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What is this?

fg-efb-server is an implementation of the FlightGear E-Jet EFB Companion protocol.

It runs a local HTTP server on port 7675, exposing PDF files in a local directory tree as PNG files.

For details, see:

Build Requirements

  • A working Haskell build toolchain, including GHC 8.10 or newer. Tested with Cabal 3.2; newer versions should be fine, too. Stack and Nix builds not currently supported, though it shouldn't be hard to make it work.


From Source

  • cabal v2-install

x86 Linux

The release tarball contains a self-contained ready-to-run executable; move it anywhere on your $PATH, and it should Just Work (but see "Runtime Dependencies" below).

Runtime Dependencies

  • ImageMagick - ideally, install version 7.0 or newer from here; version 6.0 (which some Linux distros still ship) will likely work too, but may require some additional hoop-jumping (see below).
  • GhostScript (ImageMagick uses this to convert PDF to PNG)
  • pdfinfo (options) - if installed, this will be used to get PDF metadata. If absent, no metadata will be served. The PDFINFO_BINARY environment variable can be used to explicitly select a pdfinfo binary other than what's on the $PATH.


Start the program with:


This will start a web server; keep it running, and launch a suitable version of the FlightGear E-Jet (one that has the EFB on board).

Persisting Cached Files Across Runs

By default, fg-efb-server will create a temporary directory to cache downloaded files, and deletes it when shutting down. If you want to retain downloaded files, set the environment variable PDFCACHE to a directory of your choice (which must exist when fg-efb-server starts up). Example:

PDFCACHE=./cache fg-efb-server

Note that this will only cache PDF files and rendered JPG files; listings are cached in-memory, and there is not currently a way of persisting them across runs.

Using legacy (6.x) ImageMagick

Before version 7.0, ImageMagick would ship as individual binaries by command, and the conversion command we use is called convert, rather than magick as with version 7.0 and up. If you want to use convert, you need to set the environment variable MAGICK_BINARY, e.g.:

MAGICK_BINARY=convert fg-efb-server

Data Sources Configuration

Data sources can be configured by creating a file named providers.yaml. On UNIX-like systems, this file will be searched in:

  • ~/.config/fg-efb-server
  • ~/.fg-efb-server
  • ./ (the current working directory from where the server was launched).

An example configuration file is provided as providers.yaml.dist, along with a directory provider-scripts, which contains Lua scripts that some providers reference.

It should contain a dictionary of (arbitrary) keys to provider specs. See the enclosed providers.yaml.dist example file. If no providers.yaml file was found, a default configuration will be used, which exposes all directories and PDF files in the current directory.

Some providers will interpolate variables into some of their configuration values; these variables can be defined in defs.yaml, in the same directory as the providers.yaml file.

If you are unsure where to put these files, watch the console output from fg-efb-server: if the files cannot be found, it will print a list of locations searched.

Provider Spec Keys (all providers)

  • label: string - The label to be shown on the folder in-sim.
  • type: string - The provider type. Must be one of "file" (scan a directory tree on a local disk), "html" (scrape from an HTML website on the internet), "navaid" (load from a JSON HTTP API in the format used by the Danish NavAID)

file Spec Keys

  • path: string - An absolute file path pointing to the root directory you want to expose.

html Spec Keys

This one is probably the most complex one, as it needs to scrape HTML written for consumption by humans rather than machines. This also means that getting the configuration right for such a data source can be challenging.

  • url: string - The URL root for the data source (protocol and hostname, e.g. This should not feature a trailing slash.

  • start: string - The relative path to the start page, from the URL root (e.g. /eAIS/start). This is the first page that the flightbag will scrape when you open the data source.

    Any redirects will be followed, so for a typical eAIS website, it is a good idea to point to some page that links to the current version of the eAIS, rather than the eAIS itself (which usually has the release date encoded in its URL somehow).

