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g(it)t(ools) is a bash based script which pulls a file or a directory stored in a git repository. It includes automatic verification via GPG.
It enables that files can be maintained at a single place and pulled into multiple projects (e.g. scripts, config files etc.) In this sense, gt is a bit like a package manager which is based on git repositories but without dependency resolution and such.

The initial idea behind this project:

You have scripts you use in multiple projects and would like to have a single place where you maintain them. Maybe you even made them public so that others can use them as well (as we have done with Tegonal scripts). This tool provides an easy way to pull them into your project.

Likewise, you can use gt to pull other kind of scripts (not only bash scripts, e.g. gradle scripts), config files, templates etc. which you use in multiple projects but want to maintain at a single place.

❗ You are taking a sneak peek at the next version. It could be that some features you find on this page are not released yet.
Please have a look at the README of the corresponding release/git tag. Latest version: README of v0.19.0.

Table of Content


using downloads the latest or a specific tag of gt and verifies gt's files against the current GPG key (the one in the main branch).

We suggest you verify against the public key of this repository and the public key of this repository against Tegonal's public key for github.

The following commands will do this but require you to first import our gpg key. If you haven't done this already, then execute:

wget -O- | gpg --import -

Now you are ready to execute the following commands which download and verify the public key as well as the and of course execute the as such.

currentDir=$(pwd) && \
tmpDir=$(mktemp -d -t gt-download-install-XXXXXXXXXX) && cd "$tmpDir" && \
wget "" && \
wget "" && \
gpg --verify ./signing-key.public.asc.sig ./signing-key.public.asc && \
echo "public key trusted" && \
mkdir ./gpg && \
gpg --homedir ./gpg --import ./signing-key.public.asc && \
wget "" && \
wget "" && \
gpg --homedir ./gpg --verify ./ ./ && \
chmod +x ./ && \
echo "verification successful" || (printf >&2 "\033[0;31mERROR\033[0m: verification failed, don't continue !!"; exit 1) && \
./ && result=true || (echo >&2 "installation failed"; exit 1) && \
false || cd "$currentDir" && rm -r "$tmpDir" && "${result:-false}"
click here for an explanation of the commands
  1. mktemp ...
    create a temp directory so that we don't run into troubles overwriting files in your current dir
  2. wget .../signing-key.public.asc
    download the public key of this repo, which can be used to verify the integrity of released files.
  3. wget .../signing-key.public.asc.sig
    download the signature file of signing-key.public.asc
  4. gpg --verify ...
    verify the public key against your gpg store
  5. gpg --homedir ./gpg --import
    create a local gpg store and import the public key of this repository
  6. wget .../
    download the
  7. wget .../
    download the signature file of
  8. gpg --homedir ./gpg --verify...
    verify the you downloaded is (still) valid against the public key of this repo
  9. chmod +x ./
    make executable
  10. echo "..."
    output the result of the verification
  11. ./ execute the installation as such
  12. false || cd "$currentDir" && rm -r "$tmpDir ... cleanup step: go back to where you have been before and delete the tmpDir

Per default, it downloads the latest tag and installs it into $HOME/.local/lib/gt and sets up a symbolic link at $HOME/.local/bin/gt.

You can tweak this behaviour as shown as follows (replace the ./ ... command above):

# Download the latest tag, configure default installation directory and symbolic link

# Download a specific tag, default installation directory and symbolic link -t v0.3.0

# Download latest tag but custom installation directory, without the creation of a symbolic link -d /opt/gt

# Download latest tag but custom installation directory and symlink -d /opt/gt -ln /usr/local/bin

Last but not least, see additional installation steps


  1. Download
  2. extract the zip/tar.gz
  3. open a terminal at the corresponding folder and verify the public key of this repo against our public key:
    wget -O- | gpg --import -
    gpg --verify ./signing-key.public.asc.sig ./signing-key.public.asc
  4. then verify the files in ./src against the public key of this repository
    mkdir ./gpg
    gpg --homedir ./gpg --import ./signing-key.public.asc 
    find ./src -name "*.sig" -print0 | while read -r -d $'\0' sig; do gpg --homedir ./gpg --verify "$sig"; done && \
      echo "verification successful" || echo "verification failed, don't continue"
    rm -r ./gpg
  5. copy the src directory to a place where you want to store gt:
    1. For instance, if you only want it for the current user, then place it into $HOME/.local/lib/gt
    2. if it shall be available for all users, then place it e.g. in /opt/gt or
    3. into your project directory in case you want that other contributors can use it as well without an own installation
  6. optional: create a symlink:
    1. only for the current user ln -s "$HOME/.local/lib/gt/src/" "$HOME/.local/bin/gt"
    2. globally ln -s "$HOME/.local/lib/gt/src/" "/usr/local/bin/gt"
    3. in project: ln -s ./lib/gt/src/ ./gt
  7. See additional installation steps

