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TencentCloud CLB Module for Terraform


A terraform module used to create TencentCloud CLB instance.

The following resources are included.


There are some ways to create clb using this module:

  1. Specifying listeners (HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, TCP_SSL, etc.)
  2. Specifying Listeners Redirection
  3. Specifying Log

CLB Module With Listeners

module "clb-instance-with-listeners" {
  source = "terraform-tencentcloud-modules/clb/tencentcloud"

  network_type    = "OPEN"
  clb_name        = "tf-clb-module-with-listener"
  vpc_id          = "your_vpc_id"
  project_id      = 0
  security_groups = ["your_security_group_id"]

  clb_listeners = [
      listener_name       = "tcp_listener"
      protocol            = "TCP"
      port                = 66
      session_expire_time = 30
      listener_name = "http_listener"
      protocol      = "HTTP"
      port          = 80
      listener_name        = "https_listener"
      protocol             = "HTTPS"
      port                 = 443
      certificate_ssl_mode = "UNIDIRECTIONAL"
      certificate_id       = "your_certificate_id"
      listener_name        = "tcp_ssl_listener"
      protocol             = "TCP_SSL"
      port                 = 67
      certificate_ssl_mode = "UNIDIRECTIONAL"
      certificate_id       = "your_certificate_id"

  clb_tags = {
    test = "tf-clb-module"

CLB Module Listener Redirection

module "clb-instance-listener-redirection" {
  source = "terraform-tencentcloud-modules/clb/tencentcloud"

  network_type            = "OPEN"
  clb_name                = "tf-clb-module-listener-redirection"
  vpc_id                  = "your_vpc_id"
  project_id              = 0
  security_groups         = ["your_security_group_id"]
  create_listener_rules   = true
  create_clb_redirections = true

  clb_listeners = [
      listener_name = "http_listener1"
      protocol      = "HTTP"
      port          = 80
      listener_name = "http_listener2"
      protocol      = "HTTP"
      port          = 88

  clb_tags = {
    test = "tf-clb-module"

  clb_listener_rules = [
      listener_index = 0
      domain         = ""
      url            = "/index"
      listener_index = 0
      domain         = ""
      url            = "/index1"
      listener_index = 1
      domain         = ""
      url            = "/index"

  clb_redirections = [
      source_listener_rule_index = 0
      target_listener_rule_index = 2

CLB Instance With Log

module "clb-instance-with-log" {
  source = "terraform-tencentcloud-modules/clb/tencentcloud"

  network_type       = "OPEN"
  clb_name           = "tf-clb-module-with-log"
  vpc_id             = "your_vpc_id"
  project_id         = 0
  security_groups    = ["your_security_group_id"]
  create_clb_log     = true
  clb_log_set_period = 7
  clb_log_topic_name = "clb_topic"

  clb_listeners = [
      listener_name       = "tcp_listener"
      protocol            = "TCP"
      port                = 66
      session_expire_time = 30

  clb_tags = {
    test = "tf-clb-module"

Conditional Creation

The following values are provided to toggle on/off creation of the associated resources as desired:

module "clb" {
  source = "terraform-tencentcloud-modules/clb/tencentcloud"

  # Enable creation of listeners
  create_listener = true
  # Enable creation of listener rules
  create_listener_rules = true
  # Enable creation of redirections
  create_clb_redirections = true

  # Enable creation of clb_log_set & clb_log_topic
  create_clb_log = true

  # ... omitted


Name Description Type Default Required
project_id Id of the project within the CLB instance, '0' - Default Project. number null no
clb_name Name of the CLB. The name can only contain Chinese characters, English letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen '-'. string tf-modules-clb no
clb_tags The available tags within this CLB. map(string) {} no
network_type Type of CLB instance, and available values include 'OPEN' and 'INTERNAL'. string null no
vpc_id VPC id of the CLB. string null no
subnet_id Subnet id of the CLB. Effective only for CLB within the VPC. Only supports 'INTERNAL' CLBs. string null no
security_groups Security groups of the CLB instance. Only supports 'OPEN' CLBs. list(string) null no
create_clb_log Whether to create clb log. Priority is lower than log_set_id and log_topic_id. bool false no
clb_log_set_period Logset retention period in days. Maximun value is 90. number 7 no
clb_log_topic_name Log topic of CLB instance. string "clb-topic" no
log_set_id The id of log set. string "" no
log_topic_id The id of log topic. string "" no
address_ip_version IP version, only applicable to open CLB. Valid values are ipv4, ipv6 and IPv6FullChain. string null no
bandwidth_package_id Bandwidth package id. If set, the internet_charge_type must be BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE. string null no
internet_bandwidth_max_out Max bandwidth out, only applicable to open CLB. Valid value ranges is [1, 2048]. Unit is MB. number null no
internet_charge_type Internet charge type, only applicable to open CLB. Valid values are TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR, BANDWIDTH_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR and BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE. string null no
load_balancer_pass_to_target Whether the target allow flow come from clb. If value is true, only check security group of clb, or check both clb and backend instance security group. bool null Yes
master_zone_id Setting master zone id of cross available zone disaster recovery, only applicable to open CLB. string null no
slave_zone_id Setting slave zone id of cross available zone disaster recovery, only applicable to open CLB. this zone will undertake traffic when the master is down. string null no
snat_ips Snat Ip List, required with snat_pro=true. NOTE: This argument cannot be read and modified here because dynamic ip is untraceable, please import resource tencentcloud_clb_snat_ip to handle fixed ips. list(map(string)) [] no
snat_pro Indicates whether Binding IPs of other VPCs feature switch. bool null no
tags The available tags within this CLB. map(any) null no
target_region_info_region Region information of backend services are attached the CLB instance. Only supports OPEN CLBs. string "" no
target_region_info_vpc_id Vpc information of backend services are attached the CLB instance. Only supports OPEN CLBs. string null no
zone_id Available zone id, only applicable to open CLB. string null no
create_listener Whether to create a CLB Listeners. bool true no
clb_listeners The CLB Listener config list. Valid values reference clb_listener. list(map(string)) [] no
create_listener_rules Whether to create a CLB Listener rules. bool false no
clb_listener_rules The CLB listener rule config list. The index of the clb_listeners parameter is matched by the listener_index. For other valid values reference clb_listener_rule list(map(string)) [] no
create_clb_redirections Whether to create a CLB Listener rules redirection. bool false no
clb_redirections The CLB redirection config list. Use source_listener_rule_index/target_listener_rule_index to get source_listener_id/target_listener_id in clb_listener_rules,For other valid values reference clb_redirection list(map(string)) [] no


Name Description
clb_id Id of CLB.
clb_name Name of CLB.
status The status of CLB.
status_time Latest state transition time of CLB.
create_time Creation time of the CLB.
network_type Types of CLB.
vip_isp Network operator, only applicable to open CLB.
clb_vips The virtual service address table of the CLB.
vpc_id Id of the VPC.
subnet_id Id of the subnet.
security_groups Id set of the security groups.
tags The available tags within this CLB.
clb_listener_id ID of the CLB_listener.
clb_log_set_id The id of log set.
clb_log_topic_id The id of log topic.
clb_listener_rule_id ID of the listener rule.
clb_redirection_id ID of the clb redirection.


Created and maintained by TencentCloud


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