  • folders: [link-spec] - Specifies how to extract links to sub-folders from an HTML document

  • documents: [link-spec] - Specifies how to extract links to PDF charts from an HTML document

Note that the folders and documents keys may contain several specs; they will be executed in order. A link spec may contain the following keys:

  • select: string - A CSS selector pointing to DOM nodes to find. Example:
    • div#chart-list a.chart: "look for <a> elements with class chart, inside a <div> whose id is chart-list.
  • href: null|string|object - What to extract as the link URL ("href") from any elements found. This can be one of the following:
    • null or the empty string "": get the text content of the element
    • A CSS selector string: get the text content of a child element
    • A string consisting of the "@" character, followed by an attribute name: get the value of that attribute from the element
    • An object containing two keys:
      • child: string - A CSS selector pointing to the child element to extract from; if absent, look at the element itself.
      • attrib: string - An attribute name (without "@") to extract from; if absent, use the text content. If the entire href key is absent, it defaults to "@href" (get the href= attribute from the element itself).
  • label: null|string|object - What to extract as the link label. The format is the same as for href; however, it defaults to the text content, rather than the href= attribute.
  • format: Format - Transformations to apply to the link label, to make it prettier / more readable. Format can be any of the following:
    • "basename": take the "basename", that is, remove everything up to the last path separator (slash), and strip the extension (e.g. ".pdf"), if any. Ex.: "http:" -> "chart-123".
    • "split-humps": parse as "camel case" or "Pascal case" (words without spaces, using uppercase to signal word boundaries), and put spaces between words. Ex.: "ThisIsASentence" -> "This Is A Sentence".
    • {split: "separator"}: Split on each occurrence of the "separator", and reassemble as words. Ex.: "this-is-a-sentence" --({split: "-"})-> "this is a sentence".
    • {replace: ["needle", "haystack"]}: Replace each occurrence of the "needle" with "haystack". Ex.: "this-is-a-sentence" --({replace: ["-", "."]})-> "".
    • [Format, Format, ...]: A list of Formats is processed in order, feeding the output from each formatting into the next formatting.

Note that the href, label, and format keys only apply to elements selected through the select filter within the same link spec. This allows you to apply different extraction and formatting patterns to different types of links. For example, when extracting <img> tags, you will want to use the src attribute to get the URL, and the title attribute for a label; but when extracting <a> tags, you would want to use the href attribute for URLs, and the text content for labels.

lua Spec Keys

The lua provider only needs a single key:

  • script - A file path to a Lua script that defines the provider's behavior. File paths are interpreted relative to the directory where providers.yaml resides.

Lua Scripting

Lua provider scripts must meet the following criteria:

  • The script must contain a function named getPDF(), which takes a single argument, path. This function should return a local path to a PDF file corresponding to the given path. What exactly path looks like is up to the script, but it should be a valid URL query path. The returned local path should normally come from a call to (see below), but you can of course also serve local PDF files directly.
  • The script must contain a function named listFiles(), which takes a single argument, path, and returns a list of file descriptions. The empty string will be passed as the entry point for the provider.
  • File descriptions returned by listFiles() are tables with the following keys:
    • type: must be either "pdf" (which will lead to getPDF()) or "dir" (which will lead to listFiles()).
    • name: a human-readable display name
    • path: the path that will be passed to getPDF() or listFiles() on subsequent calls.

The Lua host preloads all the default libraries, and provides some additional built-in libraries:

