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Node App Framework

Forked from our internal style guide, this is a stripped down framework for hacking at HTTP API's with Node.js


Content templates are located under /public/views/, and is powered by GitHub Flavored Markdown and Swig Templating.


  1. Home Brew (Mac): ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" then brew doctor
  2. Node.js: brew install node or by downloading an installing from
  3. Bower for client-side package management: npm install -g bower

Installation (Mac)

  1. Open up the command line and change to a directory where you want to install the app: cd ~/Sites
  2. Clone the repo to your machine: git clone [email protected]:technologyreview/node-app.git; cd node-app
  3. Install node packages: npm install
  4. Run the gulp command to build the project. This will install package dependencies using bower, and then start the local server
  5. Open the browser to http:https://localhost:9999


More info on the tools and systems used.

  • Gulp is used to automate build and compile processes
  • Node.js is used for generating a micro HTTP server that serves routes and server-side JavaScript
  • Express is a Node web app framework used for MVC routing
  • Nodemon will monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server
  • LiveReload is loaded by Gulp, and is used to for injecting CSS updates into the browser when a /public/less/*.less file is saved
  • Backbone.js
  • Require.js for AMD
  • Swig templating
  • GitHub Flavored Markdown is automatically compiled when used in templates