode

The idea here is you clone this repo, and configure your .env and then bring the compose stack online, and you should have a functioning lemmy instance.

There are a couple of ways to deploy Lemmy, I like deploying it using Traefik as the reverse proxy, I made this since the ansible template is hard to get running, and doesn't support Traefik.

Lemmy doesn't officially support Traefik, so I'm providing this as a place to start out getting it working.

I have added some really basic tests to make sure this stack always brings up a working container (at least in GitHub Workflows)


  1. Clone: git clone
  2. Configure: Copy .env.example to .env and edit the values
  3. Start: docker-compose up -d
  4. Access: Visit the LEMMY_BASE URL


  1. Pull: git pull
  2. Update: docker-compose pull
  3. Recreate: docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate


config/lemmy.hjson will be generated on the first run, as long as one is not found in the config directory.

You can edit this file to configure your lemmy instance further.

SMTP / Custom Docker Services

Docker-Compose supports an "Overrides" file, which is used to add additional services to the stack, or override existing services. This means anything in docker-compose.override.yaml will be merged with docker-compose.yaml when you run docker-compose up -d.

There are also examples for SMTP in docker-compose.override.example.yaml Make a copy of this file to docker-compose.override.yaml, then you can uncomment whichever SMTP service you want to use. Or even add your own custom services!

This way, you don't need to worry if I make changes to docker-compose.yaml from the repository, your custom services won't be overwritten.

Data / Backup

Back up the ./volumes directory, along with your .env and config/lemmy.hjson files.

That should be it. More complex backup scripts to come...

CloudFlare DNS Verification (Custom AF)

Traefik also supports DNS verification for LetsEncrypt, which means you can get a valid SSL certificate using DNS instead of http, if you need to.

If you wnat to enable CloudFlare DNS Validaiton for your Lemmy Domain, you can add the uncomment and configure the following in the .env file:


This will enable the CloudFlare DNS Provider for Traefik, and automatically verify your domain using DNS. There is more documentation on this at the Traefik Docs and LEGO CloudFlare Docs

Included Services

Lemmy Services

  • Traefik Balancer

Runs on port 80, and 443

  • Lemmy & Lemmy-UI Server

These run on the docker network, and are not exposed to the host.

Lemmy New Instance Page

Admin Services

These bind to local ports, and should only be accessible from your IPs.

These are admin services, firewall them off to your IP only.

  • Traefik Admin Panel

Runs on port 81

Traefik Admin Panel

  • pgAdmin4 Container

Runs on port 82

pgAdmin4 Admin Panel


This uses a Traefik server to reverse proxy to the Lemmy server. It uses the Traefik ACME challenge to automatically fetch and renew your certs.

You can optionally configure cloudflare credentials to automate SSL Certificate Verification with DNS.


I want to add more servers to the same traefik proxy

You can either add services to the docker-compose.override.yaml file, or you can run a seperate stack, and add the container to the same network.

External Stack

The external stack must import the network that Traefik is running on, and the container you want to expose must be on this network.

Make the following changes to your docker-compose.yaml file in your external stack:

(YOUR_SERVICE must be unique!)

# in the top level of the file
    external: true
    name: zipline-net


    # add in the service definition
      - lemmy-traefik-net
      - zipline-net
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - ""

      - "" # put the port that you want published here

      # Internet HTTPS
      - "traefik.http.routers.YOUR_SERVICE_https.rule=Host(`YOUR_DOMAIN`)" # change your sub/domain name
      - "traefik.http.routers.YOUR_SERVICE_https.entrypoints=https"
      - "traefik.http.routers.YOUR_SERVICE_https.tls.certResolver=cert_resolver" # you can set this to `cert_resolver_staging` if you want to use the staging server
      - "traefik.http.routers.YOUR_SERVICE_https.middlewares=secure_site@file,rate_limits@file" # you can remove rate limits here if you want

      # Internet HTTP Redirect
      - "traefik.http.routers.YOUR_SERVICE_http_redirect.rule=Host(`YOUR_DOMAIN`)" # change your sub/domain name
      - "traefik.http.routers.YOUR_SERVICE_http_redirect.entrypoints=http"
      - "traefik.http.routers.YOUR_SERVICE_http_redirect.middlewares=redirect_https@file"

I want to use the ACME staging server.

First, make sure you copy docker-compose.override.example.yaml to docker-compose.override.yaml

Then uncomment the following lines in docker-compose.override.yaml:

      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy_https_net.tls.certResolver=cert_resolver_staging"
      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy_ui_https_net.tls.certResolver=cert_resolver_staging"

this will change the cert resolver to the staging server, which will not count against your rate limits.

It's fucked up and want to reset everything

take the stack down, reset the repo, and rm any persistent volumes (this will WIPE ALL data)

You might use this while developing or testing integrations, where you jsut need a clean lemmy instance

docker-compose down
git reset --hard HEAD # optionally if you cloned this with git.
rm volumes/ -R
rm config/lemmy.hjson # if you want to reset lemmy config too

then update/edit your .env, and lemmy.hjson (if you didn't delete it) and you can try again:

docker-compose up -d