This is a template for building VHDL for the excellent NAND LAND Go Board
If your system has packages for GHDL, ghdlsynth-beta, yosys, nextpnr and nextprog, you can use them, but by default, this uses the Docker projects for these pacckages, so all you need is docker.
Note: Because Docker on Mac does not allow access to the /dev tree, you need to install nextprog natively. You can use this script to get it installed pretty easily. Run the following command for a one click install.
curl -fsSL | bash
There are examples in the examples directory straight from NAND LAND. If you want to start with your own project, just run ./make_proj <proj_name>
. This will create a directory and Makefile for your project. It will even create boilerplate VHDL for you!
make prog