  • http: HTTP requests.
    •, extension): performs a cached HTTP GET request to the given url; the downloaded file is stored with the given extension, and the full path to that file is returned.
    • http.get(url): performs a cached HTTP GET request to the given url, and returns the request body and the final url (after redirects).
  • url: URL functionality.
    • url.parse(str): parse the given string as a URL object. (You can simply convert a URL object back to a string to render it).
    • url.join(left, right): parse the left and right strings as URL objects, join them, and return the result as a string. See below (URL objects, __concat()) for the rules by which URLs are joined. url.join(a, b) is shorthand for tostring(url.parse(a) .. url.parse(b)).
    • encode(str): URL-encode the given string.
    • URL objects
      • __concat(): the concatenation operator for URLs will join them the same way a web browser would:
        • if the RHS is a full URL, it will simply replace the LHS
        • if it is a protocol-relative URL (starting with //), it will retain the LHS's protocol (http: or https:), but replace everything else
        • if it is a host-relative URL (starting with /), it will replace the entire path and query parts of the LHS, but retain the hostname and protocol
        • if it is a relative URL (starting with a query path, but no leading /), it will append the RHS's path and query to the LHS's path "directory" (retaining all but the last of the path parts)
        • if it is a query (starting with ?), it will replace the LHS's query, but retain the protocol, host, and path
        • if it is an anchor (starting with #), it will replace the LHS's anchor part, but retain the rest
      • .protocol: "http" or "https"
      • .host: hostname (e.g. "")
      • .path: the URL path, as a list of parts (e.g. foo/bar/baz becomes {"foo", "bar", "baz"}).
      • .query: the query, as a key-value table
      • .anchor: string, everything after #.
  • xml: XML DOM functionality.
    • xml.mkName(local): make an XML Name object representing an unqualified local name (e.g. <foobar/>)
    • xml.mkNameNS(local, namespaceURI): make an XML Name object representing a local name with a namespace URI (e.g. <foobar xmlns="baz"/>)
    • xml.mkQName(prefix, local): make an XML Name object representing a name with a namespace prefix, in an unspecified namespace (e.g. <foo:foobar />).
    • xml.mkQNameNS(prefix, local, namespace): make an XML Name object representing a name with a namespace prefix and a namespace URI (e.g. <foo:foobar xmlns:foo="baz"/>).
    • xml.toname(str): parse a string as an XML Name object. Clarke notation is supported (e.g. xml.toname("{baz}foobar") amounts to foobar xmlns="baz").
    • xml.parseHTML(src): parses the given src string into an XML DOM object.
    • XML Name
      • .local - local name
      • .namespace - full namespace URI
      • .prefix - namespace alias prefix
    • XML Element
      • .type - always "element" for XML elements
      • .name - element name
      • .attributes - XML Attributes object
      • .children - list of child nodes
      • .textContent - text content, as per XML DOM spec
      • :attr(name) - shorthand for .attributes[name]
      • :query(selector) - run an extended CSS selector query, return list of result cursors.
    • XML Node
      • .type - one of "element", "comment", "content", "instruction"
      • .name - node name (element name for elements, nil for others)
      • .attributes - XML Attributes object (elements only; nil for others)
      • .children - list of child nodes (empty list for non-element nodes)
      • .textContent - text content
      • :attr(name) - shorthand for .attributes[name] (returns nil for non-element nodes)
      • :query(selector) - run an extended CSS selector query, return list of result cursors.
    • XML Attribs (attribute list)
      • .size: number of attributes in the list.
      • []: look up or set attribute by name. Accepts strings or XML Name objects for the keys.
    • XML Document
      • .rootElement: the document's root element
      • :query(selector): run an extended CSS selector query, return list of result cursors.
    • XML Cursor (query result)
      • .node: the XML Node object that the cursor points to.
      • :query(selector): run an extended CSS selector query, return list of result cursors. The reason we distinguish nodes from cursors is that cursors retain information about their siblings and ancestors, and to achieve this, they are implemented as an infinitely large lazy data structure behind the scenes, which makes it impossible to convert them to strict Lua data as-is. The .node field removes this extra information, making the data structure finite, but any further :query() calls on the node will not take the node's ancestory into consideration, but rather treat it as the root element of a self-contained DOM. This can occasionally be an advantage, though, because many queries will only need to consider a subset of a larger DOM tree, and by cutting that subtree off, we can make the query more efficient.


Because downloading PDF files over HTTP costs a lot of bandwidth, and may make you unpopular with chart providers, fg-efb-server will cache those files.

The default location of the cache is a subdirectory in the system temp directory, using a random name starting with fg-efb-cache; this directory, including all the cached files in it, will be deleted when the program terminates.

You can override this by passing the environment variable $PDFCACHE; this variable must point to an existing directory, and it will not be cleared out or deleted when the process exits, allowing you to retain cached files between runs.

Bugs & Caveats

  • The lua provider runs a full-blown Lua interpreter, and it is not sandboxed, meaning that any Lua scripts you have in your configuration can run arbitrary Lua code in the context of your server process. You should only run fg-efb-server against a configuration you trust.
  • While we pass a memory limit to the magick process, this does not seem to work reliably, and it is possible for exceptionally large PDF files to make magick consume all your RAM and cause your system to come to a swapping grinding halt. If you are concerned about this, consider running fg-efb-server with strict ulimit constraints (at least on Linux, this should work).
  • fg-efb-server does not detect the number of pages in a PDF, so it is not possible for the EFB to show a correct pager or prevent flipping past the last page.