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Swiss tables design for Dict (JuliaLang#44513)
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* Improve performance of 'Dict'

Co-authored-by: Simeon Schaub <[email protected]>
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petvana and simeonschaub committed Mar 18, 2022
1 parent 230e7f0 commit 85eaf4e
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Showing 2 changed files with 66 additions and 49 deletions.
107 changes: 62 additions & 45 deletions base/dict.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ Dict{String, Int64} with 2 entries:
mutable struct Dict{K,V} <: AbstractDict{K,V}
# Metadata: empty => 0x00, removed => 0x7f, full => 0b1[7 most significant hash bits]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,11 +167,22 @@ end

empty(a::AbstractDict, ::Type{K}, ::Type{V}) where {K, V} = Dict{K, V}()

hashindex(key, sz) = (((hash(key)::UInt % Int) & (sz-1)) + 1)::Int
# Gets 7 most significant bits from the hash (hsh), first bit is 1
_shorthash7(hsh::UInt32) = (hsh >> UInt(25))%UInt8 | 0x80
_shorthash7(hsh::UInt64) = (hsh >> UInt(57))%UInt8 | 0x80

@propagate_inbounds isslotempty(h::Dict, i::Int) = h.slots[i] == 0x0
@propagate_inbounds isslotfilled(h::Dict, i::Int) = h.slots[i] == 0x1
@propagate_inbounds isslotmissing(h::Dict, i::Int) = h.slots[i] == 0x2
# hashindex (key, sz) - computes optimal position and shorthash7
# idx - optimal position in the hash table
# sh::UInt8 - short hash (7 highest hash bits)
function hashindex(key, sz)
hsh = hash(key)::UInt
idx = (((hsh % Int) & (sz-1)) + 1)::Int
return idx, _shorthash7(hsh)

@propagate_inbounds isslotempty(h::Dict, i::Int) = h.slots[i] == 0x00
@propagate_inbounds isslotfilled(h::Dict, i::Int) = (h.slots[i] & 0x80) != 0
@propagate_inbounds isslotmissing(h::Dict, i::Int) = h.slots[i] == 0x7f

@constprop :none function rehash!(h::Dict{K,V}, newsz = length(h.keys)) where V where K
olds = h.slots
Expand All @@ -182,7 +194,7 @@ hashindex(key, sz) = (((hash(key)::UInt % Int) & (sz-1)) + 1)::Int
h.idxfloor = 1
if h.count == 0
resize!(h.slots, newsz)
fill!(h.slots, 0)
fill!(h.slots, 0x0)
resize!(h.keys, newsz)
resize!(h.vals, newsz)
h.ndel = 0
Expand All @@ -197,16 +209,17 @@ hashindex(key, sz) = (((hash(key)::UInt % Int) & (sz-1)) + 1)::Int
maxprobe = 0

for i = 1:sz
@inbounds if olds[i] == 0x1
@inbounds if (olds[i] & 0x80) != 0
k = oldk[i]
v = oldv[i]
index0 = index = hashindex(k, newsz)
index, sh = hashindex(k, newsz)
index0 = index
while slots[index] != 0
index = (index & (newsz-1)) + 1
probe = (index - index0) & (newsz-1)
probe > maxprobe && (maxprobe = probe)
slots[index] = 0x1
slots[index] = olds[i]
keys[index] = k
vals[index] = v
count += 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,41 +295,40 @@ function ht_keyindex(h::Dict{K,V}, key) where V where K
sz = length(h.keys)
iter = 0
maxprobe = h.maxprobe
index = hashindex(key, sz)
index, sh = hashindex(key, sz)
keys = h.keys

@inbounds while true
if isslotempty(h,index)
if !isslotmissing(h,index) && (key === keys[index] || isequal(key,keys[index]))
return index
isslotempty(h,index) && return -1
if h.slots[index] == sh
k = keys[index]
if (key === k || isequal(key, k))
return index

index = (index & (sz-1)) + 1
iter += 1
iter > maxprobe && break
(iter += 1) > maxprobe && return -1
return -1
# This line is unreachable

# get the index where a key is stored, or -pos if not present
# and the key would be inserted at pos
# get (index, sh) for the key
# index - where a key is stored, or -pos if not present
# and the key would be inserted at pos
# sh::UInt8 - short hash (7 highest hash bits)
# This version is for use by setindex! and get!
function ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{K,V}, key) where V where K
function ht_keyindex2_shorthash!(h::Dict{K,V}, key) where V where K
sz = length(h.keys)
iter = 0
maxprobe = h.maxprobe
index = hashindex(key, sz)
index, sh = hashindex(key, sz)
avail = 0
keys = h.keys

