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This is the R package for the TGVE front end npm package tgve. The R package is developed to facilitate interactive geospatial analysis and visualization in R, use R’s echo-system to drive advanced data processing, and facilitate deployment of geospatial web applications in production.


Install tgver from CRAN


You can use the latest from GitHub using devtools::install_github("tgve/tgver")


Overall, the package takes advantage of how TGVE can be used (see npm package for documentation) and provides options to R users.

For instance, this document is a Markdown (GitHub) document generated using an Rmarkdown (Rmd) document, if the Rmd is rendered to a HTML output, then using knitr::include_url we should see an instance of the TGVE embedded in the document. Please see the live examples in the vignette which is rendered to HTML.

To do this we can go:

# this is the most basic use
# tgver::tgve()
# to embed in a html rendered Rmd
html.file = tgver::tgve(browse = FALSE)

The first function tgver::tgve(browse=FALSE) prepares an instance of the TGVE but does not run/open it, it returns its path (a tempdir() path). The second line is knitr function to embed the first line’s output.

That was the simplest way of running an instance of TGVE on the local machine. The more advanced but similar function of this package, with the back-end as a plumber API and serving the same instance, would be like:

# start a tgve instance before embedding it
ps = tgver::tgve_server(background = TRUE)
#> Attempting to serve TGVE instance from: /tmp/Rtmpevq9TT/tgve
#> Running plumber at: http:
# kill the process returned from underlying `callr`
# or use the public one
# knitr::include_url("")

Explore sf objects

For these purposes, the package relies on the plumber API to serve data. So, again within HTML outputs we can explore sf objects like so:

# using sf
nc = sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))

For more see the vignette.

