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1. 语言基础(Language Basics)

1.1 变量(Variables)

  1. 原始数据类型和默认值(Primitive Data Types)

    数据类型 位数(bit) 大小 默认值
    byte 8 -128~127(inclusive) 0
    short 16 -32,768~32,767 (inclusive) 0
    int 32 -2^31~2^31-1 0
    long 64 -2^63~2^63-1 0L
    float 32 0.0f
    double 64 0.0d
    boolean false
    char 16 0~65,535(inclusive) '\u0000'
  2. 整型(Integer Literals)

    An integer literal is of type long if it ends with the letter L or l; otherwise it is of type int. It is recommended that you use the upper case letter L because the lower case letter l is hard to distinguish from the digit 1.

    • 如果结尾是L或者是l,则是long类型,否则是int

    • 推荐使用大写字母L,因为和1很难区分开来。

  3. (浮点类型)Floating-Point Literals

    A floating-point literal is of type float if it ends with the letter F or f; otherwise its type is double and it can optionally end with the letter D or d.

    • 如果结尾是F或者f,则是浮点类型,否则是double类型
  4. (字符和字符串)Character and String Literals

    Literals of types char and String may contain any Unicode (UTF-16) characters. If your editor and file system allow it, you can use such characters directly in your code. If not, you can use a "Unicode escape" such as '\u0108' (capital C with circumflex), or "S\u00ED Se\u00F1or" (Sí Señor in Spanish). Always use 'single quotes' for char literals and "double quotes" for String literals. Unicode escape sequences may be used elsewhere in a program (such as in field names, for example), not just in char or String literals.

    The Java programming language also supports a few special escape sequences for char and String literals: \b (backspace), \t (tab), \n (line feed), \f (form feed), \r (carriage return), \" (double quote), \' (single quote), and \\ (backslash).

    There's also a special null literal that can be used as a value for any reference type. null may be assigned to any variable, except variables of primitive types. There's little you can do with a null value beyond testing for its presence. Therefore, null is often used in programs as a marker to indicate that some object is unavailable.

    Finally, there's also a special kind of literal called a class literal, formed by taking a type name and appending ".class"; for example, String.class. This refers to the object (of type Class) that represents the type itself.

    • 单引号用char,双引号用String
    • 字符转义,转义序列:\ b(退格),\ t(制表符),\ n(换行),\ f(换页),\ r(回车), \“(双引号),'(单引号)和\(反斜杠)。

1.2 运算符(Operators)

1.3 表达式、语句、块(Expressions, Statements, and Blocks)

1.4 流程控制语句(Control Flow Statements)


  • 为什么最大值是2位次方-1,而不是直接是2的次方,比如byte最大值是2的8次方-1










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