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Fuel Framework

Terry L edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 2 revisions

FuelPHP is a simple, flexible, community driven PHP web framework.

Firewall in Fuel Framework


Use PHP Composer:

composer require shieldon/shieldon ^2



1. Before initializing Core

In your fuel/app/bootstrap.php, after this line:

require COREPATH.'bootstrap.php';

Add the following code:


| Run The Shieldon Firewall
| Shieldon Firewall will watch all HTTP requests coming to your website.
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {

    // This directory must be writable.
    // We put it in the `fuel/app/tmp` directory.
    $storage = __DIR__ . '/tmp/shieldon_firewall';

    $firewall = new \Shieldon\Firewall\Firewall();

    $response = $firewall->run();

    if ($response->getStatusCode() !== 200) {
        $httpResolver = new \Shieldon\Firewall\HttpResolver();

Please make sure that $storage directory is existed and writable.

2. Define a Route for Firewall Panel.

Now, modify your fuel/app/config/routes.php and add the following code.


'firewall/panel(:everything)' => function () {
    $panel = new \Shieldon\Firewall\Panel();

The full example might look like this.


return array(
    '_root_'  => 'welcome/index',  // The default route
    '_404_'   => 'welcome/404',    // The main 404 route
    'hello(/:name)?' => array('welcome/hello', 'name' => 'hello'),

    'firewall/panel(:everything)' => function () {
        $panel = new \Shieldon\Firewall\Panel();

That's it.

Control Panel

You can access the Firewall Panel by /firewall/panel, to see the page, go to this URL in your browser.

The default login is shieldon_user and password is shieldon_pass. After logging in the Firewall Panel, the first thing you need to do is to change the login and password.

Shieldon Firewall will start watching your website if it get enabled in Deamon setting section, make sure you have set up the settings correctly.