additional installation steps


Once you add your first remote via gt remote add -r <remote_name> -u <url> gt will ask you if it shall add the following to your .gitignore file (if there is one in the directory where you executed gt). Depending on your setup gt might not find it or you maybe want to add it in a different place:


Whether you commit the fetched files or not (i.e. put them on the ignore list as well) is up to you. For instance, if you don't want to commit them and you put everything into lib/... (default location) then you would add the following to your .gitignore in addition


Users cloning your project or pulling the latest changes would then execute:

gt re-pull

to fetch all ignored files.

completions for zsh

if gt detects zsh during the installation and is able to find the vendor-completions directory, then it tries to add the completion file into this directory (you need to enter the sudo password, so you should notice it). If for whatever reason gt was not able to detect zsh or copy it you can of course copy it manually. Head over to the installation directory of gt (default $HOME/.local/lib/gt) and copy the file src/install/zsh/_gt into a directory which is your $fpath.


Following the output of running gt --help:

pull          pull files from a previously defined remote
re-pull       re-pull files defined in pulled.tsv of a specific or all remotes
remote        manage remotes
reset         reset one or all remotes (re-establish gpg and re-pull files)
update        update pulled files to latest or particular version
self-update   update gt to the latest version

--help     prints this help
--version  prints the version of this script

INFO: Version of is:


Use this command to manage remotes. Following the output of running gt remote --help:

add      add a remote
remove   remove a remote
list     list all remotes

--help     prints this help
--version  prints the version of this script

INFO: Version of is:

Some examples (see documentation of each sub command in subsection for more details):

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# adds the remote tegonal-scripts with url
gt remote add -r tegonal-scripts -u

# lists all existing remotes
gt remote list

# removes the remote tegonal-scripts again
gt remote remove -r tegonal-scripts


Following the output of running gt remote add --help:

-r|--remote              name identifying this remote
-u|--url                 url of the remote repository
-d|--directory           (optional) directory into which files are pulled -- default: lib/<remote>
--unsecure               (optional) if set to true, the remote does not need to have GPG key(s) defined at .gt/*.asc -- default: false
-w|--working-directory   (optional) path which gt shall use as working directory -- default: .gt

--help     prints this help
--version  prints the version of this script

# adds the remote tegonal-scripts with url
# uses the default location lib/tegonal-scripts for the files which will be pulled from this remote
gt remote add -r tegonal-scripts -u

# uses a custom pull directory, files of the remote tegonal-scripts will now
# be placed into scripts/lib/tegonal-scripts instead of default location lib/tegonal-scripts
gt remote add -r tegonal-scripts -u -d scripts/lib/tegonal-scripts

# Does not complain if the remote does not provide a GPG key for verification (but still tries to fetch one)
gt remote add -r tegonal-scripts -u --unsecure true

# uses a custom working directory
gt remote add -r tegonal-scripts -u -w .github/.gt

INFO: Version of is:


Following the output of running gt remote remove --help:

-r|--remote              define the name of the remote which shall be removed
-w|--working-directory   (optional) path which gt shall use as working directory -- default: .gt
--delete-pulled-files    (optional) if set, then all files defined in the remote's pulled.tsv are deleted as well -- default: false

--help     prints this help
--version  prints the version of this script

# removes the remote tegonal-scripts
gt remote remove -r tegonal-scripts

# uses a custom working directory
gt remote remove -r tegonal-scripts -w .github/.gt

INFO: Version of is:


Following the output of running gt remote list --help:

-w|--working-directory   (optional) path which gt shall use as working directory -- default: .gt

--help     prints this help
--version  prints the version of this script

# lists all defined remotes in .gt
gt remote list

# uses a custom working directory
gt remote list -w .github/.gt

INFO: Version of is:


Use this command to pull files from a previously defined remote (see remote -> add).

