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ActiveStorage Service for DigitalOcean Spaces

WARNING this gem should not be used for any critical systems. It does not add much to the existing functionality of ActiveStorage. DigitalOcean Spaces are already compatible with the ActiveStorage implementation for Amazon. Instead of pulling in a new dependency, you should setup your config/storage.yml like this.

  service: S3
  access_key_id: <YOUR_SPACES_KEY_HERE>
  secret_access_key: <YOUR_SPACES_SECRET_KEY_HERE>
  region: nyc3
  endpoint: ''

This Gem was born out of a failed Rails PR.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'activestorage-digitalocean'

And then execute:

$ bundle



  service: DigitalOcean
  spaces_access_key: <YOUR_SPACES_KEY_HERE>
  spaces_secret_key: <YOUR_SPACES_SECRET_KEY_HERE>
  region: nyc3
  space_name: <YOUR_SPACES_NAME_HERE>
  endpoint: ''

Running Tests

Add your own environment variables for test/configurations.yml, then run either bin/test or bundle exec rake test

Currently there is an issue when running the full test suite at once that causes Aws::S3::Errors::QuotaExceeded errors to occur. If you would like to run a single tests, you may do so like this.

bundle exec ruby -Itest test/digital_ocean_service_test.rb -n test_that_you_would_like_to_run


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.