This is visualization tools for calculating 1-center tree. The implementation is described in "A Structural Average of Labeled Merge Trees for Uncertainty Visualization".
Tested with both Python 2.7, MacOS 10.10 and Ubuntu 16.04.
You can:
- draw trees as ensemble members in "Drawing Panel".
- select, reconfigure and delete trees in "Ensemble Panel".
- set related parameters and view the relation between 1-center and ensemble members in "Control Panel".
- view an animated sequence between an input tree and the 1-center via geodesic or linear strategy in "Animation".
- view vertex and edge consistency for each ensemble member, variational and statistical consistency for 1-center tree in "Consistency Visualization".
$ virtualenv AMT-demo-env
$ source AMT-demo-env/bin/activate
(AMT-demo-env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(AMT-demo-env) $ python
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger pin code: 174-511-253
- The documents and comments are still in progress.
- Application to scalar field ensembles(refer to section 7 of above paper) will be uploaded in the following weeks.