Following the output of running gt pull --help:

-r|--remote                  name of the remote repository
-t|--tag                     git tag used to pull the file/directory
-p|--path                    path in remote repository which shall be pulled (file or directory)
-d|--directory               (optional) directory into which files are pulled -- default: pull directory of this remote (defined during "remote add" and stored in .gt/<remote>/pull.args)
--chop-path                  (optional) if set to true, then files are put into the pull directory without the path specified. For files this means they are put directly into the pull directory
-w|--working-directory       (optional) path which gt shall use as working directory -- default: .gt
--auto-trust                 (optional) if set to true, all public-keys stored in .gt/remotes/<remote>/public-keys/*.asc are imported if GPG verification fails and in such a case without the need of a manual consent -- default: false
--unsecure                   (optional) if set to true, the remote does not need to have GPG key(s) defined in gpg database or at .gt/<remote>/*.asc -- default: false
--unsecure-no-verification   (optional) if set to true, implies --unsecure true and does not verify even if gpg keys are in store or at .gt/<remote>/*.asc -- default: false

--help     prints this help
--version  prints the version of this script

# pull the file src/utility/ from remote tegonal-scripts
# in version v0.1.0 (i.e. tag v0.1.0 is used)
gt pull -r tegonal-scripts -t v0.1.0 -p src/utility/

# pull the directory src/utility/ from remote tegonal-scripts
# in version v0.1.0 (i.e. tag v0.1.0 is used)
gt pull -r tegonal-scripts -t v0.1.0 -p src/utility/

# pull the file .github/ and put it into the pull directory .github
# without repeating the path (option --chop-path), i.e is pulled directly into .github/
# and not into .github/.github/
gt pull -r tegonal-scripts -t v0.1.0 -d .github --chop-path true -p .github/

INFO: Version of is:

Full usage example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# pull the file src/utility/ from remote tegonal-scripts
# in version v0.1.0 (i.e. tag v0.1.0 is used)
gt pull -r tegonal-scripts -t v0.1.0 -p src/utility/

# pull the directory src/utility/ from remote tegonal-scripts
# in version v0.1.0 (i.e. tag v0.1.0 is used)
gt pull -r tegonal-scripts -t v0.1.0 -p src/utility/

pull hook

gt allows to hook into the pull process at two stages:

  • before the file is moved from the downloaded path to the desired location
  • after the file was moved to the desired location

If you want to use those hook, then you need create a in <WORKGIN_DIR>/remotes/<REMOTE>/ (for instance in .gt/remotes/tegonal-scripts/

This file should contain two functions named gt_pullHook_<REMOTE>_before and gt_pullHook_<REMOTE>_after. is the name of the remote where all - are replaced by _. So for the remote tegonal-scripts you should name the functions gt_pullHook_tegonal_scripts_before and gt_pullHook_tegonal_scripts_after

These two functions will be called for each file which is pulled where the following arguments are passed.

  1. tag specified via -t|--target
  2. path of the file before the move to its target destination
  3. target destination

For instance, a could look as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu -o pipefail

function gt_pullHook_tegonal_scripts_before(){
  # no op, nothing to do

function gt_pullHook_tegonal_scripts_after(){
  local -r tag=$1 source=$2 target=$3
  if [[ $source =~ .*.txt ]]; then
    # rename all *.txt to *.msg
    mv "$target" "${target%????}.msg"

For a real world example, take a look at the used in this repo.


Use this command to pull missing files form all or a specific remote. You can also use it to re-pull files even if they already exist locally.

Following the output of running gt re-pull --help:

-r|--remote              (optional) if set, only the remote with this name is reset, otherwise all are reset
-w|--working-directory   (optional) path which gt shall use as working directory -- default: .gt
--auto-trust             (optional) if set to true, all public-keys stored in .gt/remotes/<remote>/public-keys/*.asc are imported if GPG verification fails and in such a case without the need of a manual consent -- default: false
--only-missing           (optional) if set, then only files which do not exist locally are pulled, otherwise all are re-pulled -- default: true

--help     prints this help
--version  prints the version of this script

# re-pull all files of remote tegonal-scripts which are missing locally
gt re-pull -r tegonal-scripts

# re-pull all files of all remotes which are missing locally
gt re-pull

# re-pull all files (not only missing) of remote tegonal-scripts, imports gpg keys without manual consent if necessary
gt re-pull -r tegonal-scripts --only-missing false --auto-trust true