@inbounds while true
if isslotempty(h,index)
if avail < 0
return avail
return -index
return (avail < 0 ? avail : -index), sh

if isslotmissing(h,index)
Expand All @@ -325,35 +337,41 @@ function ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{K,V}, key) where V where K
# in case "key" already exists in a later collided slot.
avail = -index
elseif key === keys[index] || isequal(key, keys[index])
return index
elseif h.slots[index] == sh
k = keys[index]
if key === k || isequal(key, k)
return index, sh

index = (index & (sz-1)) + 1
iter += 1
iter > maxprobe && break

avail < 0 && return avail
avail < 0 && return avail, sh

maxallowed = max(maxallowedprobe, sz>>maxprobeshift)
# Check if key is not present, may need to keep searching to find slot
@inbounds while iter < maxallowed
if !isslotfilled(h,index)
h.maxprobe = iter
return -index
return -index, sh
index = (index & (sz-1)) + 1
iter += 1

rehash!(h, h.count > 64000 ? sz*2 : sz*4)

return ht_keyindex2!(h, key)
return ht_keyindex2_shorthash!(h, key)

@propagate_inbounds function _setindex!(h::Dict, v, key, index)
h.slots[index] = 0x1
# Only for better backward compatibility. It can be removed in the future.
ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict, key) = ht_keyindex2_shorthash!(h, key)[1]

@propagate_inbounds function _setindex!(h::Dict, v, key, index, sh = _shorthash7(hash(key)))
h.slots[index] = sh
h.keys[index] = key
h.vals[index] = v
h.count += 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,29 +399,29 @@ end

function setindex!(h::Dict{K,V}, v0, key::K) where V where K
v = convert(V, v0)
index = ht_keyindex2!(h, key)
index, sh = ht_keyindex2_shorthash!(h, key)

if index > 0
h.age += 1
@inbounds h.keys[index] = key
@inbounds h.vals[index] = v
@inbounds _setindex!(h, v, key, -index)
@inbounds _setindex!(h, v, key, -index, sh)

return h

function setindex!(h::Dict{K,Any}, v, key::K) where K
@nospecialize v
index = ht_keyindex2!(h, key)
index, sh = ht_keyindex2_shorthash!(h, key)

if index > 0
h.age += 1
@inbounds h.keys[index] = key
@inbounds h.vals[index] = v
@inbounds _setindex!(h, v, key, -index)
@inbounds _setindex!(h, v, key, -index, sh)

return h
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -474,26 +492,25 @@ function get!(default::Callable, h::Dict{K,V}, key0) where V where K

function get!(default::Callable, h::Dict{K,V}, key::K) where V where K
index = ht_keyindex2!(h, key)
index, sh = ht_keyindex2_shorthash!(h, key)

index > 0 && return h.vals[index]

age0 = h.age
v = convert(V, default())
if h.age != age0
index = ht_keyindex2!(h, key)
index, sh = ht_keyindex2_shorthash!(h, key)
if index > 0
h.age += 1
@inbounds h.keys[index] = key
@inbounds h.vals[index] = v
@inbounds _setindex!(h, v, key, -index)
@inbounds _setindex!(h, v, key, -index, sh)
return v

function getindex(h::Dict{K,V}, key) where V where K
index = ht_keyindex(h, key)
@inbounds return (index < 0) ? throw(KeyError(key)) : h.vals[index]::V
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -644,7 +661,7 @@ function pop!(h::Dict)

function _delete!(h::Dict{K,V}, index) where {K,V}
@inbounds h.slots[index] = 0x2
@inbounds h.slots[index] = 0x7f
@inbounds _unsetindex!(h.keys, index)
@inbounds _unsetindex!(h.vals, index)
h.ndel += 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -721,7 +738,7 @@ end
function filter!(pred, h::Dict{K,V}) where {K,V}
h.count == 0 && return h
@inbounds for i=1:length(h.slots)
if h.slots[i] == 0x01 && !pred(Pair{K,V}(h.keys[i], h.vals[i]))
if ((h.slots[i] & 0x80) != 0) && !pred(Pair{K,V}(h.keys[i], h.vals[i]))
_delete!(h, i)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -749,14 +766,14 @@ end
function mergewith!(combine, d1::Dict{K, V}, d2::AbstractDict) where {K, V}
haslength(d2) && sizehint!(d1, length(d1) + length(d2))
for (k, v) in d2
i = ht_keyindex2!(d1, k)
i, sh = ht_keyindex2_shorthash!(d1, k)
if i > 0
d1.vals[i] = combine(d1.vals[i], v)
if !isequal(k, convert(K, k))
throw(ArgumentError("$(limitrepr(k)) is not a valid key for type $K"))
@inbounds _setindex!(d1, convert(V, v), k, -i)
@inbounds _setindex!(d1, convert(V, v), k, -i, sh)
return d1
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions base/set.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -406,18 +406,18 @@ function allunique(C)
if haslength(C) && length(C) > 1000
for i in OneTo(1000)
v, s = x
idx = ht_keyindex2!(seen, v)
idx, sh = ht_keyindex2_shorthash!(seen, v)
idx > 0 && return false
_setindex!(seen, nothing, v, -idx)
_setindex!(seen, nothing, v, -idx, sh)
x = iterate(C, s)
sizehint!(seen, length(C))
while x !== nothing
v, s = x
idx = ht_keyindex2!(seen, v)
idx, sh = ht_keyindex2_shorthash!(seen, v)
idx > 0 && return false
_setindex!(seen, nothing, v, -idx)
_setindex!(seen, nothing, v, -idx, sh)
x = iterate(C, s)
return true
Expand Down

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