Tamás Ferenci
A spline regresszióhoz segédanyagként elérhető a magyar nyelvű jegyzetem a témában.
The preprint is available at https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.02.18.22271179v1.
As already hinted in the original publication of Farrington in 1993 (C P Farrington. Estimation of vaccine effectiveness using the screening method. Int J Epidemiol. 1993 Aug;22(4):742-6. doi: 10.1093/ije/22.4.742, https://academic.oup.com/ije/article-abstract/22/4/742/664122), vaccine effectiveness (VE) estimation with the screening method can be cast in the framework of logistic regression.
This comes as no surprise as VE (more precisely 1-VE) itself is an odds ratio, since VE = 1 - ARV/ARU, where AR stands for attack rate (number of infected divided by the size of the population); V subscript indicates vaccinated, U denotes unvaccinated subjects. By rearranging the terms, we arrive to the following expression:
where I and N denote the number of infected and total number of the class indicated by the subscript, respectively, with PCV being the proportion of cases vaccinated and PPV is the proportion of the population vaccinated. Hence it can be directly seen that it corresponds to a logistic regression where the number of vaccinated and unvaccinated cases is the outcome, with a vaccination status indicator being the only covariate. Logit of PPV should be entered as an offset (this assumes that the PPV’s value is fixed and not a random variable).
This approach offers two advantages (as already pointed out by Farrington in 1993). The first is that we simply obtain confidence interval, the second is that further covariates can be added easily to the regression, which represents a way to break down the analysis to smaller strata, which allows some control of confounding (which is otherwise the major problem of the screening method).
We make use of both of these advantages. The second is particularly relevant here: we include calendar week, vaccine brand and age group as covariates. Interaction was allowed between all three covariates, which essentially means that separate time trends are allowed for every vaccine brand and age group combination. While the failure to account for comorbidities is one of the major limitations, the inclusion of age somewhat alleviates this, as age is correlated with many chronic diseases.
The inclusion of calendar week is of crucial importance, as it implements the real-time monitoring. Here, we make a slight improvement to the original screening method: we expand the calendar week with splines, which essentially allows the evolution of VE over time to take almost any – smooth – functional form, following the data. Splines are rather flexible, but still use a limited number of degrees of freedom, thus representing a compromise between parametric and fully non-parametric models. This is, to our best knowledge, a novel solution in this application.
Using splines in a logistic regression model essentially means that we apply Generalized Additive Models (GAM).
Here we present the code that implements the above approach and a simulation validation of it.
We will use R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01) with packages mgcv
1.8.38), data.table
(version 1.14.2), ggplot2
(version 3.3.5).
Seed was set to 1 in this document.
The above approach is realized by the following function (the format of the necessary input data will be made clear by the following section):
VEestim <- function(RawData, PPVData) {
res <- merge(PPVData[TargetGroup!="ALL", .(UnVaccPPV = Denominator-sum(CumDose1),
CumDose, Vaccine), .(TargetGroup, Year,
Week = Week + 2)],
merge(merge(CJ(Year = unique(RawData$Year), Week = unique(RawData$Week),
Vaccine = unique(RawData$Vaccine),
TargetGroup = unique(RawData$TargetGroup)),
RawData[, .(Vacc = sum(After)), .(Year, Week, Vaccine, TargetGroup)],
all.x = TRUE),
RawData[, .(UnVacc = sum(!AfterFirst)), .(Year, Week, TargetGroup)],
by = c("Year", "Week", "TargetGroup"))[,.(Vacc = sum(Vacc, na.rm = TRUE),
UnVacc = sum(UnVacc)),
.(Year, Week, Vaccine, TargetGroup)])
res$PPV <- res$CumDose/(res$CumDose+res$UnVaccPPV)
res$PCV <- res$Vacc/(res$Vacc+res$UnVacc)
res$VE <- 1-(res$PCV/(1-res$PCV))*((1-res$PPV)/res$PPV)
res <- res[PPV>0]
fit <- mgcv::gam(cbind(Vacc, UnVacc) ~ s(Week, by = interaction(Vaccine, TargetGroup)) +
Vaccine * TargetGroup, offset = qlogis(PPV), data = res,
family = quasibinomial(), method = "REML", control = mgcv::gam.control(
nthreads = parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE)-1))
preds <- predict(fit, type = "link", se.fit = TRUE)
res$VEsmoothed <- 1-exp(preds$fit)
res$VEsmoothedUpr <- 1-exp(preds$fit-1.96*preds$se.fit)
res$VEsmoothedLwr <- 1-exp(preds$fit+1.96*preds$se.fit)
Thin plate regression splines are used, and estimation is done with restricted maximum likelihood. The response distribution is quasi-binomial to allow for potential overdispersion, which might be an issue on real-life dataset (the case for allowing extra-Poisson variability is already made by Farrington in 1993).
We first simulate an epidemic (which will be artificial, but bears resemblence to the usual epidemic curves with two ‘’waves’’). In more detail, we take a baseline risk curve, and use multipliers to create the epidemic curves for each age group. (I.e., there is no interaction, the shape will be the same in each age group.)
RawData <- CJ(Week = 1:52,
TargetGroup = c("Age<18", "Age18_24", "Age25_49", "Age50_59", "Age60_69",
"Age70_79", "Age80+"),
Vaccine = c("COM", "MOD", "SPU", "AZ", "BECNBG", "JANSS"))
RawData <- merge(RawData, data.table(TargetGroup = c("Age<18", "Age18_24", "Age25_49", "Age50_59",
"Age60_69", "Age70_79", "Age80+"),
Multiplier = c(0.45, 1, 1.1, 0.8, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6)),
by = "TargetGroup")
RawData <- merge(RawData, data.table(TargetGroup = c("Age<18", "Age18_24", "Age25_49", "Age50_59",
"Age60_69", "Age70_79", "Age80+"),
Denominator = c(589350, 741094, 3490565, 1235206, 1295058,
859765, 438790)),
by = "TargetGroup")
RawData$UnvaccRisk <- (dnorm(RawData$Week, 12, 3)*0.05 +
dnorm(RawData$Week, 47, 3)*0.06 + 0.0001) * RawData$Multiplier
ggplot(RawData, aes(x = Week, y = UnvaccRisk, group = TargetGroup, color = TargetGroup)) +
Next, we create VEs: each vaccine and each age group will have a pattern over time (functional form). I.e., we use vaccines and age groups to experiment with different ground truth values for VE. We will use ‘’age group’’ to encode overall functional form (e.g., linear) and ‘’vaccine’’ to encode smaller variations within (such as different slopes of the linear).
We try different functional forms to ensure robust validation: constant, linear change, sinusoidal change, abrupt jump.
RawData$VID <- as.numeric(as.factor(RawData$Vaccine))
RawData$TID <- as.numeric(as.factor(RawData$TargetGroup))
RawData[, VE := switch(TID,
VID/10*Week/52 + 0.3,
VID/10 - 0.3,
ifelse(Week<26, 0, VID/10)), .(TID)]
We download and reshape the vaccine uptake data (in contrast to the previous, artifical data, these will be the actual values from the ECDC):
if(!file.exists("PPVData2021.rds")) {
PPVData <- fread("https://opendata.ecdc.europa.eu/covid19/vaccine_tracker/csv/data.csv")
PPVData <- PPVData[Region=="HU"&TargetGroup%in%c("ALL", "Age<18", "Age18_24", "Age25_49",
"Age50_59", "Age60_69", "Age70_79", "Age80+")]
PPVData$Year <- as.numeric(substring(PPVData$YearWeekISO, 1, 4))
PPVData$Week <- as.numeric(substring(PPVData$YearWeekISO, 7, 8))
PPVData[TargetGroup=="Age<18"]$Denominator <- 589350
PPVData[TargetGroup=="ALL"]$Denominator <- 8649828
PPVData <- PPVData[Year==2021]
PPVData[, FirstDose := ifelse(TargetGroup!="ALL", FirstDose, sum(FirstDose[TargetGroup!="ALL"])),
.(Vaccine, YearWeekISO)]
PPVData[, SecondDose := ifelse(TargetGroup!="ALL", SecondDose,
sum(SecondDose[TargetGroup!="ALL"])), .(Vaccine, YearWeekISO)]
PPVData[, ThirdDose := ifelse(TargetGroup!="ALL", DoseAdditional1,
sum(DoseAdditional1[TargetGroup!="ALL"])), .(Vaccine, YearWeekISO)]
PPVData[, CumDose1 := cumsum(FirstDose), .(Vaccine, TargetGroup)]
PPVData[, CumDose2 := cumsum(SecondDose), .(Vaccine, TargetGroup)]
PPVData[, CumDose3 := cumsum(ThirdDose), .(Vaccine, TargetGroup)]
PPVData$CumDose <- ifelse(PPVData$Vaccine=="JANSS", PPVData$CumDose1, PPVData$CumDose2)
saveRDS(PPVData, "PPVData2021.rds")
} else PPVData <- readRDS("PPVData2021.rds")
Finally, we simulate the number of people in the different categories (unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, fully vaccinated) based on the ground truth VE, and then convert the database to a case-based one (noting that the vaccine’s effect’s onset is assumed to take two weeks):
GenSimData <- function(RawData, PPVData) {
temp <- merge(RawData, PPVData[Year==2021&TargetGroup!="ALL",
.(Week, TargetGroup, Vaccine, CumDose)],
by = c("Week", "TargetGroup", "Vaccine"))
temp$InfVacc <- rbinom(nrow(temp), temp$CumDose, temp$UnvaccRisk*(1-temp$VE))
temp <- merge(temp, PPVData[Year==2021&TargetGroup!="ALL"&Vaccine!="JANSS",
.(Week, TargetGroup, Vaccine, CumDose1)],
by = c("Week", "TargetGroup", "Vaccine"), all = TRUE)
temp$InfPartvacc <- rbinom(nrow(temp), temp$CumDose-temp$CumDose1,
temp[is.na(CumDose1)]$CumDose1 <- temp[is.na(CumDose1)]$CumDose
temp[is.na(InfPartvacc)]$InfPartvacc <- 0
temp2 <- rbind(
temp[, .(rbinom(1, Denominator[1]-sum(CumDose1), UnvaccRisk[1])), .(Week, TargetGroup)][
rep(seq_len(.N), V1), .(Week, TargetGroup, Vaccine = "", After = FALSE,
AfterFirst = FALSE)],
temp[rep(seq_len(.N), InfPartvacc), .(Week, TargetGroup, Vaccine, After = FALSE,
AfterFirst = TRUE)],
temp[rep(seq_len(.N), InfVacc), .(Week, TargetGroup, Vaccine, After = TRUE,
AfterFirst = TRUE)])
temp2$Year <- 2021
temp2$Week <- temp2$Week + 2
This concludes the creation of the synthetic data set.
We estimate VE on the simulated data set (i.e., for which we know the ground truth):
res <- GenSimData(RawData, PPVData)
res <- VEestim(res, PPVData)
res <- merge(res, RawData[, .(Week, TargetGroup, Vaccine, VEtrue = VE)],
by = c("Week", "TargetGroup", "Vaccine"))
We create a plot to check, only visually for the time being, how well the estimated VEs match the ground truth (dotted line shpws the estimated, unsmoothed value, solid line indicates the estimated smoothed value, dashed is the ground truth):
pargrid <- unique(res[, .(TargetGroup, Vaccine)])[order(TargetGroup)]
for(i in 1:nrow(pargrid))
aes(x = Week, ymin = VEsmoothedLwr, ymax = VEsmoothedUpr)) +
geom_line(aes(y = VEsmoothed)) + geom_line(aes(y = VEtrue), linetype = "dashed") +
geom_line(aes(y = VE), linetype = "dotted") +
geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.2, aes(linetype = NA)) + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-0.5, 1)) +
labs(y = "Vaccine effectiveness [%]"))
The method seems to correctly pick up every case, except the abrupt change (unsurprisingly, as splines are meant to model smooth functions). We also see some lag in picking up the sinusoidal signals, especially at lower sample sizes.
Overall, the smoothing works well, but depends on the sample size (lower between simulated waves).
The above simulation however fails to investigate the impact of random fluctuations, i.e., unbiasedness. (In terms of case numbers – vaccine coverage is assumed to be fixed.) This can be resolved by re-running the simulations several times (thin lines indicate individual values, bold line is their pointwise median; unsmoothed estimates are no longer shown):
res <- rbindlist(lapply(1:10, function(i)
merge(VEestim(GenSimData(RawData, PPVData), PPVData),
RawData[, .(Week, TargetGroup, Vaccine, VEtrue = VE)],
by = c("Week", "TargetGroup", "Vaccine"))), idcol = TRUE)
for(i in 1:nrow(pargrid))
aes(x = Week, ymin = VEsmoothedLwr, ymax = VEsmoothedUpr)) +
geom_line(aes(y = VEsmoothed, group = .id), alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(y = VEtrue), linetype = "dashed") + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-0.5, 1)) +
labs(y = "Vaccine effectiveness [%]"))
The overall picture is the same.
- Investigating the impact of the wrong specification for the lead time in PPV calculation.
- Changing vaccination uptake (i.e., ECDC data) as well.
- Verifying that the coverage of the confidence intervals is indeed 95%.
- Experimenting with other age structures (e. g., interaction between age and the epidemic curve).
- Validating the GAM (e.g., k value, or different basis function; or
) - Trying adaptive basis (i.e.,
bs = "ad"
); seems to have huge computational burden.