INFO: Version of is:

Full usage example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# for each remote in .gt
# - re-pull files defined in .gt/remotes/<remote>/pulled.tsv which are missing locally
gt re-pull

# re-pull files defined in .gt/remotes/tegonal-scripts/pulled.tsv which are missing locally
gt re-pull -r tegonal-scripts

# pull all files defined in .gt/remotes/tegonal-scripts/pulled.tsv regardless if they already exist locally or not
gt re-pull -r tegonal-scripts --only-missing false

# uses a custom working directory and re-pulls files of remote tegonal-scripts which are missing locally
gt re-pull -r tegonal-scripts -w .github/.gt


Use this command to reset one or all remotes. By resetting we mean, re-establish trust (check GPG key again) and re-fetch all files.

Following the output of running gt reset --help:

-r|--remote              (optional) if set, only the remote with this name is reset, otherwise all are reset
-w|--working-directory   (optional) path which gt shall use as working directory -- default: .gt
--gpg-only               (optional) if set to true, then only the gpg keys are reset but the files are not re-pulled -- default: false

--help     prints this help
--version  prints the version of this script

# reset the remote tegonal-scripts
gt reset -r tegonal-scripts

# resets all remotes
gt reset

# resets the gpg keys of all remotes without re-pulling the corresponding files
gt reset --gpg-only true

INFO: Version of is:

Full usage example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# resets all defined remotes, which means for each remote in .gt
# - re-initialise gpg trust based on public keys defined in .gt/remotes/<remote>/public-keys/*.asc
# - pull files defined in .gt/remotes/<remote>/pulled.tsv
gt reset

# resets the remote tegonal-scripts which means:
# - re-initialise gpg trust based on public keys defined in .gt/remotes/tegonal-scripts/public-keys/*.asc
# - pull files defined in .gt/remotes/tegonal-scripts/pulled.tsv
gt reset -r tegonal-scripts

# uses a custom working directory and resets the remote tegonal-scripts which means:
# - re-initialise gpg trust based on public keys defined in .github/.gt/remotes/tegonal-scripts/public-keys/*.asc
# - pull files defined in .github/.gt/remotes/tegonal-scripts/pulled.tsv
gt reset -r tegonal-scripts -w .github/.gt


Use this command to update already pulled files. Following the output of running gt update --help:

-r|--remote              (optional) if set, only the files of this remote are updated, otherwise all
-w|--working-directory   (optional) path which gt shall use as working directory -- default: .gt
--auto-trust             (optional) if set to true, all public-keys stored in .gt/remotes/<remote>/public-keys/*.asc are imported if GPG verification fails and in such a case without the need of a manual consent -- default: false
-t|--tag                 (optional) define from which tag files shall be pulled, only valid if remote via -r|--remote is specified

--help     prints this help
--version  prints the version of this script

# updates all pulled files of all remotes to latest tag
gt update

# updates all pulled files of remote tegonal-scripts to latest tag
gt update -r tegonal-scripts

# updates/downgrades all pulled files of remote tegonal-scripts to tag v1.0.0
gt update -r tegonal-scripts -t v1.0.0

INFO: Version of is:

Full usage example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# updates all pulled files of all remotes to latest tag
gt update

# updates all pulled files of remote tegonal-scripts to latest tag
gt update -r tegonal-scripts

# updates/downgrades all pulled files of remote tegonal-scripts to tag v1.0.0
gt update -r tegonal-scripts -t v1.0.0

GitHub Workflow

This repository contains a github workflow which runs every week to check if there are updates for:

  • the files which have been pulled as well as
  • the public keys of the remotes.

It requires you to define a variable named PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST which represents an armored export of all gpg public keys you trust signing the public keys of remotes, i.e. those are used to verify the public keys of the remotes you added via gt remote add.

You can define two optional secrets in addition which steer the PR creation which is done via the github action peter-evans/create-pull-request:

  • AUTO_PR_TOKEN is used as token
  • AUTO_PR_FORK_NAME is used as push-to-fork (we look first for a variable AUTO_PR_FORK_NAME and fallback to a secret afterwards)

You can re-use the workflow in your repository. We suggest you fetch it via gt πŸ˜‰

gt remote add -r gt -u
gt pull -r gt -p .github/workflows/gt-update.yml -d ./ 

Accordingly, you would add Tegonal's public key for github to PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST in order that this workflow can update the workflow itself.

