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It's pretty straight forward to setup Tailwind CSS and give it a test spin using the CDN version. However, as mentioned on the Tailwind site, you need to setup Tailwind using npm in order to start customising Tailwind.

*Note: This starter template is for Tailwind CSS version 1 beta 3 (which is pretty much the final version)

If you want the starter template for version 0.7.4, then please download it from here*

Setup Guide

"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Tailwind Starter Template",
"license" : "MIT",
"repository": {
    "type" : "git",
    "url" : ""

Refer to for guidance

  • Open your node command prompt/terminal and navigate to your 'project-name' folder and create the node_modules directory

    npm install or npm update

  • Refresh the Tailwind.js file

    npm run del:js && npm run create:js

  • Re-create the initial css file

    npm run dev:css

  • Start building your website using the starter template in the dist folder.


  • Customise the tailwind.config.js and tailwind.config.css to create the tailwind.css for your project
  • Use purgecss/cssnano to remove unused CSS and minify the final CSS file

Refer to the full setup guide for detailed instructions

Bugs and Issues

Have a bug, suggestion or question? Open a new issue here on GitHub.


Tailwind Toolbox was created by and is maintained by Amrit Nagi, Co-owner of Astrava.Solutions.

Tailwind Toolbox is based on the Tailwind CSS framework created by Adam Wathan, Jonathan Reinink, David Hemphill and Steve Schoger