Required modifications

You need to change one condition in the workflow which we added in order that this workflow does not run in forks:

if: github.repository_owner == 'tegonal'

Which means you should rewrite that part it in the of the gt remote, i.e. in .gt/remotes/gt/ It could look as follows:

set -eu -o pipefail

function gt_pullHook_gt_before(){
  local -r _tag=$1 source=$2 _target=$3
  if [[ $source =~ .*/.github/workflows/gt-update.yml ]]; then
    perl -0777 -i -pe "s/(if: github.repository_owner == )'tegonal'/\${1}'YOUR_SLUG'/" "$source"

function gt_pullHook_gt_after(){
  # no op, nothing to do

Just make sure you replace YOUR_SLUG with your actual slug.

Gitlab Job

The setup requires three steps:

  1. pull files and include in your .gitlab-ci.yml
  2. configure Variables and Deploy Keys
  3. Set up a Scheduled Pipeline

setup .gitlab-ci.yml

This repository contains a .gitlab-ci.yml which defines two job templates:

  1. gt-update which checks if there are updates for:

    • the files which have been pulled
    • the public keys of the remotes

    and creates a Merge Request if there are some.

  2. gt-update-stop-pipeline which cancels itself and thus stops the pipeline

You can re-use it in your repository. We suggest you fetch it via gt πŸ˜‰

gt remote add -r gt -u
gt pull -r gt -p src/gitlab/

In your .gitlab-ci.yml you need to add gt to your stages and it should be the first stage:

- gt

At some point you add in addition

include: 'lib/gt/src/gitlab/.gitlab-ci.yml'

That's it, this defines the two jobs. Yet, you need some extra configuration to be ready to use it...

I need some modifications to the standard job

If you need to run additional before_script or the like, then you can re-define the job e.g. as follows (after the include above):

  extends: .gt-update
  # your modifications here, e.g. for an additional step in before_script
	- !reference [.gt-update, before_script]
    - cd subdirectory

Additional configuration

The gt-update job (the to be precise) requires you to define a variable named PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST which represents an armored export of all gpg public keys you trust signing the public keys of remotes, i.e. those are used to verify the public keys of the remotes you added via gt remote add.

For instance, if you fetched the gitlab job via gt as suggested, then you would add Tegonal's public key for github to PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST in order that this job can update itself.

Moreover, the requires an access token which is stored in variable GT_UPDATE_API_TOKEN. It is used to create the merge request.

The gitlab job uses the image gitlab-git which requires you to define the variable GITBOT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY and a deploy key for it. See Basic Setup for more information

Scheduled job

Now, all that is left is to create a scheduled pipeline (CI/CD -> Schedules) where you need to define Variable DO_GT_UPDATE with value true. Up to you how often you want to let it run (we run it weekly).


You can update gt by using gt (which in turn uses its Following the output of running gt self-update --help:

--force   if set to true, then will be called even if gt is already on latest tag -- default false

--help     prints this help
--version  prints the version of this script

# updates gt to the latest tag
gt self-update

# updates gt to the latest tag and downloads the sources even if already on the latest
gt self-update --force

INFO: Version of is:


1. How is gt different from git submodules?

Short version:

  • git (v2.73.3) submodules only support to checkout a certain branch but not a certain tag.
  • gt only supports to pull files from a certain tag but not from a random branch or sha

Longer version:

  • gt also integrates file integrity checks based on GPG
  • allows to fetch only parts of a repository (maybe possible for submodules via sparse checkout)
  • allows to place it at different places
  • is not intended to push changes back

Does gt run on all linux distros?

Most likely not, it was tested only on Ubuntu 22.04.
For instance, on alpine you need to apk add bash git gnupg perl coreutils to make gt update work (could be that executing other gt commands require more dependencies).

Contributors and contribute

Our thanks go to code contributors as well as all other contributors (e.g. bug reporters, feature request creators etc.)

You are more than welcome to contribute as well:

Please have a look at for further suggestions and guidelines.


gt is licensed under European Union Public Licence v. 1.2.

gt is using: